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October 5, 2023

From Fentanyl Test Strips to Mass Spectrometry: A Case Study in Civilian Drug Checking

The second webinar of our "Understanding the Changing Illicit Drug Landscape" series will highlight innovative drug-checking technologies that are used in response to the highly variable drug market. Carla Sofronski from the Pennsylvania Harm Reduction Network will discuss efforts to expand drug checking through syringe service and other harm reduction agencies. Nationally renowned ethnographer and journalist Christopher Moraff will discuss his efforts to introduce and expand the distribution of fentanyl test strips through Philadelphia, Pennsylvania’s Department of Public Health and provide an overview of his innovative blueprint for a statewide drug-checking network to respond to emerging drug trends.

The first webinar of the series, Emerging Substances in the Illicit Drug Landscape: Xylazine, was held on May 30, 2023. Click here to view the recording on the COSSUP Resource Center website.


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