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August 29, 2022

Helping Identify Potential Drug-Related Deaths: What to Tell the Coroner or Medical Examiner’s Office

These steps will help to ensure that drug-related deaths are adequately identified and investigated.

In partnership with BJA's COSSAP, the Forensic Technology Center of Excellence (FTCoE) and its partners produced a series of short videos on how law enforcement officers, first responders, and other stakeholders can gain knowledge and implement best practices in their role to support effective local, state, and tribal responses to illicit substance use and misuse in order to reduce overdose deaths, promote public safety, and support access to treatment and recovery services in the criminal justice system. This video is the first in the Law Enforcement Roll Call Videos series.


  • Kelly Keyes, D-ABMDI, Retired Supervising Investigator, Orange County Sheriff's Department, Coroner Division

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