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December 16, 2021

Veterans Justice Outreach

This webinar recording (located at the bottom) will provide an overview of the Department of Veteran’s Affairs’ (VA) Veterans Justice Programs (VJP), specifically Veterans Justice Outreach (VJO).  Although the work that Veterans Justice Outreach Specialists do as members of Veterans Treatment Court teams is by far the best-known part of the program, this webinar will review the ways in which VJO partnership with local law enforcement and other community agencies can ensure pathways into needed treatment for Veterans in crisis, or simply in need of services.  To this end, we will examine available information about Veterans engaged with the criminal justice system and orient audience members to VJP’s mission, vision, current outreach landscape, and new and emerging areas of work.  Lastly, we will educate deflection sites on how to best identify Veterans with whom they may interact and link to VA services via their local VJO Specialist.


  • Katie Stewart, LCSW, National Coordinator, VJO, VJP, VHA Homeless Programs Office

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