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Grantee Projects


City of Palmer


The Palmer, Alaska, Police Department is leading this project on behalf of the Drug Endangered Children Multidisciplinary Task Force (MDT). The MDT was created to address gaps in the response to drug endangered children and their families living in Alaska’s Matanuska-Susitna Borough, to improve communication among agencies serving these populations, and to create a streamlined approach to providing family-centered, early intervention services to this population, with a goal of reducing both child victimization and repeat interactions between families and MDT member agencies. Grant funds will be used to hire a full-time MDT and drug endangered children (DEC) project coordinator to support MDT member agencies in adhering to newly established protocols, keep agencies on task, and collect, track, and analyze relevant data to determine the MDT’s efficacy in achieving its goals. Activities under this project include (1) real-time data collection and evaluation, which will help the MDT better understand the extent of the issue, the number of families referred to services, and determine the efficacy of the MDT’s efforts and adjust processes as needed; and (2) law enforcement and first responder deflection and diversion, through early identification and referrals of drug endangered children and their families to appropriate services to reduce repeat interactions. Roughly 50 percent of the project’s proposed budget is allocated to these uses, either through direct hires or contracts to hire family advocates to provide services and an evaluator to assist in identifying, collecting, and evaluating relevant data. Priority considerations addressed in this application include advancing racial equity and support for underserved communities (Alaska Native populations). This project serves residents of Alaska’s Matanuska-Susitna Borough and includes a partnership between the Alaska State Troopers, Alaska Youth and Family Network, Chickaloon Village Traditional Council, Knik Tribe, Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, Matanuska Susitna Borough School District, Palmer Police Department, State of Alaska Office of Children’s Services, Southcentral Regional Office, State of Alaska, Attorney General’s Office, Civil Division, State of Alaska Palmer District Attorney’s Office, Set Free Alaska, The Children’s Place (Regional Child Advocacy Center), and Wasilla Police Department.

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Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Inc


The Cook Inlet Tribal Council, Inc. (CITC)’s project will expand the accessibility of peer recovery support services and will ultimately decrease the prevalence of substance use in the Anchorage, Alaska, Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). Specifically, CITC, in partnership with Southcentral Foundation—a prominent Tribal 501(c)(3) nonprofit primary and behavioral healthcare services provider—will establish a specialized and flexible team of Peer Support Workers who will work in clinical and non-clinical settings. The project will complement the US Bureau of Justice Assistance’s efforts to reduce substance use and its impacts via its focused fundable activities. The project will incorporate 8 main activities that will closely complement CITC’s and Southcentral Foundation’s respective existing behavioral healthcare continua. Those activities, which are linked to the project’s deliverables, and goals, objectives, and outcomes, will be: (1) individual-based peer mentoring sessions; (2) group-based peer mentoring sessions; (3) naloxone use trainings; (4) brief interventions; (5) referrals to primary and behavioral healthcare services; (6) referrals to wrap-around services; (7) case management; and (8) data management. CITC expects to (1) serve 150 unduplicated residents via individual-based peer recovery support services; (2) provide 624 group-based peer recovery support sessions to residents; (3) provide 90 unduplicated residents who are receiving substance detoxification services via Southcentral Foundation with referrals to non-peer-related substance use disorder (SUD) treatment and recovery services; and (4) produce a memorandum of agreement between CITC and Southcentral Foundation, a group-based peer mentoring plan, a services coordination plan, and a services catalogue. With its 398,328 residents, the Anchorage MSA represents over 54 percent of Alaska’s total population, and of those residents, 57,072 are Alaska Native/American Indian (AN/AI) (race alone or in combination). The project’s target population will be AN/AI adults who have SUDs and seek SUD treatment and recovery services but will also serve non-AN/AI individuals. Among all racial groups in Alaska, AN/AI residents have the highest poverty and unemployment rates and the highest opioid-related naloxone intervention, hospitalization, and death rates.

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22nd Judicial Circuit District Attorney's Office


Alabama had the highest prescription opioid rate in the nation at 80.4 prescriptions per 100 people. Covington County is currently ranked 16th in the state of Alabama for opioid prescriptions, with an estimated 85.3 prescriptions per 100 people, translating to a rate almost two times higher than the national average of 43.3 prescriptions per 100 people. There have been no less than 20 overdoses that resulted in death in 2021 and administered at least 80 doses of naloxone. For this project, the 22nd Judicial Circuit District Attorney’s Office in Alabama will expand its diversion program through law enforcement and first responder deflection program, offering treatment and assistance to those that needed it prior to arrest. Their goal will be to reach previously underserved populations without the burden of the arrest. Prevention will be directed at high school students through part-time work-study peer helpers. These students will be hired to maintain communication with students to continue to warn them about the dangers of opioid and drug use. The response will include overdose response kits that will be distributed to all police and fire departments in the county. Advertising campaigns will encourage those present during an overdose to call 911 without fear of arrest, provided they aren’t directly responsible for the overdose. Since options of treatment locally are scarce, a Substance Abuse Counselor will be hired as part of the project to improve local outcomes in treatment through those diverted through the implementation of the new programs and provide family counseling to children and youth impacted by their parent’s substance abuse. A new Community Resource Specialist will assist individuals with finding and securing employment, navigating outside treatment options, securing sober housing, and helping them to overcome any other barriers that may prevent them from long-term recovery. They will also assist the District Attorney in holding a symposium on the warning signs and dangers of opioid addiction, treatment options, and what to do in case of an overdose.

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Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration


The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration is applying for a Category 2 statewide area grant in the amount of $6,000,000. The Arkansas COSSAP Project will address the opioid epidemic strategically and continue providing support to areas that have been disproportionally impacted by the abuse of illicit opioids, stimulants, and other substances, as indicated by a high rate of treatment admissions for substances other than alcohol; high rates of overdose-related deaths; and lack of accessibility to treatment and recovery services. The primary focuses of the proposed projects are comprehensive, real-time, regional information collection, analysis, and dissemination; the development of peer recovery services and treatment alternatives to incarceration; and continued Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program (COAP) overdose investigations involving peer recovery services and the implementation of strategies identified in the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Strategic Plan. This project serves specific counties where high rates of opioid deaths have been identified in COAP Category 2; however, the specific subrecipients for the proposed projects have not been selected. The project includes partnerships between the Department of Finance and Administration Office of Intergovernmental Services (DFA-IGS), Department Human Services, Office of State Drug Director, and the Single State Authority, in addition to a new partnership between DFA-IGS and the Arkansas Coroners’ Association. Priority considerations addressed in this application include providing services to rural communities and the fact that the individuals (populations) intended to benefit from the project reside in high-poverty and/or persistent-poverty counties.

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Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration


The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration will: • Support an overdose crime scene team consisting of a criminal investigator and a peer recovery specialist to assist law enforcement task forces/agencies in a minimum of six geographically diverse sites (counties, regions, or localities) within the state. • Increase access and enrollment to treatment, increase education and awareness, and evaluate the grant strategies identified in 25 localities within the state to address offenders who may be opioid abusers. The sites to receive subawards will be selected through a competitive process. Subawardees will be required to use overdoes detection mapping application program. An independent evaluator will be selected after the grant is awarded.

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Izard County


This project will serve the Sixteenth Judicial District in northern Arkansas, a rural region comprised of five counties: Izard, Stone, Fulton, Cleburne, and Independence. The mission of this project is to reduce the impact of substance misuse, including overdose deaths, in the area. This will be accomplished by helping more people with substance use disorder (SUD) receive treatment instead of entering the criminal justice system. This project will also help increase community awareness about substance misuse and improve the ability of law enforcement agencies and communities to respond to overdoses. The primary focus for activities will be law enforcement deflection/diversion and access to peer recovery support services, and most of the activities will be conducted by COSSAP investigators and peer recovery support specialists (PRSS). Peers are individuals who have experienced SUD, are in sustained recovery, and have been trained to help others achieve recovery. By expanding access to peer support services, this project will connect more people with SUD to the treatment they desperately need. COSSAP investigators are deputies from the Izard County Sheriff’s office who are also assigned to the existing Drug Task Force for the district. Having designated COSSAP agents on the district task force will ensure that more cases involving substance use can be referred for peer support and that treatment arrangements can be made as quickly as possible. This project will also include outreach and education activities across the district and will improve the accuracy and efficiency of data collection. Allowable activities include: (1) enhancing access to peer recovery support services (35 percent); (2) law enforcement and first responder deflection and diversion (35 percent); (3) embedding PRSS at multiple points of Sequential Intercept Model (10 percent); (4) prevention programs to connect law enforcement agencies with K-12 students (10 percent); (5) drug take-back programs (5 percent); (6) data collection (5 percent).

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Navajo County


Navajo County, Arizona, in partnership with the National Association of Drug Court Professionals (NADCP), will implement the County Overdose Prevention and Engagement (COPE) Program. The program, based on the Ten Essential Elements of Opioid Intervention Courts, will utilize a rapid response team of justice system and behavioral health practitioners to identify individuals at risk of drug overdose immediately after arrest and link them with evidence-based treatment, recovery support services, and ongoing monitoring. The goal of the program is to prevent overdose deaths and increase long-term treatment engagement among at-risk individuals. The first year of the grant will focus on project design and implementation. Navajo County will assemble a steering committee of key justice system, behavioral health, and public health partners to oversee the project’s development. With NADCP’s technical support, Navajo County will conduct a comprehensive needs assessment to ensure the program is designed to meet the needs of at-risk individuals and maximize the use of local resources. Navajo County and NADCP will then finalize the program design, provide role-based training to staff, and implement a data collection protocol for measuring project outcomes. In year two, Navajo County will launch the program in its two largest courts. Each arrestee will be screened for risk of overdose before their first court appearance. High-risk individuals who opt into the program will receive a same-day warm handoff to Community Bridges, a leading treatment provider. Participants will also receive recovery support services and ongoing supervision by pre-trial services officers. Supervision, including random drug testing and regular check-in meetings, will inform any needed adjustments to the participant’s treatment plan. Participants’ legal cases will be stayed for 90 days so they can focus on treatment, after which their cases will resume. Many participants will ultimately be referred to a drug court, mental health court, or other program for longer-term treatment, while others may go through regular case processing. In the final year, Navajo County and NADCP will use program data for continuous quality improvement, making real-time adjustments to the program model to achieve the greatest possible impact. NADCP will assist Navajo County in producing a final report documenting program implementation and results. The Arizona Administrative Office of the Courts supports this program and may look to replicate the program in other counties if successful.

