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September 24, 2020

Harm Reduction Case Study: Kenosha County, Wisconsin

The Opioid Task Force (OTF) was formed, which has since grown to 46 members and meets regularly to share information and discuss policy interventions to reduce overdose deaths. Simultaneously, Kenosha Human Development Services (KHDS) launched a boots-on-the-ground support team, which is composed entirely of people with lived experience, to bring resources and information to individuals after they experience an overdose. The OTF supports specific partnerships necessary for referrals to the peer support team, including the provision of overdose patient information from the local hospitals and emergency medical services (EMS). In turn, the support team helps to reduce the stigma of addiction and improve morale among OTF members. As part of the program, both initiatives are evaluated on an ongoing basis to inform adjustments and improvements to the program as the county learns what is working. The primary goal of these projects is to reduce overdose deaths. Promisingly, Kenosha County has experienced a significant decline in overdose deaths since their launch.

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