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Meeting Presentation

March 10, 2020

Training for First Responder Diversion Programs

While similar in nature to crisis intervention services offered by first responders, these diversion programs are placing responsibilities on staff members that require new knowledge, skills, and abilities. Frontline law enforcement officers are frequently the first ones to respond to the consequences of addiction and overdose every day and witness the impact the crisis is having on their communities. This presentation covers potential topics and presentation methods for consideration in a diversion curriculum, including cross-training for first responders and behavioral health staff.


Connie Priddy, M.A., R.N., MCCN, Director of Quality Compliance/Huntington QRT Coordinator, Cabell County Emergency Medical Services

Lieutenant James Wakefield, Supervisor of the Mental Health Support Team, Tucson, Arizona, Police Department


Ben Ekelund, M.P.A., Director of Consulting and Training, Center for Health and Justice, Treatment Alternatives for Safer Communities (TASC)

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