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County of Amador


The Amador County Sheriff's Office, in Amador County, California, is located approximately 45 miles southeast of Sacramento in a part of California known as the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. In 2021, the population was estimated at approximately 41,259 residents, which includes a state prison. This project supports a jail-based project in Amador County. The Amador County Sheriff's Office will establish a comprehensive reentry program that involves three core components: (1) Discharge planning; (2) Job training; and (3) Peer recovery support.

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Hoopa Valley Tribal Council


The Hoopa Valley Tribal Court is applying for a Category 1C award in the amount of $600,000. The Hoopa Tribal Wellness Court Pre-Booking Enhancement will support ongoing operations and service expansion under its Adult Tribal Healing to Wellness Court. This project intends to increase and standardize services for individuals with substance use disorder and opioid use disorder. While many of these individuals are court-involved, services will also be made available to anyone seeking assistance, with priority for special populations. The special populations include pregnant women, individuals with or at-risk of HIV/AIDS, older adults caring for a minor child due to foster care involvement, and individuals entering the community from incarceration. This project utilizes a hub-and-spoke model to centralize service delivery for Wellness Court participants and increase favorable outcomes as they journey to health. Funding for medication-assisted treatment is requested to help assure that individuals working through opioid misuse have the support needed through full recovery. This project serves enrolled citizens of the Hoopa Valley Tribe, American Indian/Alaska Natives (AI/AN), and AI/AN citizens enrolled in other tribes living within the jurisdictional boundaries of the Hoopa Valley Tribe. The Hoopa Valley Tribe and its reservations are within Humboldt County, California. The project includes partnerships between the K’ima:w Medical Center, the Court's Probation Services, and the Judicial Project Advisory Team.

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Arapahoe County Colorado


The Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office services an area with a population of over 500,000. The project will allow the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office to expand evidence-based substance use treatment and peer recovery support services to individuals in custody and provide critical reentry needs such as transitional housing and peer recovery support services. These services are essential to supporting treatment engagement. The project addresses COSSUP's allowable use of implementing evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other drugs and recovery support services for pre-trial and post-trial populations leaving jail. Deliverables include providing discharge planning for 750 detention center residents over the life of the grant, providing transitional housing for 262 indigent detention residents transitioning from the detention facility to the community over the life of the grant, and providing virtual peer recovery support services to up to 503 individuals as they transition from the detention facility to the community.

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Boulder County


Boulder County applied for a Category 1b suburban area grant in the amount of $884,014. Project RENTR (Readiness, Engagement, Navigation, Treatment, and Recovery) will implement a range of allowable grant activities, including evidenced-based treatment services, peer recovery support services, pre- and post-booking treatment alternative to incarceration approaches, and court-based interventions. Project RENTR will increase services and treatment options for those with substance use disorders in pretrial/pre-booking, including those benefitting from a new Colorado law that reclassifies a misdemeanor drug felony as a misdemeanor. Project RENTR will also provide access to comprehensive screenings, assessments, case management, and treatment in the jail environment. The project will continue case management services for 90 days during the reentry process and accelerate access to community-based treatment options. This project serves Boulder County, Colorado, which has a population of 326,196. The project includes partnerships with the Boulder County Community Services Department. Priority considerations addressed in this application include high-poverty and persistent-poverty counties and Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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City of Alamosa


The City of Alamosa applied for Category 1c tribal/rural area grant funding in the amount of $599,997. The Specialized Case Management program will provide a non-arrest, community partner pathway to connect addicted individuals to intensive case management and harm-reduction resources using the evidence- based TASC Specialized Case management and Let Everyone Advance with Dignity (LEAD) model. The City of Alamosa is creating a system of care that will allow individuals to receive appropriate levels of service and treatment to address root challenges rather than utilizing a criminal justice system clearly not equipped to address substance use disorder effectively. The Specialized Case Management program will provide a third pathway into intensive case management, service coordination, and connection to harm- reduction resources. This project serves approximately 50,000 residents in the 12th Judicial District. The project includes partnerships between the City of Alamosa, Center for Restorative Programs, and the 12th Judicial District Office of the District Attorney. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the disproportionate impact of opioids and other substances on the region, the specific challenges faced by rural communities, and the high poverty area served by the project.

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Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment


The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) applied for Category 2 statewide area grant funding in the amount of $6,000,000. The Colorado Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Project will support comprehensive, collaborative initiatives in selected areas through a competitive request for applications from local public health, law enforcement, and substance use treatment providers serving residents in seven rural counties to conduct one or more of the BJA allowable uses of the funding to meet the specific local needs. Deliverables of the project include the selection and provision of at least six subawards within six months of the grant award, at least six contracts and scopes of work, a BJA-required implementation manual, an annual summary of the site project, project accomplishments from each site (sub-award), coordinated cross-site training and peer-to-peer learning, quarterly process data, annual evaluation data, and a written evaluation report at the end of the grant period. This project serves seven rural counties: Bent, Costilla, Crowley, Huerfano, Otero, Prowers, and Saguache. The project includes partnerships between the Prevention Services Division of CDPHE and the Office of Behavioral Health of the Colorado Department of Human Services, as well as local public health, law enforcement, and substance use treatment partners in the seven counties. Priority considerations addressed in this application include rural and high-poverty areas containing economic opportunity zones. Partner agencies and activities will be specified after a competitive Request for Applications is released in February 2021, the applications are reviewed, and awards are made.

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Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services


The Connecticut Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (DMHAS) is applying for Category 2 funding in the amount of $5,999,998. The Community and Law Enforcement for Addiction Recovery (CLEAR) Project is a multilateral, community-based opioid overdose response program that will be piloted in six jurisdictions across Connecticut. The CLEAR Project will establish partnerships between community agencies and law enforcement to increase connections to care for people with a substance use disorder (SUD) and create a collaborative response to addiction among community partners. For each jurisdiction, the CLEAR Project will conduct assessments; implement an IPIS/Cordata Integrated System for data tracking and referral management; establish a coordinated safety net of recovery coaches and overdose response teams; support families, including through the identification and referral to services of children impacted by a family member’s SUD; increase access to medication-assisted treatment; and implement a community-based, data-driven dispatch response to surges in overdoses. The goal is to create a replicable model for overdose response that can be scaled in communities across the entire state. Sites were selected based on need, population diversity, and readiness to implement the program. The project serves Bridgeport, Greenwich, Norwalk, Torrington, Winsted, and the State Police Troop B and State Police Troop L service districts; together, the districts represent much of Fairfield and Litchfield counties. The project includes partnerships between DMHAS and the McCall Center for Behavioral Health, Liberation Programs Inc., the Bridgeport Police Department, the Greenwich Police Department, the Norwalk Police Department, the Torrington Police Department, and the Winsted Police Department. The project will engage Dr. Carol Gregory and Dr. Kelly Firesheets as evaluation partners. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rates of overdose deaths. The project will also benefit individuals residing in high-poverty areas.

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New Castle County


The New Castle County Division of Police is proposing to expand Hero Help, a law enforcement led diversion by creating a team (substance abuse clinician, nurse, police officer, case manager, victim advocate) embedded in the patrol division, to respond immediately to 9-1-1 calls for service. Grant funds support a full-time project coordinator, nurse, child victim advocate (respond to overdose where children are impacted) and a licensed clinician. Additionally, to improve analytic capacity, develop a data collection tool to capture near real-time fatal and nonfatal overdoses. University of Delaware, Center for Drug and Health Studies, and Daniel O’Connell will serve as the research partner.

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Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council


The Georgia Criminal Justice Coordinating Council applied for Category 2 statewide area grant funding in the amount of $2,289,701. The Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-based Program will (1) establish a multi-locality naloxone initiative to include continued training for law enforcement personnel and provide funding to assist with the replenishment of the opioid reversal drug; (2) establish and implement a pre-arrest/post-booking diversion program for youth and adults who have a moderate to high risk of substance abuse within Athens-Clarke County; (3) provide K-12 youth in Athens-Clarke County with increased access to education and treatment; and (4) provide a comprehensive, real-time, information collection database for the City of Savannah to expand the pre-arrest diversion program, which is funded through the FY 2018 Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site Program (COAP). This project serves serve 23 of Georgia’s 159 counties. The project includes partnerships between Athens-Clarke County Unified Government and City of Savannah.

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Screven County Sheriff's Office


The Screven County Sheriff's Office applied for Category 1c tribal/rural grant funding in the amount of $587,825. The Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-based Program will (1) employ needs assessment tools to identify and prioritize services for jail offenders, (2) expand diversion programs for drug offenders to improve responses to offenders at high risk for overdose or substance abuse and provide alternative-to-incarceration services to those suffering from substance abuse disorders, (3) deliver an evidenced-based prevention program, and (4) offer rigorous program evaluation providing feedback and improvement opportunities. This project serves Screven County, Georgia, with a population of 14,300. The project includes partnerships between the Community Service Board of Middle Georgia, Ogeechee Division; Drug Court for the Ogeechee Judicial Circuit; and scientific partners. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a 100 percent rural county, high-poverty area, and Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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Judiciary Courts of the State of Hawaii


The First Circuit Court of the State of Hawaii is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $996,657. The COSSAP Hawaii program will provide treatment, recovery support services, and family court interventions by implementing and expanding comprehensive efforts to identify, respond to, treat, and support those impacted by drugs of misuse in the adult and juvenile justice system on Oahu, Hawaii. This program will help both the Family Court’s Juvenile Client Services Branch and the Adult Client Services Branch provide much-needed client treatment and support services currently impacted by a budget shortfall due to the COVID-19 pandemic. This project serves Oahu, Hawaii, which has a population greater than 500,000. The project includes partnerships between the Hawaii State Department of Health, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Division and new and existing community providers to deliver the contracted services for the juvenile and adult activities for this project. Priority considerations addressed in this application include high poverty areas for adults and juveniles in the First Circuit criminal and juvenile justice system that are from neighborhoods on Oahu that are disproportionately impacted by poverty, homelessness, and substance use and have limited access to services in their community.

