Upcoming Funding Opportunities
OJJDP FY25 Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
OJJDP FY25 Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Program
This funding opportunity seeks to build the capacity of states, state and local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized Tribal governments to implement new and innovative approaches to enhance existing juvenile drug treatment courts (JDTC) and improve outcomes for youth with substance use disorder or co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders, including those with histories of trauma.
Category 1: Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Planning and Implementation Program
Category 2: Juvenile Drug Treatment Court Enhancement Program
- Government Entities
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Native American Tribal governments (other than federally recognized Tribal governments)
FY25 Improving Adult and Youth Crisis Stabilization and Community Reentry Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Improving Adult and Youth Crisis Stabilization and Community Reentry Program
This funding opportunity seeks to support state, local, and tribal governments, as well as community-based nonprofit organizations, to support cross-system collaboration between criminal and juvenile justice agencies, mental health and substance use agencies, community-based organizations that provide reentry services, and community-based behavioral health providers.
The goal of this program is to improve clinical stabilization pretrial, during confinement, and support continuity of care and recovery during the transition to the community through clinical and other evidence-based activities or services for individuals with serious mental illness, substance use disorders, and co-occurring disorders. In addition, this funding seeks to minimize the potential for experiencing crisis and improve recovery outcomes for people with serious mental illness, substance use disorders, and co-occurring disorders who are currently involved with the criminal or juvenile justice systems or reentering the community from these systems.
Eligible Applicants
- Category 1: State and local governments
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Special district governments
- Category 2: Nonprofit organizations
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), other than institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- Category 3: Tribal governments
- Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Native American Tribal governments (other than federally recognized)
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
Investments Supporting Partnerships in Recovery Ecosystems (INSPIRE) Initiative
The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) is seeking proposals to help Appalachians overcome substance use disorder, re-enter the workforce, and contribute to their communities.
Investments Supporting Partnerships in Recovery Ecosystems (INSPIRE) Initiative
The Appalachian Regional Commission (ARC) has issued a notice of solicitation of applications (NOSA) for its Investments Supporting Partnerships in Recovery Ecosystems (INSPIRE) Initiative. INSPIRE supports projects that create or expand support services that help individuals impacted by substance use disorder (SUD) enter or reenter the workforce. Applicants can request up to $500,000 for implementation projects or $100,000 for planning projects.
Successful INSPIRE projects focus on the creation and expansion of services in the recovery-to-work ecosystem, including skills and workforce training programs, mentoring, peer support, and other wraparound services tailored to individuals in recovery. INSPIRE projects can also build partnerships and coordination among recovery services and providers, establish or expand recovery-ready workplace models, as well as integrate local economic development plans with existing state and regional recovery-to-work activities.
For more information, visit INSPIRE’s website. For questions regarding this funding opportunity, email SUD@arc.gov.
Letters of Intent are due February 14, 2025, by 5:00 p.m., ET, and final applications are due March 10, 2025, by 5:00 p.m., ET.
FY25 Second Chance Act Community-based Reentry Incubator Initiative
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Second Chance Act Community-based Reentry Incubator Initiative
This funding opportunity seeks organizations to serve as financial intermediaries to community-based reentry programs (subawardees) and provide support to them via an incubator model in order to increase capability and capacity within the subawardees’ organizations.
Eligible Applicants
- Nonprofit organizations
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), other than institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 DOJ Jails and Justice Support Center
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 DOJ Jails and Justice Support Center
This funding opportunity seeks a training and technical assistance provider to operate the Department of Justice Jails and Justice Support Center (JJSC), which assists state and local leaders in creating and sustaining safe and effective environments for people who visit, live, and work in jails. The JJSC provides the nation’s jails with information, resources, training, and technical assistance focused on core topics such as screening and assessment, medical and behavioral health, use of force, leadership and culture, human capital, operations, programming, and reentry.
Eligible Applicants
- Educational Organizations
- Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education
- Private institutions of higher education
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), other than institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- For-Profit Organizations
- Organizations other than small businesses
- Small businesses
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 Smart Reentry: Housing Demonstration Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Smart Reentry: Housing Demonstration Program
This funding opportunity seeks to support state, local, and tribal governments to improve reentry and reduce recidivism by expanding and/or increasing access to housing for people who are currently or formerly involved in the criminal justice system. Prior to release from incarceration, people will be screened, assessed, and identified for program participation. The program will help jurisdictions assess their reentry systems, identify strengths and gaps, and then build capacity for improved housing options for adults released from prison or jail.
