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June 9, 2022

Reentry Resource Centers: Supporting Recovery, Shaping the Continuum of Care

When people with substance use disorder leave incarceration, they often have many complex needs, ranging from simply charging their cell phone to finding a place to live and securing treatment. Jails and prisons may struggle to reach the individuals and address their needs, particularly after individuals leave their facilities. Increasingly, jails and prisons are finding innovative ways to reach and assist justice-involved individuals as they leave facilities and to help them become connected with assistance, treatment, and recovery resources in the community.

During this webinar, representatives from two counties—Bernalillo County, New Mexico, and Franklin County, Ohio—will discuss their reentry resource centers, including how they have been set up and maintained, what needs are most requested and addressed, how connections are made to continue treatment, and challenges they have had to overcome. Speakers will explore how data and best practices have improved their centers and what changes they plan to make in the future.


  • Pam Acosta, Special Projects Coordinator/Resource Reentry Center, Bernalillo County Department of Behavioral Health Services
  • Melissa Pierson, Chief Operating Officer, Franklin County Office of Justice Policy and Programs

Viewing Options and Resources

  • COSSUP webinar recordings include options for enabling closed captioning/subtitles and transcripts during playback; please see the bottom right menu of the recording screen.
  • Presentation slides are available upon request by contacting
  • Bernalillo County Universal ROI

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