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City of Clinton


The City of Clinton is applying for Category 1c rural/tribal area grant funding in the amount of $600,000. Clinton’s Opioid and Stimulant Partnership will address stimulant use and provide a broader reach of services to those in need to provide viable resources within the community through the use of an expanded multidisciplinary team that focuses efforts toward community systems working in collaborative efforts to identify, educate, treat, and prevent further instances of substance use addiction, and fatalities within our community. A Drug Abuse Response Team will follow up with overdose victims while connecting them with interventions or treatment options. The program will also update opioid community assessment, expand and enhance a MAT program, as well as partner with community agencies for recovery support services that include peer support/case management and healthcare treatment. This project serves Clinton, Iowa, and its 25,637 residents. The project includes partnerships the City of Clinton Administration, Clinton Police Department, Clinton Fire Department, MercyOne Clinton Medical Center, Clinton Substance Abuse Council, Area Substance Abuse Council, Life Connections, and Bridgeview Mental Health Center. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the disproportional impact on the community by the abuse of illicit opioids, stimulants, or other substances; specific challenges rural communities face; and enhancing public safety in Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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Idaho Department of Health and Welfare


The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare (DHW) is applying for Category 2 funding in the amount of $3,075,000. The Idaho COSSUP Program will implement six projects designed to increase naloxone access, education, and distribution; enhance coordination and expansion of take-back programs; increase access to medication-assisted treatment through provider and public safety education; and evaluate DHW’s naloxone distribution efforts to vulnerable populations. Idaho’s seven local public health districts (PHDs) will serve as project implementation sites to provide naloxone trainings and overdose rescue kits to law enforcement officers, first responders, and vulnerable populations in their regions. The PHDs will also organize and promote permanent drug take-back locations and take-back day events in identified vulnerable counties. The program will fund the statewide naloxone distribution program and the seven PHDs to distribute naloxone to law enforcement officers, first responders, and other organizations interacting directly with individuals at risk of an overdose. To increase accessibility to medication-assisted treatment, DHW will identify vulnerable counties across the state and fund Project ECHO Idaho and a media-marketing vendor to develop and disseminate educational materials to providers. Project ECHO will produce medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD)/substance use disorder (SUD) podcast episodes, conduct outreach, and complete an assessment of current MOUD/SUD educational activities. The project serves the State of Idaho, which has an estimated population of 1,839,106. The project includes partnerships between DHW and the seven Idaho Public Health Districts, Project ECHO Idaho, and the Idaho Division of Behavioral Health. The project will contract with a third-party evaluator to conduct an evaluation of naloxone distribution activities funded under this grant. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Nez Perce Tribe


The Nez Perce Tribe is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $600,000. The Nez Perce Tribe Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Diversion and Resiliency project, a collaboration among the tribe's behavioral health program, the tribal prosecutor's office, and the Nez Perce Tribal Police, will establish a youth diversion program to provide an alternative to jail for juveniles, featuring a youth diversion program coordinator within the prosecutor's office. It will also have a youth life skills coach within the behavioral health program, provide youth activities to build resiliency, establish a youth law enforcement officer within Nez Perce Tribal Police to serve as a positive mentor to tribal youth and to help prevent substance misuse among youth, and provide funding to the tribal court and behavioral health program in order to authorize residential treatment for those with co-occurring mental and substance use disorders. The project addresses a critical need for the tribe to take steps to increase youth resiliency to illicit substances and to provide alternatives to incarceration as a means of helping offenders rebuild their lives. Its goals are to engage at least 60 percent of current youth offenders in the program by the end of year one of the project, 70 percent in year two, and 80 percent in year three. The project serves the Nez Perce Tribe's reservation, an area of 1,208 square miles in north central Idaho with a population of 18,854. The project will include partnerships among the tribe's behavioral health program, the tribal prosecutor's office, the Nez Perce Tribal Police, the Nez Perce Tribal Executive Committee’s Law and Justice Subcommittee, the tribal court, the public defender, and the Department of Social Services. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities. The project will also benefit individuals residing in high-poverty areas or persistent-poverty counties.

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Boone County


The Boone County, Illinois, Health Department (BCHD) Community Outreach Advocacy and Recovery (COAR) is a community level program that coordinates interventions to provide behavioral health services in the jail and the community. The COAR program created medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in the local jail and implemented a Navigator model to provide case management services to individuals flowing through the criminal justice intercepts identified in Boone County’s Sequential Intercept Model. The COAR program is requesting funding to build upon current programming. This program proposes the following allowable activities: (1) Evidence Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment, such as medication-assisted treatment; (2) Embedding persons with lived experience at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model; and (3) Real-time and enhanced data collection. The COAR program will enhance its current MAT program by adding a second medication option, Buprenorphine, and implement re-entry coordination planning using a quality improvement, weekly Coordination Call with local and jail providers. The Navigator position, who has lived experience, will be enhanced by completing the process to become a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS) and will lead the Coordination Calls in the jail and increase peer recovery mentors in the community. This position will also support the criminal justice system through a transition of bond reform. A COAR Strategist will be hired to follow the recommendations of the JusticeCounts project and provide upkeep to the data dashboard, as well as coordinate with partners to gather health equity data. The MAT Jail program (including staff, EHR, transportation and medications) is 22 percent of the budget, the Navigator position (including supervision and mileage) accounts for 41 percent of the budget, and the COAR Strategist salary accounts for 19 percent of the budget.

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DeKalb County (Inc)


DeKalb County Court Services is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $900,000. The DeKalb County Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Other Substance Use Disorder Project will serve clients involved with the DeKalb County Court system by providing immediate access to treatment services for persons with substance use disorders (SUDs) who come into the criminal justice system and recovery services after treatment. Clients can enter the program at any point in the criminal justice system, from a first appearance in court through a time when they may be sentenced and supervised by the court. Services will be provided to the individual whether the client resides in the community or is incarcerated awaiting trial. The program in DeKalb County will cover treatment costs for eligible clients in need of immediate help for SUDs, assist with transportation getting to and from treatment, and help fund medication-assisted treatment. The project will also create new opportunities to enhance post-treatment success by providing additional recovery support services, including hiring and training a dedicated peer recovery support specialist. The project coordinator will train personnel in DeKalb County Court Services on the administration of naloxone. Policies and procedures will be developed with input from all partners in the criminal justice system, including a diversion plan that can be used to keep clients from obtaining a conviction if they successfully complete the program. The project serves DeKalb County, which has a population of 104,897. The project includes partnerships between DeKalb County Court Services and the DeKalb County Drug Overdose Prevention Program, local city and county government officials, the local judiciary, the State’s Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, local law enforcement agencies, and local/regional service providers. The project will engage New York University’s Marron Institute as a research partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Kane County


The Kane County State's Attorney's Office is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $1,199,114. The Kane County Pre-Arrest Diversion Initiative will reduce the harms to self and community caused by the ongoing public safety and health effects of substance use disorder, untreated mental health issues, and homelessness through the creation of a system that provides access to necessary care outside of the criminal legal system. The Kane County State’s Attorney’s Office has begun establishing relationships with community-based agencies and mental health service providers throughout Kane County, in addition to an early collaboration with the Elgin Police Department, which has created a Collaborative Crisis Services Unit in part to participate in pre-arrest diversion. The Kane County Sheriff is prepared to join the initiative when it expands beyond Elgin, and the long-term goal is for additional municipal police departments to participate. Objectives of Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) pre-arrest diversion are to improve public safety, reduce the number of people entering the criminal legal system, eliminate racial disparities in the system, create sustainability by reinvesting systems savings, and improve police-community relations. This project serves Kane County, Illinois, population 532,403. The project includes partnerships between the Eglin Police Department, the Kane County Sheriff's Office, county board members, city council members, multiple service agency directors, Aurora University's Social Work Department, and community advocates for racial and social justice. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the fact that Elgin contains three high poverty census tracts, making it a priority area to provide an alternative to the potential harms involved in going through the criminal legal system.

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Indiana Family and Social Services Administration


The Indiana County Leaders Collaboration for Change (ICLCC) will establish and/or build upon existing collaborative relationships between first responders, the criminal justice system, child welfare and foster care, behavioral health, primary care and addiction service providers to identify, develop (or) enhance, and implement specific countywide programs designed to reduce the impact of opioids, stimulants, and other substances on individuals and communities. The counties will achieve this by developing (or) enhancing and implementing one or more of the following within their county: Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) model programs (new to Indiana), prebooking or postbooking treatment alternative-to-incarceration programs, education and prevention programs to connect law enforcement in schools, embed social services with law enforcement to rapidly respond to drug overdoses where children are impacted, and expand access to evidence-based treatment and recovery support services across the criminal justice system. This project serves individuals across Knox, Wayne, Fayette, Floyd, Clark, Allen, and Madison counties. The project includes partnerships between the Division of Mental Health and Addiction and seven county coalitions. Priority considerations addressed in this application include rural, high-poverty, and economically distressed regions.

