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January 12, 2022

Updates on New Methamphetamines and Cocaine Health Risks—Improved Screening and Action to Save Lives

Much higher purity, longer-term use, and growing contamination of methamphetamine and cocaine with synthetic opioids, primarily fentanyl, resulted in record-high overdose deaths in the United States during the last year. Screening and treatment protocols are available to help corrections services, emergency department staff, first responders, and related personnel address this life-threatening situation.

Featured presenters will discuss emerging evidence-informed practices based on clinical experience, current field data, and new research. Participants will explore new approaches, including improved medical screening protocols, for early identification, intervention, and both medical and behavioral treatment among “meth” users.

The webinar is designed to:

  • Inform frontline emergency department personnel, first responders, corrections administrators, jail medical staff, and community supervision staff about acute toxicity and death from methamphetamine and cocaine.
  • Discuss medical and community interventions for addressing acute and chronic stimulant toxicity.
  • Identify challenges unique to corrections and their partners and discuss pathways to success.


  • Kathleen West, DrPH
    Senior Program Manager
    Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.


  • Connie Priddy, MA, RN, MCCN
    Director of Quality Compliance
    Huntington QRT Program Coordinator
    Cabell County, West Virginia, EMS
  • Dr. Phillip Coffin, MD, MIA
    Center on Substance Use and Health
    San Francisco, California, Department of Public Health
    University of California San Francisco Department of Internal Medicine

Viewing Options and Resources

  • COSSUP webinar recordings include options for enabling closed captioning/subtitles and transcripts during playback; please see the bottom right menu of the recording screen.
  • Presentation slides are available upon request by contacting

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