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Champions of Recovery Video

May 15, 2023

Champion of Recovery: Douglas Huntsinger

Douglas Huntsinger serves as the Executive Director for Drug Prevention, Treatment, and Enforcement and Chairman of the Indiana Commission to Combat Substance Use Disorder. He has been working in the field of drug prevention, treatment, and enforcement since 2017. In this video, he provides details of Indiana's recovery homes project—22 regional recovery homes throughout the state that provide services, referrals, warm handoffs to treatment, discharge planning at the end of treatment, housing and transportation assistance, employment supports, etc. There are also recovery cafes that provide the social support aspect that is so important to people in recovery—hosting meetings, providing meals, creating that psychosocial network that really helps people maintain their place in their recovery journey. Recovery hubs have provided over 40,000 individual services since they were started approximately three years ago. Director Huntsinger offers details on naloxone boxes, breaking down stigma, incorporating persons with lived experience in discussions and activities, and seeing the results of the agency's recovery efforts.

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