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Kansas Department of Health and Environment


The Kansas Department of Health and Environment’s All Hands on DECK (Drug Endangered Children in Kansas) is a project designed to prevent and mitigate adverse childhood experiences, specifically targeting drug endangered children (DEC), those who are found in environments where illegal drugs are manufactured, sold, distributed, used or where there is other significant evidence of illegal drugs. Approximately 140,860 Kansas children are living in environments where their parent or caregiver uses substances, and an estimated 5,155 Kansas infants are born exposed to substances every year. Recent data show Kansas has had increases in drug overdoses and deaths that are higher than the national average. Drug endangered children are much more likely to use substances themselves; have chronic diseases like diabetes, heart disease and obesity; experience mental health issues; and have social problems including financial difficulties and employment challenges. The comprehensive statewide program addresses substance use and misuse, promotes public safety, reduces overdose deaths, and supports access to prevention, harm-reduction, treatment, and recovery services in Kansas communities and multiple systems including the justice system. The goals of this project are to (1) improve identification of and response to drug endangered children in Kansas by providing training, increasing collaboration and multidisciplinary approaches, and implementing a robust subaward component; (2) increase awareness of drug endangered children in Kansas through development of a statewide media campaign, an increase in real-time data collection and dissemination, and integration of DEC awareness into existing initiatives like drug take back days; and 3) build the capacity of project partners to implement a statewide DEC initiative. The project is designed and implemented with an equity frame and will target those who have been underserved and/or adversely affected by inequality. The project divides the state into six regions to ensure geographic equity and will target all four Kansas tribes-- Iowa, Kickapoo, Potawatomi, and Sac and Fox. This project is focused on changing the trajectory for children suffering the negative impacts of living in environments where drugs are present and will develop a model that can be replicated throughout Kansas and across the United States.

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Kentucky Justice and Public Safety Cabinet


The proposed project, Kentucky Comprehensive Advocacy and Resource Efforts (K-CARE), will help to ensure that individuals negatively impacted by opioids are provided with support in the form of a community resource coordinator (CRC). K-CARE will place CRCs with Kentucky’s four (4) civil legal services providers, which provides access to CRCs for all 120 Kentucky counties via the civil legal service placements, as well as targeted support for other projects that align with the original intention of the funding. Those other projects included a fifth civil legal services provider who offers support to individuals in residential treatment settings, a law enforcement-based K-CARE project, naloxone distribution via the KY Office of Drug Control Policy, and expansion of the K-CARE model into the judicial system via a partnership with the KY Administrative Office of the Courts who embedded CRCs in ten pre-trial offices to support a diversion program. K-CARE CRCs will serve as a vital referral source for the constellation of needs that are likely to present, including linking victims with available services for interpersonal violence such as domestic violence shelters, child advocacy centers, and protective services. Likewise, K-CARE CRCs will help individuals in need to secure access to necessary health care services, transportation, employment assistance, job training, vocational rehabilitation programs, and independent/transitional housing options in their communities.

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Purchase District Health Department


The Purchase District Health Department is partnering public health, public safety, and recovery communities to address SUD/OUD epidemic with the purpose of impacting racial and gender equity of recovery service delivery and reducing drug-related harms including overdose and incarceration. The project serves eight counties in far western Kentucky with a population totaling 200,000 people. Project activities fall into four categories: 1) Reducing overdose by (a) distributing naloxone to at-risk individuals and their families and (b) educating young people about fentanyl; 2) Implementing a deflection/pre-arrest diversion program that increases access to substance use and behavioral health treatment; 3) Implementing a warm-handoff to peer support for individuals released from jail; and 4) Providing housing vouchers for individuals in recovery. Expected outcomes include reduced drug-related recidivism, increased utilization of substance use disorder services, and improved coordination of services between public safety, public health, and behavioral health service providers. The intended beneficiaries of the project are individuals with active substance use disorder, individuals in recovery, justice-involved individuals, and families of individuals with substance use disorder. The project includes a rigorous evaluation component and research activities to inform future programming and best practices.

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Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office


The Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, Sheriff’s Office (LPSO) will develop and implement a comprehensive opioid prevention effort that promotes civil rights and racial equity in the identification, response, treatment, and support of those impacted by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other drugs in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. The goal of Project Comprehensive Opioid Prevention Effort (COPE) is to deploy needed service activities and protocols to reduce overdose deaths, promote public safety, and support access to prevention, harm-reduction, treatment, and recovery services, both in the community and the justice system. The Project will function under the direction of a Project COPE Steering Committee, which is a permanent multidisciplinary coordinating body that focus on addressing the issues that arise due to the impacts of illicit opioids, stimulants, and other drugs. It is composed of representatives from the LPSO, court system, Lafourche Parish Coroner’s Office, Parish Government, public and private school systems, Nicholls State University, and prevention, intervention, and treatment agencies. Program activities include law enforcement deflection and diversion, real time data collection, education, and prevention, pre and post booking treatment alternatives to incarceration, evidence-based substance use disorder treatment, and social workers and peer embedment at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model. A program-specific priority is in support of Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities through the Federal Government.” In partnership with the Kingdom Impact Global Worship Centre, underserved populations that have been adversely affected by the opioid epidemic will be identified and strategically facilitated under the program.

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Berkshire Regional Planning Commission


The Berkshire County, Massachusetts, project will establish and expand replicable community-centered, field-based interventions to address the full Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Lifecycle of prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery in each of the three regions of Berkshire County. The purpose is to expand access to harm reduction, evidence-based treatment and recovery support services to underserved populations that will advance equity and enhance the research base to be replicable in similar rural areas that face long-standing disparities in access to affordable care. Project activities include 1) extend and expand the Berkshire Post Overdose Program to provide regionally specific medical and behavioral health-centered field outreach to individuals who recently experienced an overdose or are otherwise identified at higher risk for overdose; 2) outreach to and engagement with disadvantaged communities disproportionately affected by substances; 3) supplement existing capacities to address the OUD prevention, harm reduction, treatment and recovery landscape of the area; 4) extend and expand public communications strategies to directly support these efforts while reducing stigma; and 5) provide training to increase the toolkits and supports for first responders, practitioners, providers, families and social networks to reduce the number of community members intercepted by law enforcement and the courts. Expected outcomes include a reduction in fatal overdoses, a decrease in recidivism and intercepts by law enforcement, development of detailed process guides and toolkits that are replicable in similar areas, regular program assessments, and sustainable implementation of community-centered interventions that will empower the communities of Berkshire County to reimagine their futures free from the harms stemming from substance misuse and the related stigma. Subrecipient activities include field medical services, linkage to behavioral health resources, communications strategies to support these services, skill building training for professionals and social networks interacting with those struggling with substance use and contributing to the local and national knowledge base to replicate these activities in other rural areas experiencing similar disparities in the cost of care. The bulk of the funding (46%) will be directed towards field-initiated projects that bring together justice, behavioral health, and public health practitioners. Additional allowable expenses (14%) include embedding peers and experienced community members at intercepts 0 and 1 of the Sequential Intercept Model. Allowable uses also include harm reduction activities and linkage to evidence-based treatment and recovery for those at higher risk of overdose, arrest and/or recidivism; naloxone for law enforcement and first responders; and real-time data collection (2.5%). Less grant funding is needed for these activities as naloxone is provided at no cost, and real-time data collection is provided in-kind from the Northampton Department of Health and Human Services. Remaining project funds cover staff time and resources to implement these strategies (35.6%) and related trainings for first responders, professionals in the field, and families and social networks of those struggling with substance use (2%).

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Massachusetts Administrative Office of the Trial Court


The Trial Court of Massachusetts, on behalf of six states (Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont), will establish a New England Regional Judicial Opioid Initiative (RJOI). This project will support comprehensive cross-system planning and collaboration among officials who work in multiple justice and justice related settings while staying focused on the judiciary and judiciary stakeholders (e.g. law enforcement, pre-trial services, the courts, probation and parole, child welfare, reentry, prescription drug monitoring programs (PDMPs), and emergency medical services, as well as health-care providers, public health partners, and agencies that provide substance use disorder treatment and recovery support services). The New England RJOI will also develop and enhance public safety, behavioral health, and public health information-sharing partnerships that leverage key public health and public safety data sets and implement interventions based on this information. The project will have a researcher and is presently completing contract negotiations for these services. Please note that Abby Kuschel currently leads this initiative as Project Director, not Jessica Fix. Ms. Fix is registered in JustGrants as Grant Award Administrator and is responsible for administrative/fiscal oversight. We are unable to update this field as it locked in the web form.

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Massachusetts Administrative Office of the Trial Court


The Massachusetts Administrative Office of the Trial Court applied for a Category 2 statewide grant in the amount of $6,000,000. Project NORTH (Navigation, Outreach, Recovery, Treatment, and Hope) will increase treatment engagement and retention, decrease risk of overdose, and reduce risk of justice-system involvement. The objectives of the project are to increase access to evidence-based treatment and care coordination, decrease barriers to treatment retention, increase recovery support and recovery capital, and increase access to overdose-prevention education and naloxone distribution. This project serves 62 communities in 9 counties and 2.7 million people. Locations include Barnstable, Boston, Brockton, Chelsea, Haverhill, Fall River, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, New Bedford, Pittsfield, Quincy, Springfield, Taunton, and Worcester. The project includes partnerships between the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, MassHealth (Medicaid office), Department of Public Health, Department of Mental Health, the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School's Center of Excellence for Specialty Courts, and the Massachusetts Alliance for Sober Housing. Priority considerations in this application include rural regions, high-poverty areas, and Qualified Opportunity Zones. Please note that Marisa Hebble currently leads this initiative as Project Director, not Jessica Fix. Ms. Fix is registered in JustGrants as Grant Award Administrator and is responsible for administrative/fiscal oversight. We are unable to update this field as it locked in the web form.

