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May 20, 2021

Law Enforcement-Led Diversion—Mental Health and Opioid Outreach Innovations

The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate the significant impact first responder-led diversion can have in connecting overdose survivors and those with mental health disorders to treatment. Retired Deputy Chief Mitch Cunningham from the Wilmington, North Carolina, Police Department and Sheriff Daron Hall from the Davidson County Sheriff’s Office in Nashville, Tennessee, highlight the need for diversion and cite examples of the successful programs they have implemented.


  • Mitch Cunningham, National Sheriffs’ Association Consultant, Deputy Chief (retired) Wilmington, North Carolina, Police Department
  • Sheriff Daron Hall, Davidson County Sheriff’s Office, Nashville, Tennessee

Viewing Options and Resources

  • COSSUP webinar recordings include options for enabling closed captioning/subtitles and transcripts during playback; please see the bottom right menu of the recording screen.
  • Presentation slides are available upon request by contacting

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