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July 1, 2024

Safety First: Drug Education for Youth

Prior research has found that substance use education programs for youth typically fail because of a lack of student interest, since activities did not relate to their actual lives. For drug use programs to be effective, they need to be based on the real experiences of youth, which is a principle of harm reduction. "Safety First: Real Drug Education for Teens" is an evidence-based, harm reduction drug education curriculum for high school students that allows teachers to have honest conversations about drugs with their students while equipping them with the skills to navigate their risks. The curriculum is free and consists of 15 lessons that can be completed in a 45- to 50-minute class period.


  • Bonnie Halpern-Felsher, PhD, Director of the Stanford REACH Lab, Department of Pediatrics, Stanford University School of Medicine

Viewing Options and Resources

  • COSSUP webinar recordings include options for enabling closed captioning/subtitles and transcripts during playback; please see the bottom right menu of the recording screen.
  • Presentation slides are available upon request by contacting
  • Stanford REACH Lab Data Dashboard for Educators

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