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Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court


The Franklin County Sheriff's Office, in collaboration with the Opioid Task Force of Franklin County, the North Quabbin Region, and other partners, will expand services provided by the Community Opportunity, Network, Navigation, Exploration, and Connection Team (CONNECT) project. Serving 30 rural communities across nearly 1,000 square miles, CONNECT became the first team serving 86,773 residents to respond to fatal and non-fatal overdoses in July 2021 in the only federally designated rural county in Massachusetts. CONNECT was created to address consistently high levels of fatal overdoses in a region marked by persistent poverty, further exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which drove up opioid-related fatalities by 45.5% between 2020 and 2021. Despite the presence of CONNECT, gaps remain. Lack of law enforcement and first responder capacity, budget cuts, and staff turnover have emerged as issues. The distribution of naloxone to our law enforcement and first responders remains a priority as many municipalities cannot afford it due to high costs. Advancing racial equity in our work has also emerged as a priority, as data reveal people of color are disproportionately impacted by opioid overdoses in Massachusetts. Rural isolation and lack of access to services remain a concern, where limited transportation routes and Internet connectivity prevent individuals from accessing SUD treatment services and peer recovery coaching supports in community settings, preventing their entry into the mental health and criminal justice systems. To address these challenges, CONNECT will: 1) implement a set of new strategies at Intercept Zero that would include the creation of a CONNECT mobile outreach program to visit residents in their communities, including targeting priority populations (e.g., trade workers), create self and at-risk referral pathways to leverage CONNECT services to prevent opioid overdoses from occurring, provide grief support visits, and create an opioid fatality review team; 2) embed peer recovery coaches in community, court, and emergency room settings; 3) continue to provide naloxone to law enforcement and first responders; 4) support CONNECT Cultural Humility Initiative to ensure the diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice principles are part of our community outreach; and 5) expand real-time data collection with our Critical Management System for CONNECT's new services. Led by research scientists Pamela Kelley and Dr. Sean Varano, Kelley Research Associates will act as CONNECT's Research Partner to assess its effectiveness.

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St. Mary's County


The St. Mary’s County Health Department (SMCHD) is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $899,963. The St. Mary’s County Day Reporting Center project will provide community-based services and treatment to offenders under parole/probation in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. The offenders will live at home and report to the center on a daily basis. While at the center, the offenders receive various services including substance misuse counseling, anger management, moral reconation therapy, parenting skills, relapse prevention, mental health coordination, job skills, case management, educational classes, life skills, after-care planning, and touch-ups. This project serves a population of roughly 113,510 individuals in St. Mary's County. The project includes partnerships between SMCHD and St. Mary's County Detention and Rehabilitation Center (SMCDRC).

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Worcester County


The Worcester County Health Department (WCHD) is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $600,000. The project will enable the countywide expansion of the Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program launched in July 2021 in Ocean Pines through the addition of two case managers and support staff to assist in data collection and partner coordination. The LEAD program will work with other first responders, including fire department and emergency medical services (EMS) staff members. This expansion will include collaboration with the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, targeting high utilizers of law enforcement and other first responder services across Worcester County. The additional case management staff will provide linkages to care, social services, and recovery support services to appropriate individuals identified by fire/EMS professionals and law enforcement officers. The expansion of the LEAD program will increase access to treatment for individuals who are abusing or misusing opioids, stimulants, and other substances and those who have co-occurring substance use and mental health disorders. It will also benefit law enforcement and first responder systems by redirecting high utilizers to more appropriate services. The project serves Worcester County, a largely rural county with a population of 52,276. The project will include partnerships between WCHD and the Worcester County Office of the State’s Attorney, the Ocean Pines Police Department, the Worcester County Local Behavioral Health Authority, the Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, the Eastern Shore Criminal Justice Academy, and the Governor’s Office of Crime Prevention, Youth and Victim Services. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Cass County, Inc.


Cass County, Inc. applied for Category 1c rural/tribal area grant funding in the amount of $600,000. The Cass County COSSAP Project will employ a collaborative and comprehensive “gap-filling” approach to develop, implement, and/or expand/enhance existing trauma-informed evidence-based programming in order to identify, respond to, treat, and support those affected by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other substances. Objectives include the expansion of access to supervision, treatment, and recovery support services across the criminal justice system. The program will also create co-responder crisis intervention teams of trained law enforcement officers and behavioral health practitioners to connect individuals to trauma-informed and evidence-based co-occurring SUD treatment and recovery support services, as well as provide overdose education and prevention activities, and address the needs of children impacted by substance abuse. The project includes partnerships between 43rd Circuit Court judges, Woodlands Behavioral Healthcare Network, Office of the Sheriff, Office of the Prosecutor, Community Corrections, defense attorney, program coordinator, and the program evaluator. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the challenges that rural communities face and Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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Department of State Police Michigan


The need to expand overdose prevention, SUD treatment, and other harm reduction services is high in Northern Michigan. Like many rural areas, there are few options for community-based SUD care and funding is limited. Both Michigan's Upper Peninsula and its northern Lower Peninsula lack critical community mental health infrastructure to ensure continuity of service after acute drug-related crisis and access to harm reduction resources. This dramatically impacts the health of northern communities, some of which have rates of hepatitis C, a viral infection associated with injection drug use, that exceed Michigan's densely populated urban counties. Moreover, health care and first responder resources are more geospatially dispersed, leading to delays in treatment and access to critical harm reduction interventions. However, current funding is insufficient to meet the demands of innovative prevention programs to support northern counties in reducing morbidities and mortalities associated with SUD and drug overdoses. Therefore, to build infrastructure and increase capacity for SUD services in Northern Michigan and one centrally located, urban community, the Michigan State Police (MSP), in collaboration with the Bay Mills Indian Community, Catholic Human Services, Greater Flint Health Coalition, Harm Reduction Michigan, Nathan's House, and the Michigan Public Health Institute, is proposing several innovative prevention programs. MSP is leading the project with ten counties in Northern and Central Michigan in partnership with local tribal, public health, and community organizations and the University of Michigan School of Nursing as the evaluation partner. The goal of the project is to offer SUD and overdose prevention services that will promote health during critical moments in recovery and prevention. For example, a comprehensive education campaign for K-12, at-risk youth and county-level overdose fatality reviews will be implemented as primary prevention strategies. Likewise, drug checking and other harm reduction services will be used to prevent overdose during active use. For consumers who are newly entering community services, MAT programming will be expanded, and additional behavioral health clinicians will be recruited to offer SUD counseling services. In Genesee County, a comprehensive, interdisciplinary recovery community center that centralizes community-based services will be implemented. To help prevent contact with the justice system, recovery coaches and jail-based SUD care will be implemented to prepare consumers for re-entry. Finally, transitional recovery housing capacity will be bolstered to provide stable housing and extended recovery support. Overall, these projects will build critical infrastructure in Northern and Central Michigan for quality SUD care.

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Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians


The Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians (GTB) applied for Category 1c tribal/rural area grant funding in the amount of $600,000. The GTB COSSAP Project will address the current substance use issues identified by Grand Traverse Band’s Behavioral Health intakes, with statistics confirming the continued need for substance use services and recovery support for adolescents and adult federally recognized Native Americans who are experiencing depression, trauma, suicide ideation, and co-occurring disorders. This project serves 5,100 Native Americans in the GTB six-county service area located in lower northwest Michigan (Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, and Manistee counties). The project includes partnerships between GTB Public Safety and the GTB Tribal Court departments. Priority considerations addressed in this application include addressing specific challenges that rural communities face.

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St. Joseph County


The County of St. Joseph applied for Category 1c rural/tribal area grant funding in the amount of $600,000. The County of St. Joseph COSSAP Project will employ a collaborative and comprehensive “gap-filling” approach to develop, implement, and/or expand/enhance existing trauma-informed evidence-based programming in order to identify, respond to, treat, and support those affected by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other substances. Objectives include the expansion of access to supervision, treatment, and recovery support services across the criminal justice system. The project will also create Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) to enhance co-responder crisis intervention teams to connect individuals to trauma-informed and evidence-based co-occurring SUD treatment and recovery support services; provide overdose education and prevention activities; and address the needs of children impacted by substance abuse. This project serves St. Joseph County, Michigan, with a population of 60,964. The project includes partnerships between the 45th Circuit Court of Michigan, sheriff, Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, defense attorney, Office of the Prosecutor, Community Corrections, program evaluator, and program coordinator. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the specific challenges that rural communities face and a Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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Mississippi State Department of Health


The Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) project is titled Mississippi COSSAP Advanced Response Enhancement System (MCARES), will enhance real-time response to illicit substance use and misuse; reduce overdose fatalities; promote rapid response; and support access to prevention, treatment, and recovery. MCARES is a statewide project that will mitigate the effects of opioids, stimulants, and other substances by delivering initiatives that collectively identify, respond to, treat, and support those locally impacted at the community level while ameliorating racial and health inequities. This three-pronged approach of demand reduction, harm reduction, and supply reduction ensures a holistic initiative, one that while directed at the state level, simultaneously enlists and enhances local capabilities to sustain these efforts beyond the project’s timeframe. Attention will be focused on counties or county clusters within the state that have a documented record of elevated vulnerability to the impacts of opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs. MCARES will select six community-based organizations within six of the nine Mississippi public safety districts to direct the community-based response, prioritizing areas of high need through a data-driven process in which multiple years of fatal and nonfatal overdose death rates will be carefully analyzed along with other indicators to create community risk profiles. MCARES goals include: (1) comprehensive, real-time, regional information collection, analysis, and dissemination that promote the use of data for both efficient and effective planning and response to overdoses and emerging drug trends (35 percent of total budget); (2) expansion of naloxone distribution for first responders and direct distribution to end users (e.g., individuals experiencing a drug overdose) (10 percent of total budget); and (3) evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and harm reduction activities (20 percent of total budget). To attain these goals, MCARES will implement activities to achieve the following outcomes: (1) development and implementation of a state-level overdose spike response framework to guide transportable response units in rapid local response efforts; (2) transportable response units to provide a concerted, collaborative rapid response to communities experiencing a drug overdose spike, based on real-time surveillance data received by MSDH; (3) expanded naloxone access to individuals suffering from a nonfatal overdose; and increased MOUD for under-insured and uninsured Mississippians.

