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March 6, 2020

Harold Rogers PDMP FY 2020 Competitive Grant Announcement

The Harold Rogers Prescription Drug Monitoring Program (PDMP) enhances the capacity of regulatory and law enforcement agencies and public health officials to collect and analyze controlled substance prescription data and other scheduled chemical products through a centralized database administered by an authorized agency.

The Harold Rogers PDMP Grant Program strengthens states’ and territories’ ability to plan, implement, or enhance PDMPs by accommodating local decision-making based on state laws and preferences, while encouraging the replication of promising practices. In addition to supporting the implementation and enhancement of PDMPs, the program can support the Administration’s priority of tracking prescribing across providers and states through the integration of PDMPs and Electronic Health Records and Health Information Exchanges which are essential to promoting safe and responsible prescribing, while also assuring appropriate pain care.

Grant funds may be used to support a variety of PDMP implementation or enhancement activities that encourage the use of PDMPs to improve clinical decision making and prevent the abuse and diversion of controlled substances.

Award recipients will be expected to ensure that their PDMP systems have the capacity to exchange data with other PDMP systems via RxCheck hub. Applicants that are not already actively connected to RxCheck hub may include the cost of connecting, if any, in their budget requests.

The deadline to submit an application is 11:59 p.m. eastern time on May 5, 2020.

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