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July 13, 2022

Innovative Efforts to Distribute Naloxone to Justice-Involved Populations

A recently emerging strategy for widespread distribution of naloxone to detainees released from jail facilities is through a vending machine. These machines can be customized to provide Naloxone and other supplies in a secure, organized, and stigma-free manner. This webinar highlights three examples of states that have facilitated efforts to distribute Naloxone through county jail facilities, describes how states can support and fund Naloxone distribution, and discusses barriers and facilitators toward distributing Naloxone through vending machines in jail facilities.


  • Brad Ray, Ph.D., RTI International
  • Derrick Jackson, Washtenaw County Sheriff's Office
  • Melissa Larson, M.A., North Carolina Harm Reduction Coalition
  • Justin Phillips, M.A., Overdose Lifeline, Inc.

Viewing Options and Resources

  • COSSUP webinar recordings include options for enabling closed captioning/subtitles and transcripts during playback; please see the bottom right menu of the recording screen.
  • Presentation slides are available upon request by contacting

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