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Mississippi State Department of Health


The Mississippi State Department of Health (MSDH) is applying for a Category 2 statewide area grant in the amount of $6,000,000. The Mississippi Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program will implement universal SUD screening with comprehensive evidence-based SUD interventions delivered through collaboration between patient and provider. They will improve the timeliness and quality of drug overdose information on death certificates and the transfer of this information electronically to support the rapid exchange of death information. The program will select an appropriate web-based naloxone administration training portal to train law enforcement and other first responders on administration of naloxone and expand the availability of naloxone to those that receive training. Also, the program will extend and expand access to evidence-based treatment interventions through MSDH county health departments. This project serves all citizens of the state of Mississippi, a predominately rural state with a population of 2.9 million residents. The project includes partnerships between the Mississippi Public Health Institute, Mississippi Office of Forensics Laboratories, and the University of Mississippi Medical Center. Priority considerations addressed in this application include rural, high-poverty areas, and Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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County of Lenoir


Lenoir County's project is a regional project serving two rural counties in eastern North Carolina-Lenoir and Greene Counties-with a combined population of greater than 50,000. The grant will expand evidence-based substance use treatment, recovery housing, and case management services for justice-involved individuals at multiple intercepts. Specifically, under this project, Lenoir and Greene County will: Provide recovery housing and case management services to up to 157 individuals over the life of the grant; Provide transportation support to up to 300 individuals over the life of the grant; Provide monthly structured, supervised visitation for children impacted by parental substance use in the family court system; Support identifiable and accessible prescription drug take-back programs for unused, controlled substances in the home; Provide evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other drugs, as well as harm reduction activities and recovery support services; Partner with a researcher to continue to provide research-based strategies to identify treatment/resource needs, address system gaps, and evaluate program effectiveness through objective measures.

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Henderson County/Henderson County Health Department


The Henderson County Health Department, through the County of Henderson, applied for Category 1b grant funding in the amount of $900,000. The funds will be used to expand access to recovery support services. The program seeks to provide peer-delivered services with a focus on rehabilitation and recovery, utilizing North Carolina certified peer support specialists and care coordinators. Services provided by the certified peers include psychosocial rehabilitation, habilitation, family support and training, short-term crisis intervention, and empowerment. This project serves a suburban area or medium-sized county with a population between 100,000 and 500,000. The project includes partnerships between Henderson County’s Behavioral Health Summit, Free Clinix, and Hope RX.

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Hyde County Health Department


Through the implementation of its Substance Awareness Program, Hyde County Health Department (HCHD) aims to work collaboratively with community partners to reduce substance misuse, overdoses, and deaths, and disease transmissions & infections (related to intravenous drug use) by increasing the utilization of treatment & harm reduction resources; supporting people who use drugs (PWUD) and those in recovery; and providing education to PWUD, their families, and the general community.

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Lenoir County


The County of Lenoir applied for Category 1b grant funding for the amount of $288,713. The purpose of the project is to improve capacity of the district’s Family Accountability and Recovery Court (FARC) to serve families involved in the family court system due to substance dependence. Project objectives include providing more seamless and comprehensive treatment, as well as recovery services to parents with substance use disorders through increased staff capacity, enhanced training and professional development, and expanding treatment and complementary services. The project also aims at addressing systemic barriers faced by parents with substance use disorders through family transitional housing and expanded transportation assistance, as well as improving FARC performance through evaluation and performance management. This project serves North Carolina’s 8th Judicial District (Lenoir, Wayne, and Green counties). The total population of the district is 201,483. The project includes partnerships between Lenoir County, the 8th Judicial District FARC program, Hope Restorations Inc., Kinston Community Health Center, and the National Center for State Courts. Priority considerations addressed in this application include rural challenges, high and persistent poverty, and improved safety in Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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North Carolina State Department of Health and Human Services


The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services (NC DHHS) will implement evidence-based strategies to reduce the rate of opioid overdose associated with individuals involved in the local justice system. NC DHHS will competitively subaward nine sites to implement pre-arrest diversion programs, jail-based overdose prevention education and naloxone upon release, jail-based medication assisted treatment, and connections to care upon release. Six sites will be new projects and three sites will involve expanding or enhancing existing projects. The state will collaborate with Dr. Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Social Medicine as the research partner for the project.

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Pitt County


The Pitt County, North Carolina, Sheriff's Office proposes to expand the evidence-based substance use disorder (SUD) treatment programs that operate within the Pitt County Detention Center. The Sheriff's Heroin Addiction Recovery Program (SHARP) and the Women's Empowerment and Recovery (WEAR) program are designed to combat substance use disorder and overdose deaths in Pitt County. These programs include general education development/high school equivalency services, cognitive behavioral therapy, moral recognition therapy, peer support services, access to a social worker, licensed substance abuse counselors, peer support services, and Medicated Assisted Treatment. The proposed expansion would fund three more years of programmatic staff, offer ride-sharing services to newly released low-income detainee’s for SUD’s related treatment and recovery needs, provide a residential treatment housing option to low-income individuals with substance use disorder, contract with a local university for programmatic development and evaluation, and connect law enforcement with more local K-12 students. The plan is use 7 percent of the budget to provide 2,100 total rides, 700 per project year, to treatment and recovery support services by partnering with the specialized non-profit organization, Danny’s Ride. Funds will also be used to hire a case manager who will track participants, create discharge plans, and aid participants with discharge needs. Thirty-five percent of the budget will go towards the salaries and benefits of the SHARP/WEAR Programs Coordinator and the Social Worker. The Pitt County Sheriff’s Office will partner with East Carolina University (ECU) for programmatic evaluation/analysis, data collection, SHARP/WEAR curriculum development, and family life education classes for detainees (20 percent of the budget). The Principal Investigator for the project will be Dr. Mallette, CFLE, and her team of human service graduate students. This COSSAP project will also dedicate 4 percent of the funds to expand the reach of evidence-based D.A.R.E. programming in Pitt County. D.A.R.E is an education and prevention program that connects law enforcement agencies to K-12 students. The curriculum has been reinvented to include components such as opioid and OTC/Rx drug abuse, vaping prevention, depression awareness, coping mechanisms, bullying, and communication skills.

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Surry County Government


Surry County Government applied for Category 1c grant funding in the amount of $595,568. The project will establish an accessible continuum of care to reduce the impact of substance use on the community. Currently, two essential components are lacking in the community: (1) data analysis to link needs, treatment, and services; apprise cost effectiveness; and track impact outcomes countywide; and (2) transportation assistance for people needing treatment. This proposal outlines a plan to implement these two critical elements. This project serves Surry County, North Carolina, which has a population of 73,232. The project includes partnerships between preventive, treatment, recovery, social, and justice service agencies in the county. Priority considerations addressed in this application include: rural, Qualified Opportunity Zones, a high rate of treatment admissions, high rates of overdose and overdose death, and a high rate of drug-related crime.

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Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians


The Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $596,493. The Turtle Mountain COSSAP Program will comprise a take-back medication program in collaboration with Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) law enforcement, Turtle Mountain Agency; expansion of access to evidence-based treatment and recovery support services; implementation of peer recovery support services; utilization of an evidence-based screening tool for use by first responders, law enforcement, and others to assess for substance misuse indicators; and development of community outreach and education events. The Turtle Mountain Recovery Center (TMRC), a treatment facility with 16 residential beds for inpatient care and outpatient counseling and support, will serve 500 tribal members annually through both inpatient and outpatient treatment. TMRC will partner with the Turtle Mountain Community College to refer those in recovery to classes that build employable skills, as well as refer to other supportive services such as permanent housing and food assistance. The project will involve the hiring and training of three full-time peer support specialists, all Turtle Mountain tribal members, who will provide outreach and education to the community, liaise with local law enforcement and other stakeholders, and advocate for those in treatment and recovery; and purchase and utilization of the Triage Assessment for Addictive Disorders-5 (TAAD5) evidence-based screening tool. The project serves the Turtle Mountain Band of Chippewa Indians, a federally recognized tribe of 30,100 members located in Rolette County, North Dakota. The project includes partnerships with BIA local law enforcement and the 5th Generation Healing Center. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities. The project will also benefit individuals residing in high-poverty areas.

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New Jersey State Parole Board


The New Jersey State Parole Board (NJSPB) is applying for a Category 2 award in the amount of $3,278,813. The FY 2021 COSSAP-New Jersey State Parole Board project will provide peer recovery-based services to individuals with substance use disorder who are under parole supervision, as well as expand Rutgers University’s current Intensive Recovery Treatment Support (IRTS) program and create a team of providers specifically dedicated to the needs of individuals under NJSPB supervision. The target population to be served under this grant will be a minimum of 110 adult offenders released from New Jersey state correctional facilities to parole supervision residing in any one of New Jersey’s 21 counties. Medium-to-high-risk offenders will be identified prior to their release from prison and will be referred, when released on parole, to receive IRTS services with the aid of a Peer Health Navigator. The project includes a partnership with Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care. Priority considerations addressed in this application include protecting the public from crime and evolving threats, building trust between law enforcement and the community, and serving individuals residing in high-poverty areas.

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Pueblo of Pojoaque


The Pueblo of Pojoaque, a federally recognized American Indian Tribe, is in north-central New Mexico and is one of the six Northern Tewa-speaking Rio Grande Pueblos. The Pueblo is in the Pojoaque Valley, 15 miles north of Santa Fe and 10 miles south of Rio Arriba County, and situated along interstate US 84/285, a major highway with more than 25,000 commuters per day. This level of traffic and the Pueblo’s proximity to Rio Arriba County, a county that has historically had one of the highest rates of drug-related deaths, makes the community vulnerable to the sale and distribution of illicit substances. The project will provide services to individuals and families of the Pueblo of Pojoaque, the Hispanic communities in Pojoaque Valley, and the tribal communities of San Idefonso, Nambe, Santa Clara, Tesuque, and Ohkay Owingeh. The purpose of the program is to (1) enhance evidence-based harm reduction efforts within the Pueblo of Pojoaque; (2) expand access to recovery support services for individuals with substance use problems; and (3) support evidence-based culturally centered prevention efforts to reduce youth substance use. The long-term program goals are to prevent substance use among youth and reduce the impact of substance abuse on individuals and the community. The project will focus on three specific allowable activities described in the solicitation: (1) naloxone education and distribution for law enforcement and first responders; education and prevention programs to connect law enforcement agencies with K-12 students; and evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs, as well as harm reduction activities and recovery support services. Within each activity and trainings offered, the program will give priority to American Indian Tribal members to promote racial equity and remove any barriers to access. The program will design a culturally responsive program that represents the Pueblo and fills existing gaps created by colonization and the forced removal of traditional ways.