Eligible Applicants
- Government Entities
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Special district governments
- Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Public Housing Organizations
- Public housing authorities
- Indian housing authorities
- Other
- Units of local government
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Site-Based Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Site-Based Program
This funding opportunity seeks to support state, territorial, local, and tribal governments to reduce overdose deaths and the impact of illicit substance use and misuse on individuals and communities. Through this program, state, territorial, local, and tribal governments can increase access to prevention services, enhance harm reduction initiatives, expand treatment and recovery services, and develop and increase other resources and supports in the community and justice system.
Opportunity Categories
- Category 1: Local Governments
- Category 2: State Governments
- Category 3: Tribal Governments
Eligible Applicants
- Government Entities
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Special district governments
- Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Native American Tribal governments (other than federally recognized)
Informational Webinar
An informational webinar will be held on February 26, 2025, at 2:00 p.m., ET, to provide an overview of this opportunity. Register for the webinar at https://bja.ojp.gov/events/fy25-comprehensive-opioid-stimulant-and-substance-use-site-based-program-notice-funding.
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 Advancing Data in Corrections Initiative
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Advancing Data in Corrections Initiative
This funding opportunity seeks a training and technical assistance provider to bolster state correctional agencies’ capacity to use data to inform policy and operational decisionmaking through a combination of direct assistance, resources, and training. This initiative will provide both dedicated, agency-specific assistance via a cohort of embedded data analysts in up to ten correctional agencies for one year, as well as in-depth training and other resources for corrections analysts nationwide.
Eligible Applicants
- Educational Organizations
- Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education
- Private institutions of higher education
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), other than institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- For-Profit Organizations
- Organizations other than small businesses
- Small businesses
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 U.S. Department of Justice Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation
This Coordinated Tribal Assistance Solicitation (CTAS) funding opportunity seeks to provide funding to improve public safety and victim services in tribal communities. CTAS provides federally recognized tribes and tribal consortia an opportunity to apply for funding to aid in developing a comprehensive and coordinated approach to public safety. Many of the Department of Justice's (DOJ) existing tribal government-specific programs are included in and available through this single coordinated funding opportunity.
Funding Categories/Purpose Areas (PA) and DOJ Component:
- PA #1: Public Safety and Community Policing [Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS)]
- PA #2: Comprehensive Tribal Justice Systems Strategic Planning [Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA), COPS, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), Office for Victims of Crime (OVC)]
- PA #3: Tribal Justice Systems Program (BJA)
- PA #4: Tribal Justice System Infrastructure Program (BJA)
- PA #5: Adult Tribal Treatment Courts (BJA)
- PA #6: Children’s Justice Act Partnerships for Indian Communities (OVC)
- PA #8: Youth Healing to Wellness Courts (OJJDP)
- PA #9: Tribal Youth Program (OJJDP)
Note that, in FY25, PA 7 is not included in CTAS.
Eligible Applicants:
- Government Entities
- Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized)
- “Indian tribe” means any Indian tribe, band, nation, or other organized group or community, including any Alaska Native village or regional or village corporation as defined in or established pursuant to the Alaska Native Claims Settlement Act (85 Stat. 688) [43 U.S.C. §§ 1601 et seq.], which is recognized as eligible for the special programs and services provided by the United States to Indians because of their status as Indians
- Other
- Other (consortia consisting of two or more federally recognized Indian Tribes)
- Other (tribal designees are eligible for certain activities related to OVC PA #6)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
View answers to FAQ related to this opportunity.
Opportunity Webinars
A series of webinars will be held related to this opportunity. Submit any questions in advance of the webinars to tribalgrants@usdoj.gov with the subject “Questions for CTAS NOFO Webinar.” The webinars will be recorded and available on the CTAS Resources page when ready.
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Program
This funding opportunity seeks to provide training and technical assistance to grantees and practitioners to support the use of state Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs to detect and prevent the diversion and misuse of pharmaceutically controlled substances such as opioids and other prescription drugs.
Eligible Applicants
- Educational Organizations
- Private institutions of higher education
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), other than institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- For-Profit Organizations
- Organizations other than small businesses
- Small businesses
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program
This funding opportunity seeks to support state, local, and tribal law enforcement and correctional entities to develop and implement crisis response training programs.
Opportunity Categories
- Category 1: Training Program for Law Enforcement Officers
- Category 2: Training Program for Correctional Officers
Eligible Applicants
- Government Entities
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education (with on-campus police departments, public or state-controlled hospitals with on-campus police departments)
- Native American tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Native American tribal governments (other than federally recognized)
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
2025 Access to Justice Prize: Closing the Rural Justice Gap
2025 Access to Justice Prize: Closing the Rural Justice Gap
The U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Office for Access to Justice is excited to announce the opening of submissions for the 2025 Access to Justice Prize. The Prize is a year-long, nationwide competition designed to spark innovative solutions to address the justice gap and promote equal access to justice for all. The theme for the 2025 Prize is “Closing the Rural Justice Gap,” and the Office for Access to Justice is seeking proposals that address access to justice challenges in rural communities.
