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May 30, 2024

Reducing Crime and Recidivism Through Sheriff-led Deflection: A Spotlight on Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion in Marion County, Oregon

Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) is a pre-arrest program aimed at redirecting individuals engaged in low-level criminal activities—often linked to substance use, mental health issues, or quality-of-life concerns—toward community-based services instead of arrest. What sets the MCSO program apart is its treatment-based model focusing on accountability to achieve behavioral change. With an immediate, street-based, case management services approach that prioritizes public safety and quality of life and focuses on treatment instead of incarceration, the MCSO targets the root of the problem instead of the symptoms. Criteria for participation include voluntary engagement and nonviolent, chargeable offenses. LEAD navigators, with lived experience in substance use disorder, homelessness, and the criminal justice system, act as mentors and guides for participants. The program emphasizes a voluntary commitment to change and the power of hope and belief in recovery. Results have shown success in reducing criminal behavior and substance use, with many participants achieving sobriety through the supports provided.


  • Deputy Chief Mitch Cunningham (retired), National Sheriffs' Association

MCSO Panelists

  • Sheriff Nick Hunter
  • Jason Bernards, LEAD Commander
  • Hank Crapser, LEAD Navigator
  • Josh Wolf, Program Coordinator

Viewing Options and Resources

  • COSSUP webinar recordings include options for enabling closed captioning/subtitles and transcripts during playback; please see the bottom right menu of the recording screen.
  • Presentation slides are available upon request by contacting
  • Marion County LEAD Program Chart

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