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September 9, 2024

Cross-Sector Collaboration: Justice and Community Partnerships in Dayton, Ohio, to Address Substance Use

This video is a companion resource to Cross-Sector Collaboration Between Law Enforcement, Courts, Child Welfare, and Schools to Address the Impact of Substance Use Disorders on Children and Families in the United States, published in 2023 by the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA) and the State Justice Institute. This video showcases the community of Dayton, Ohio, and the importance of strong cross-sector relationships in combatting the opioid crisis among justice-involved individuals and their families.

Substance use disorder (SUD) has a significant impact on individuals and their children and families. Often these impacts involve the justice system, treatment providers, schools, child-welfare, and other stakeholders throughout the community. Therefore, in order to support people who struggle with SUD and their children and families, cross-sector relationships are key. In 2023, BJA COSSUP and the State Justice Institute published a report that highlighted "eight key ingredients" to successful cross-sector collaboration across law enforcement, child welfare, courts, and schools. These eight keys were based on information gathered through a questionnaire and interviews with 12 different communities. This video highlights one of these communities—Dayton, Ohio—for their strong cross-sector relationships and programs that have successfully addressed SUD and positively impacted their larger community. Programs highlighted include Conversations for Change, GROW Blitz, and their family treatment court. Peer recovery support specialists are a key component to all of their programs and interact with all areas of the justice system in Montogomery County. Stakeholders in this video include law enforcement, courts, the local university, nonprofits, fire services, federal partners, and child welfare. Dayton, Ohio, is an excellent example of what is possible when stakeholders work together to support individuals with SUD and their children and families.

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