In conversations with access to justice leaders around the country, the Office for Access to Justice team has seen that solutions to close the justice gap must begin with the communities themselves. Leaders in the field have the best visibility into specific barriers and gaps, the strongest connections to impacted communities, and the clearest understanding of available resources and tools.
This is why the Access to Justice Prize competition aims to encourage and support innovative, community-driven solutions developed by those on the front lines of the access to justice crisis. The competition is open to nonprofit and community-based organizations, academic institutions, and local, state, tribal, and territorial government entities, including courts, public defender offices, and prosecutorial and law enforcement agencies. Submissions may broadly include any idea that would seek to improve legal systems, processes, interactions, or outcomes, or to better solve civil or criminal justice problems within rural areas or for rural communities.
The Prize competition opened for submissions on Challenge.gov beginning January 7, 2025, and the submission period will close on March 31, 2025. This summer, up to five finalists will be selected and each receive a $5,000 prize. After further refining their ideas, the finalists will present their ideas at an Access to Justice Showcase next winter, where the Grand Prize Winner will receive a $50,000 prize.
Your organization is invited to submit your idea for closing the rural justice gap. Please visit the Access to Justice Prize website to learn more, and feel free to email JusticePrize@usdoj.gov with any questions.
JCOIN Rapid Innovation Grant (J-RIG) Call for Proposals
JCOIN Rapid Innovation Grant (J-RIG) Call for Proposals
J-RIG provides funding to support small research projects to study newly emerging policies, practices or interventions that address the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders, as well as overdose risk, for individuals involved in criminal-legal settings. Project duration may be 6 to 24 months, with a maximum of $135,000 in total costs.
The program is open to researchers, practitioners, and community organizations that could benefit from funding to study local initiatives, policy changes, or practice improvement efforts. J-RIG projects are also appropriate for developmental pilots, feasibility studies, evaluations, or other research broadly defined as foundational work to further research and practice.
Additional information can be found at https://gmu1.app.box.com/s/clug1z7ugfojmkzsmu9byyc4acmhcn8t/file/669473335610 and https://www.jcoinctc.org/resources/j-rig/.
If you have any questions or would like support with the application, JCOIN’s Training and Technical Assistance (TTA) Core can provide free assistance for those who are not as familiar with grant writing or need help with constructing research question(s), designs, data collection methods, or analyses. It is recommended that you write up to a 2-page memo outlining your questions. This will assist the TTA Core in providing you with the guidance that would best benefit your needs.
Key Dates
Proposals are accepted twice a year, with funding anticipated within six months. JCOIN expects to fund one or two projects per cycle. The table below lists these funding cycles. Any date that falls on a weekend or holiday will be moved to the next business day.
FY25 National Initiatives: Justice and Mental Health Training and Technical Assistance Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 National Initiatives: Justice and Mental Health Training and Technical Assistance Program
This funding opportunity seeks to fund training and technical assistance (TTA) programs for three national initiatives supporting justice and mental health programs. Delivered TTA will be site-based, program-specific TTA and broader TTA for the field.
Opportunity Categories:
- Category 1: Collaborative Crisis Response and Intervention Training Program TTA
- Category 2: Connect and Protect: Law Enforcement Behavioral Health Response Program TTA
- Category 3: Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program TTA
Eligible Applicants:
- Educational Organizations
- Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education
- Private institutions of higher education
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), other than institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- For-Profit Organizations
- Organizations other than small businesses
- Small businesses
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 Improving Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Outcomes for Adults in Reentry
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Improving Substance Use Disorder Treatment and Recovery Outcomes for Adults in Reentry
This funding opportunity seeks to enhance corrections and community supervision systems and community-based providers’ capacity to address the substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and recovery support needs of people during incarceration and upon reentry. The goals of this program are to support the implementation or expansion of evidence-based and trauma-informed SUD treatment programming, as well as to promote the implementation of deflection as part of the treatment and recovery safety net, which helps persons in treatment stay in treatment, and prevents further and unnecessary contact with the criminal justice system.