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Rio Arriba County


Rio Arriba County, through Rio Arriba Health & Human Services (RAHHS), is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $582,810. The project will enable RAHHS to expand its Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Program, resulting in enhanced coverage during peak off-business hours and an expanded intake network in order to maximize the number of beneficiaries of the program. While referrals from law enforcement will be prioritized, referrals will also be accepted pre-arrest from community providers, as will self-referrals. RAHHS will also work with the New Mexico Behavioral Health Services Division (BHSD) to develop a reimbursement model for care that is consistent with LEAD, provides the actual services needed by LEAD clientele, and can be scaled to the 32 other counties in New Mexico. The project will assign one certified peer support worker case manager to district court to serve and redirect LEAD clients back to LEAD who disappear into the corrections system in other counties and will expand prevention efforts by assigning a half-time clinician to provide dialectical behavioral therapy to at-risk youth in the Española and Chama School Districts. Deliverables include the referral of 80 individuals by law enforcement for pre-arrest diversion to treatment. The project serves Rio Arriba County, which has an estimated population of 38,921. The project includes partnerships with BHSD, the Rio Arriba County Sheriff’s Office, the Española Police Department, the New Mexico State Police, Adult Probation, the District Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, the First Judicial District Court, the Rio Arriba Community Health Council, the Northern New Mexico Rural Health Network, and the Opiate Use Reduction (OUR) Network. The project will engage Dr. Anne Hayes Egan of New Ventures Consulting as an evaluation partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Sierra County


Sierra County in New Mexico will develop a crisis intervention team to assist law enforcement officers in developing a law enforcement diversion program, provide jail-based opioid and behavioral health services, provide skill-building and treatment, assist incarcerated individuals transitioning to community-based services once released from custody, add community behavior health treatment planning and services, and conduct opioid education programs in schools. This project will engage Ann Hays Egan of New Ventures Consulting as the research partner for this project.

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Nevada Office of the Attorney General


The Nevada Office of the Attorney General (NOAG) is applying for Category 2 funding in the amount of $5,751,772. The project involves enhancing existing or implementing new drug deflection/diversion programs undertaken by Mobile Outreach Safety Teams (MOST) or Forensic Assessment Services Triage Teams (FASTT), increasing provision of naloxone, and conducting drug take-back days to address drug/mental health crisis situations. MOST is a jail and hospital diversion program whereby public safety personnel and behavioral health clinicians collaborate to address the behavioral health needs of people involved in or at risk of involvement in the criminal justice system. FASTT provides assessment and case management for individuals who are screened as moderate to high risk using the Ohio Risk Assessment System and those with mental health and co-occurring disorders. The project serves seven sites from Nevada’s 16 counties and one independent city: Carson City, Churchill, Douglas, Lincoln, Lyon, Nye, and Storey. The subaward sites consist of three designated rural areas, three designated frontier areas, and the smallest urban area in Nevada. The project includes partnerships between the NOAG and the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services and community coalitions. The project will engage the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR’s) program evaluation team as an evaluation partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include high rates of overdose deaths and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Albany County


Albany County applied for a Category 1b suburban area grant in the amount of $898,062. The Growing LEAD: Increasing Operational Capacity to Improve and Expand Service in Albany County program will be increased with the addition of case managers to grow caseload capacity by 200 percent, an increase of approximately 50 new clients annually. Additionally, a full-time, dedicated project director and community engagement and outreach coordinator will be hired to improve coordination between partners and the public, increase public awareness of LEAD, and develop policies and procedures to better serve LEAD communities. This project serves the city of Albany, with a population of over 97,000. The project includes partnerships between Albany County Executive Office, District Attorney’s Office, sheriff, mayor of Albany, City of Albany Police Department, Center for Law and Justice, and Central Avenue Business Improvement District. Priority considerations addressed in this application include Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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County of Greene


Greene County is a fully rural county in upstate New York with a high burden of overdose. In 2021 the county rate of opioid involved overdose deaths was double the upstate New York average. That same year, Greene County ranked 2nd of 57 upstate New York counties for overdose deaths involving opioids and it ranked 1st for deaths involving heroin. Fentanyl drives the epidemic, with 88% of deaths in the last two years involving fentanyl, often in combination with stimulants, heroin or other substances. Fatality rates are particularly high in the Mountain Top, a remote region of the Catskill Mountains. Greene County Public Health will establish Data Driven Opioid and Recovery Coordination (DDORC) and aim to reduce overdose fatalities, and to decrease sub-county disparities in fatality rates. Specifically, Greene County will expand epidemiological surveillance of overdose trends and disparities in overdose volume and assess access and linkage to treatment and recovery resources. Greene County will also expand MAT services, focusing on linkage to care for justice-involved people and we will enhance Law Enforcement and First Responder Leave Behind and Diversion programs, as well as other novel programs for First Responder overdose response. All of this work will be guided collaboratively by the DDORC, a group of multidisciplinary stakeholders led jointly by Public Health and Public Safety. Specific project goals include: 1) utilize real-time overdose and other substance use related data to describe and address overdose risks, barriers and facilitating factors for substance use treatment and recovery, and disparities in accessing substance use related services; 2) increase access to evidence-based substance disorder treatment by expanding MAT services available at Greene County Public Health and build linkage to care systems between public health and public safety that specifically target justice-involved individuals; 3) increase coordination between public health and public safety partners through support of law enforcement diversion and overdose response programs and overdose-related EMS services; and 4) implement and convene a data-driven multidisciplinary coordinating body lead by Greene County Public Health with participation from public safety partners and other county and community-based agencies that serve people who use drugs. Greene County Public Health will coordinate this project in partnership with the Greene County Sheriff's Office and Albany Medical Center's Divisions of Prehospital Care and Addiction Medicine, sub-recipients, as well as with support from the Regional Emergency Medical Organization (REMO).

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Seneca Nation of Indians


The Seneca Nation of Indians applied for Category 1c tribal/rural area grant funding in the amount of $595,366.30. The Seneca Nation’s Native Connections Clubhouse Program (SNNCP) will provide opioid, stimulant, and substance abuse education, prevention, and intervention programming that connects law enforcement agencies with K-12 students and provides ongoing community support systems for at-risk youth. Objective one is to provide school administrations, students, and families with access to law enforcement agencies through the School Resource Officer Program; connecting K-12 students to opioid, stimulant, and substance abuse education, prevention, and intervention programming and resources. Objective two is to provide Native American youth and families with access to evidenced-based opioid, stimulant, and substance abuse prevention and intervention strategies/tools/programs beyond traditional school/business hours by opening an after-hour’s safe place, the Clubhouse, for a minimum of 25 hours per week on the Allegany Territory. This project serves the Seneca Nation of Indians Tribe. The project includes partnerships between Lakeshore Central Schools and Silver Central Schools.

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Seneca Nation of Indians


The goal of the Seneca Nation project is to combat the substance abuse epidemic plaguing the Seneca Nation’s communities through collaboration between numerous entities within the Seneca Nation, community groups, and local organizations. The following objectives have been identified to assist in reaching this goal: (1) establishment of a multi-disciplinary team board comprised of Seneca Nation entities and community organizations to address gaps in data collection within communities and Indian Country, create a strategic plan for the development of an inpatient treatment facility, and identify potential solutions to solving the substance abuse epidemic plaguing our Territories; (2) collaborate with the legal entities to assist individuals in obtaining needed resources for treatment, in addition to addressing any barriers that may exist for the people struggling with addiction; (3) provide trainings centered on Seneca culture and evidence-based practices for Behavioral Health and Seneca Strong; and (4) provide peer support, groups, individuals and community education surrounding the opiate epidemic through collaboration with internal and external entities.

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St. Lawrence County


St. Lawrence County, New York, will expand medication-assisted treatment (MAT), peer support, and harm reduction activities for underserved and high risk populations, including incarcerated individuals and victims of recent overdose. This project will serve the 108,505 residents of St. Lawrence County, located in northern New York State, immediately south of the U.S. border with Canada. The project’s service area may extend beyond County borders, to neighboring Franklin, Jefferson, and Lewis Counties. St. Lawrence County is large, rural, and subject to harsh winter weather. Typical barriers to treatment are made worse by transportation challenges including limited bus routes, shortage of drivers for public transit and volunteer transportation, rising fuel prices, and an unreliable medical transportation program. The Washington/Baltimore HIDTA Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP), an overdose mapping tool used by the County, indicates a 265 percent increase in the number of overdoses reported from 2019 to 2021. In addition, data from the St. Lawrence County Drug Task Force indicates significant increases in drug-related felonies (64 percent) and misdemeanors (90 percent) from 2018 to 2021. The County’s Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) will expand to provide MAT services at the County Correctional Facility; continue to support the Peer Support Services established through FY2020 COSSAP (which has helped reduce “no-shows” from 50 percent to 15 percent); provide client, staff, and community education on overdose prevention and access to harm reduction resources through a new Harm Reduction/Transportation Specialist; establish new harm reduction services including needle exchange and syringe disposal; and coordinate community awareness and stigma reduction media campaigns and community events. Direct oversight of the project will be provided by the St. Lawrence County Opioid Rural Response (SLCORR) Committee, whose purpose is to reduce the morbidity and mortality of substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD). SLCORR is led by the St. Lawrence County Community Services Board (SLCCSB) and includes the following stakeholders: St. Lawrence County Community Services, St. Lawrence County Overdose Prevention Program, Seaway Valley Prevention Council, Maximizing Independent Living Center (MILC), and New Hope Transformation Ministries (dba Grace House), a transitional living residence.

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St. Lawrence County


St. Lawrence County applied for Category 1b suburban area grant funding in the amount of $900,000. The St. Lawrence County Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-based Program (COSSAP) utilizes patient-centered care to facilitate access to substance use treatment for individuals with opioid use disorder who are not currently getting the needed care. The program will expand harm-reduction services and recovery support opportunities, as well as increase access to communicable disease testing and preventive care to individuals in high-risk populations. Also, the program will provide essential patient-centered addiction services for the people at greatest risk for overdose. This project serves the 109,558 residents of St. Lawrence County. The project includes partnerships between St. Lawrence County Community Services, St. Lawrence Health Systems, Seaway Valley Prevention Council, the Maximizing Independent Living Center, and New Hope Transformation Ministries (dba Grace House). Priority considerations addressed in this application include Qualified Opportunity Zones and the specific challenges that rural communities face.

