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Employ the Use of Alternatives to Incarceration Programs for Nonviolent Drug Offenders

Alternatives to incarceration programs encompass a broad range of diversion options and sanctions for individuals with substance use and misuse and co-occurring disorders in lieu of jail and prison. These programs encourage offender accountability and, in the context of substance use disorders, address the underlying substance use and misuse and/or co-occurring mental disorders that result in criminal behavior, instead of relying on prosecution and incarceration. Alternatives to incarceration programs are typically operated by a pre-trial supervision agency, a probation agency, a prosecutor’s office, or a court.

COSSUP supports activities that:

  • Implement or enhance access to community-based substance use and misuse services, including medication-assisted treatment, for individuals participating in alternatives to incarceration programs.
  • Implement or enhance case management services for individuals in alternative sentencing programs, including assessment of treatment and social service needs, treatment planning, treatment and social service coordination and monitoring, and promotion of compliance with program requirements.

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Grantee Projects

Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians

North Carolina

The Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians’ Integrated Opioid Abuse Program will develop a task force composed of tribal decision makers who will create policies and keep agencies accountable to indicators of success. A multidisciplinary team will provide direct services to high-frequency drug users and their families. These two teams will work together to develop a plan to create a secured mental health/opioid abuse treatment center and secure transportation for participants becoming certified peer recovery support specialists.
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Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency


The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) will fund projects for counties that work with the Technical Assistance Center at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy’s Program Evaluation and Research Unit to implement evidence-based programs to reduce overdose deaths.
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City of Detroit


The Detroit Police Department’s Opioid Abuse Diversion Program will create and implement a law enforcement-led pre- and post-arrest diversion in Detroit using the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) model. The School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University will serve as the research partner for the proposed project. The applicant agreed to provide data through the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP).
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