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October 22, 2020

The Youngest Victims of the Opioid Epidemic: Law Enforcement’s Role in the Response

The opioid crisis and its effect on children present an ongoing challenge and are exacerbated by numerous factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, that can amplify a range of challenges for individuals, their children, and their families. Law enforcement and other first responders can make a difference to mitigate such situations that affect families by taking steps to protect drug-endangered children. First responders, particularly law enforcement, are in a unique position to help identify and divert children to community-based treatment and other services, thus diverting children away from the negative consequences of exposure to drug use. Such steps, also known as law enforcement-led deflection (or law enforcement-led diversion), can have significant effects in identifying and addressing the needs of children exposed to and endangered by the presence of illegal drugs (or their manufacture, distribution, etc.) in their lives and homes.

During this webinar, the presenters:

  • Define “drug endangered children” and associated risk factors.
  • Describe the impact of the opioid crisis on drug endangered children and their families.
  • Identify three ways law enforcement and community-based organizations can collaborate in their response to drug endangered children.


  • Hope Fiori, MPPA, TASC’s Center for Health and Justice
  • Nikki Munoz, MA, TASC’s Center for Health and Justice
  • Scott Henderson, National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children
  • Stacee Read, National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children
  • Jac Charlier, MPA, TASC’s Center for Health and Justice (Facilitator)

Special Guests

  • Chief Michael G. Yaniero, Director, Jacksonville, North Carolina, Department of Public Safety
  • Lieutenant Eric Nation (Ret.), National Alliance for Drug Endangered Children

To view a PDF version of the slide deck that was used during this webinar, click here.

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