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February 27, 2018

Opioid Prescription Rates and Child Removals: Evidence from Florida - February 2018

Opioid abuse has rapidly become an urgent issue facing the U.S. A critical aspect of the opioid epidemic is its effect on the ability of opioid-dependent parents to care for their children. One of the many indirect costs of opioid use disorder is parents’ reduced ability to care for their children. In the most extreme circumstances, opioid abuse can lead to children’s removal from their homes and placement in foster care. Removal has been associated with many deleterious effects on children, including higher rates of juvenile delinquency and teen motherhood, mental and physical health problems, and higher rates of adult criminality.  This webinar explores the association between the rate of removals of children from their homes and the opioid prescription rate in Florida counties between 2012 and 2015.

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