Opportunity Categories
- Category 1: Units of state, local, and tribal governments
- Category 2: Non-profit organizations
Eligible Applicants
- Government Entities
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Special district governments
- Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Native American Tribal governments (other than federally recognized)
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), other than institutions of higher education
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education
- Other
- Other units of local government
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 Connect and Protect: Law Enforcement Behavioral Health Response Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Connect and Protect: Law Enforcement Behavioral Health Response Program
This funding opportunity seeks to fund programs that support collaborations between law enforcement and behavioral health agencies to improve public safety responses and outcomes for people who qualify with behavioral health needs. The goal is to implement deflection and diversion programs at first contact, such as crisis response and intervention teams, co-responders and other collaborative model approaches. The program focuses on improving safety and well-being for people with mental health disorders or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders. Eligible entities can prepare, create, or expand collaborative projects.
Eligible Applicants
- Government Entities
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Special district governments
- Tribal Organizations
- Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Educational Organizations
- Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education
- Other
- Units of local government
Opportunity Webinar
On February 27, 2025, at 1:00 p.m., ET, a webinar will be held to provide a detailed overview of this opportunity. Register to participate.
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Program
This funding opportunity seeks to fund programs that support collaborations to improve public safety responses and outcomes for people with mental health disorders (MHDs) or co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (MHSUDs). The goal is to improve safety and well-being for adults with MHDs (including people with traumatic brain injury and post-traumatic stress disorder) or MHSUDs who come into contact with the criminal justice system.
Opportunity Categories
- Category 1: Local and County Government Justice and Behavioral Health Collaboration
- Category 2: Tribal Government Justice and Behavioral Health Collaboration
- Category 3: State Government Justice and Behavioral Health Collaboration
Eligible Applicants
- Government Entities
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Special district governments
- Tribal Organizations
- Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Educational Organizations
- Public and state-controlled institutions of higher education
- Other
Opportunity Webinar
A webinar will be held on February 20, 2025, at 1 p.m. ET, to provide details about this opportunity. Submit any questions in advance to lesupport@csg.org no later than February 14, 2025. Register to participate in the webinar.
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 Adult Treatment Court Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Adult Treatment Court Program
This funding opportunity seeks to assist states, state courts, local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments to plan, implement, and enhance the operations of adult treatment courts including management and service coordination for treatment court participants, fidelity to the adult treatment court model, and recovery support services.
Opportunity Categories
- Category 1: Planning and Implementation
- Category 2: Enhancement
- Category 3: Statewide
Eligible Applicants
- Category 1 and Category 2
- Government Entities
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Special district governments and other units of local government
- Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Public Housing Organizations
- Public housing authorities
- Indian housing authorities
- Nonprofit Organizations
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS
- Other
- Public or private entities acting on behalf of a single treatment court through agreement, such as a Memorandum of Understanding, with state, city, township, county, or tribal governments
- Government Entities
- Category 3
- State agencies such as the state administering agency, the administrative office of the courts, and the state substance abuse agency
- State criminal justice agencies and other state agencies involved with the provision of substance use and/or mental health services, or related services
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
FY25 Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program
Grants.gov Deadline:
Application JustGrants Deadline:
FY25 Veterans Treatment Court Discretionary Grant Program
This funding opportunity seeks to assist states, state courts, local courts, units of local government, and federally recognized Indian tribal governments to plan, implement, and enhance the operations of veterans treatment courts (VTC) including service coordination, fidelity to the VTC model, and recovery support services.
Opportunity Categories
- Category 1: Planning and Implementation
- Category 2: Enhancement
- Category 3: Statewide
Eligible Applicants
- Category 1 and Category 2:
- Government Entities:
- State governments
- County governments
- City or township governments
- Special district governments and other units of local government
- Native American Tribal governments (federally recognized)
- Native American Tribal governments (other than federally recognized)
- Public Housing Organizations:
- Public housing authorities
- Indian housing authorities
- Nonprofit Organizations:
- Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS)
- Nonprofits that do not have a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS
- Government Entities:
- Category 3:
- State agencies such as the state administering agency, the administrative office of the courts, and the state substance abuse agency
- State criminal justice agencies and other state agencies involved with the provision of substance use and/or mental health services, or related services
See the Notice of Funding Opportunity for additional details and directions on how to apply.
Have a question related to a previous funding opportunity? Check out topics and resources.
Applicant Resources
The resources provided are offered to assist potential applicants in applying for future COSSUP funding. Please refer to the grant's funding opportunity announcement for specific details regarding eligibility, content and formatting requirements, submission instructions, required supporting documentation, and more.
Examples of Successful Applications from Past Years
In the past 4 years, BJA has funded over 500 COAP/COSSUP projects. The types of activities funded under the grant program, in past solicitations, include:
Project Example List
Following are examples of successful Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Program (COAP)/Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Use Program (COSSUP) grant application project narratives. These are provided for reference to assist in preparation of new funding applications.