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Strengthen the Nation’s Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs

Strengthen Prescriber and Dispenser Utilization of PDMPs Through Outreach and Training to Understand the Value and Application of PDMP Data, Supporting Data Integration, and Implementing Procedures to Increase the Accuracy and Timeliness of Data.

Prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), state-run electronic databases used to track the prescribing and dispensing of controlled prescription drugs to patients, are important tools for preventing and identifying prescription drug misuse. By tracking the dispensing of these substances through patient reports, both prescribers and dispensers can identify patterns that might indicate that a patient is misusing or diverting prescription drugs. Further, PDMP data can assist prevention and treatment program planning. However, PDMPs work only if prescribers and dispensers use them regularly.

PDMPs continuously adopt new strategies and take advantage of the latest technology in order to better respond to new prescription misuse challenges. To increase utilization of the PDMP by health-care providers, the majority of PDMPs initiated mandatory registration of prescribers and/or dispensers, as well as mandatory queries by certain health-care professionals. Most PDMPs also require that additional data elements, such as method of payment and identification of the person picking up the medication, be reported to the PDMP.

Efforts to strengthen prescriber and dispenser utilization of PDMPs include outreach and training to understand the value and application of PDMP data, improving prescription data accessibility and workflows through data integration, and implementing procedures to increase the accuracy and timeliness of data.

COSSUP supports activities that:

  • Conduct prescriber outreach to increase PDMP utilization, including targeted in-person presentations and webinars to familiarize prescribers with the program, its features, and utility to the prescriber’s practice.
  • Implement PDMPs in states or territories without programs to track the habits of prescribers and patients that help identify doctor shopping, controlled substance availability, and inappropriate prescribing.
  • Develop proactive notification processes to alert providers to prescribing issues that might indicate illicit substance use or misuse, or when prescribers might be overprescribing scheduled substances.

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  • Integrate electronic health records/health information exchange (EHR/HIE) with PDMPs to both reduce reporting burdens and improve clinical decision making.
  • Improve the quality and timeliness of the PDMP data submissions by decreasing reporting time frames and instituting rigorous data quality procedures to quickly identify and correct errors in the data.

Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Center

The Prescription Drug Monitoring Program Training and Technical Assistance Center (PDMP TTAC) at the Institute for Intergovernmental Research (IIR) provides a comprehensive array of services, support, resources, and strategies to PDMPs, federal partners and other stakeholders to further the efforts and effectiveness of PDMPs in combating the misuse and diversion of prescription drugs.

Our focus is to improve consistency among PDMP’s, facilitate coordination between PDMPs and state and national stakeholders, increase PDMP efficiencies, measure performance and effectiveness, and promote best practices.

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Grantee Projects

Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services


The Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services Division of Public Health will add provider dashboard enhancements to the Nebraska Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) that support clinical decision making. The Division of Public Health will also develop updated training for prescribers, dispensers, and designees on the provider dashboard enhancements and produce updated training videos.
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Department of Public Health and Social Services


Guam’s Department of Public Health and Social Services will enhance and improve data analysis by upgrading to the AWARxE Advanced Prescription Monitoring Program analytics. Guam will also partner with the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands to increase the capability of public and private pharmacies to report prescription information to the Guam Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP).
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Connecticut Department of Consumer Protection


The Connecticut Prescription Monitoring Program (PMP), in partnership with other state agencies, will merge the Office of the Chief Medical Examiner (OCME) and the state forensic laboratory system with the Connecticut Prescription Monitoring and Reporting System (CPMRS) to allow prescribers and pharmacists to identify patients who have died and reduce inappropriate dispensing; create a new module to allow law enforcement users access to both death data and toxicology information within the CPMRS to assist in their investigations; and conduct educational campaigns to introduce these new features and the benefits that would expand the ability of prescribers, pharmacists, and law enforcement to avoid and deter controlled substance misuse or diversion.
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