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October 14, 2021

Supporting Continuity of Care Throughout Justice Involvement: Effective and Safe Transitions to Community-based Treatment (Part Three of a Three-Part Series)

This webinar suggests programs and processes to ensure access to continued substance use treatment, peer support or other social supports, and resources leading to safe and stable housing for individuals reentering the community.


  • Bruce W. Herdman, Ph.D., MBA, Chief of Medical Operations, Philadelphia Department of Prisons
  • Sarah G. Johnson, MSW, CSW, LCADCA, Director of Addiction Services, Kentucky Department of Corrections, Division of Addiction Services
  • Kristin Porter, Director of the Division of Reentry, Kentucky Department of Corrections, Division of Addiction Services


  • Melissa Stein, Policy Research Associates

Presentation slides are available by clicking here.

Other videos in this three-part series:

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