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May 29, 2024

Addressing Substance Use Disorder Among BIPOC Communities

BJA’s Access and Recovery Peer Recovery Support Services Training and Technical Assistance Center, Altarum, will be hosting a webinar focused on the unique needs and traits of the Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities who interact with substance use treatment and recovery systems. The webinar seeks to foster diversity and inclusion by providing a platform for panelists to share their knowledge and experiences. This webinar hopes to provoke discussion, support, and advocacy for the challenges that the BIPOC community faces in the addiction treatment and recovery space across intercepts.


  • Kim Govak, Faces and Voices of Recovery
  • Casandra Huggins, Community Assessment and Treatment Services
  • Daryl McGraw, Formerly Inc.
  • Philip Rutherford, National Council for Mental Wellbeing


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