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Ulster County


The Ulster County Sheriff’s Office will; (1) expand a law enforcement diversion co-response team previously funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance modeled after LEAD, PAARI, QRT, and traditional care management to provide peer services within the rural areas of the county; (2) provided peer care management services in the Ulster County Jail to provide MAT programing support, as well as pre/post re-entry services to assist the coordination of re-entry for individuals with SUD, linking individuals with community-based treatment and recovery supports which increase access to behavioral health care, and following up with individuals for up to post release; and (3) provide naloxone vending machines in public spaces at the jail and in the community as a harm reduction measure for close networks of individuals experiencing opioid use disorder to gain easy and equitable access. The project includes collaboration between Ulster County Department of Mental Health, the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office, and Opioid Response as County Law Enforcement's High Risk Mitigation Team. This expansion project aims to increase collaboration between law enforcement and the community with the following goals: (1) reduce opioid fatalities in the rural region of the county by 40 percent in three years; (2) decrease opioid fatalities among incarcerated individuals upon re-entry by 40 percent over the course of three years; (3) increase naloxone distribution to the families and networks of individuals experiencing opioid use disorder by 100 percent within three years. The goal of all proposed programs is to enhance relationships between law enforcement and black, indigenous, and people of color communities struggling with substance use disorder by ensuring that all outreach and practices are trauma informed and sensitive to the historical and systemic racism.

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Butler County of Ohio


Butler County of Ohio applied for Category 1B grant funding in the amount of $900,000. The Butler County COSSAP project aims to reduce the impact of opioids, stimulants, and other substances on individuals within its communities, through reducing the number of overdose fatalities, as well as mitigating the impacts of on crime victims by supporting comprehensive, collaborative initiatives. This project serves Butler County, home to a population of 382,000. The project includes a partnership with Miami University’s Center for School-based Mental Health Programs. Priority considerations addressed in this application include rural challenges in a high-poverty area and Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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Erie County


The Erie County, Ohio, Health Department (ECHD) project will expand prevention and harm reduction services to combat the opioid epidemic in Erie County. The Erie County Pathways project will focus on providing enhanced care to law enforcement/first responders dealing with behavioral or mental health issues, and youths through school programming. ECHD has identified five primary objectives for this project: (1) developing a pathway and increase services for first responders who are able to access behavioral and mental health care and services in a secure manner; (2) enhancement of Erie County drug take back programs by securely collecting opioids and other illicit substances for disposal during twice-yearly destruction events and distribution of Deterra; (3) partnering with Erie County school districts to expand prevention programs for adolescents; (4) Post overdose response: funding the Erie County Sheriff’s office 9-11 Dispatch for the Drug Overdose Response Team to conduct visits with non-fatal overdose survivors ; (5) Increase referrals/prevention education for mental health and substance use treatment and recovery services. The project includes the following activities: (1) drug take back programs and prevention education outreach for adolescents as well as distribution of Deterra bags for the community (10 percent); (2) law enforcement/first responder mental health and substance use program (25 percent); (3) Implement Botvin Life Skills. Collect pre-post survey data from schools that implement Botvin educational programming/create evaluation (10 percent); (4) Increase referral for mental health and substance use treatment/recovery services through prevention education as well as referral systems for schools, responders and the SUD community (15 percent); (5) education/prevention programming connecting law enforcement and schools (20 percent); (6) evidence-based substance use disorder (SUD) and opioid use disorder (OUD) prevention, and referral support services (10 percent); and (7) Participate and provide prevention education during community events and school events (10 percent). The target service area for this project is Erie County, Ohio, with a population of about 74,000 individuals. The three-year project will develop, implement, and coordinate alcohol and other drug prevention/treatment/recovery care to strengthen and expand access to treatment and recovery for those struggling with addiction. Target populations are adults and adolescents. ECHD operates the Erie County Community Health Center through which integrated health care plans will be developed for individuals struggling with SUD/OUD as well as family members/caregivers.

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Hancock County


The Hancock County Alcohol, Drug Addiction and Mental Health Services (ADAMHS) Board in Ohio proposes a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary collaborative approach to address and prevent the illicit use of opioids, stimulants, and other substances and its adverse consequences within a predominantly rural county. The proposed Criminal Justice Connections – Extending Our Reach (CJC-EOR) project will reduce the impact of illicit opioids, stimulants, and other substances on individuals and communities by using a multi-level approach. The project aims to: (1) expand and enhance an existing LEAD® program; (2) implement a school and/or community-based prevention/early intervention service program for children and family members who are negatively impacted by substance use and/or criminal justice involvement; (3) develop a sustainable co-responder model between criminal justice and behavioral health systems; (4) enhance the use of Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP) in collaboration with community partners; and (5) expand the local workforce through formalized relationships with area institutions of higher education. The proposed project will also evaluate the system level approach which further connects public safety, criminal justice, treatment, and recovery systems to provide a greater continuum of care for individuals with substance use disorder. Activities include: law enforcement and first responder deflection and diversion (30 percent); real-time data collection (15 percent); education and prevention programs to connect law enforcement agencies with K-12 students (20 percent); evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs, such as MAT, as well as harm reduction activities and recovery support services (5 percent); and embedding social workers, peers, and/or persons with lived experience at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model (30 percent). The Hancock County ADAMHS Board will collaborate with Brandeis University’s Institute for Behavioral Health researchers for this project to evaluate the impact of the proposed initiatives.

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Hocking County


Hocking County is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $539,464. The Hocking County Overdose Prevention and Harm Reduction Project will expand the county’s deflection programming from a Quick Response Team (QRT) called QRT Hocking Overdose Partnership Endeavor (HOPE) into one that partners with outside agencies by funding positions that link students and families to treatment and services for substance use disorders. The project will subcontract with a mental health practitioner within the Logan-Hocking School District (LHSD) and a deflection specialist within the Hocking County Health Department who will work directly with overdose victims and their families or those identified as being at a higher risk for having an overdose, as well as monitor a new crisis hotline within the health department and facilitate outreach and education into the community. LHSD will house the mental health practitioner within the high school and middle school in order to meet with students who have encountered an overdose or drug use, either among themselves or their families. The practitioner will be responsible for participating in the Handle with Care Program, an evidenced-based program designed to assist children in their school setting if a law enforcement encounter has happened inside their home. A multifaceted public awareness and education campaign will be created to increase the number of families who call the hotline. The goal of the project is to expand collaboration and partnerships among providers and agencies in Hocking County and to expand the existing framework of services to include stationary positions within fixed, strategic locations where students and families affected by the drug crisis frequent. The project serves Hocking County, a rural area with a population 28,264. The project includes partnerships with the LHSD and the Hocking County Health Department. The project will engage Wes Gilkey as a research partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the promotion of civil rights, support to crime victims, and building of trust between law enforcement and the community.

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City of Jay


The City of Jay accepted funding for a Category 1 award in the amount of $600,000. The Delaware County COSSAP program continues to develop comprehensive, locally driven responses to opioids, stimulants, and other substances of misuse by expanding access to treatment and recovery support services. The program employs a recovery services coordinator who supports the existing efforts of law enforcement case managers and the drug court supervisor. Meanwhile, the Project Coordinator seeks out additional strategic partnerships in efforts to reduce stigma and entice treatment seeking behaviors in place of law enforcement involvement. Project also focuses on substance use prevention in the local school districts by increasing community/parent/youth awareness of emerging drug trends. Local and national speakers are utilized for presentations and/or trainings, regarding evidence-based prevention curriculum. A COSSAP Advisory Council has been formed to serve as a formal cross-agency collaboration assembled for strategic planning and communication across the county. The program is working to facilitate comprehensive, real-time, regional information collection, analysis, and dissemination by ensuring that law enforcement agencies throughout the county have an officer trained to utilize ODMAP. This addresses the need for quality data collection, which is currently a challenge to obtain because of a lack of resources within this rural community. Project serves all of Delaware County, Oklahoma, which has a population of 42,433. The project includes partnerships between the Ottawa/Delaware County Drug Court Program, the Delaware County Health Department, the Delaware County Sheriff’s Department, Jay Police Department, Cherokee Nation Behavioral Health Prevention Programs, Delaware County Community Partnerships, Grand MH, Grove Police Department, Community Health Centers of NE Oklahoma and the Northeastern Oklahoma Regional Alliance. This project will engage CARE Consulting Group, led by Principal Investigator Dr. Jeremy Goldbach, as the evaluation partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include Delaware County being an area with a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers, facilities, and emergency medical services. In addition, Delaware County contains several census tracts that are high-poverty areas.

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Muscogee Creek Nation


The Muscogee Creek Nation Department of Health (MCNDH) is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $600,000. The MCNDH COSSAP Program will work across Muscogee Creek Nation (MCN) tribal programs to identify adult citizens who are at risk or suffering from opioid use disorder (OUD); train law enforcement officers, emergency management personnel, and rural volunteer firefighters throughout the MCN reservation; and expand treatment for patients. MCNDH will partner with the MCN Lighthorse Police Department (LHP) to administer the grant. The project will hire a project coordinator and a client navigator to establish a relationship with a medication-assisted treatment provider; provide annual professional training to all providers at all tribal health clinics; review and update policies and procedures on opioid treatment and administration; and review the process to identify, screen, assess, and refer OUD patients. The project will also purchase 300 naloxone kits to provide to law enforcement officers, emergency management personnel, and rural volunteer firefighters upon completion of naloxone administration training; purchase two 38-gallon drug disposal bins to be placed at two locations within the reservation for disposal of unwanted, unused, or expired controlled substances; and purchase 2,500 drug disposal system pouches. The project aims to provide case management and peer support for at least 100 patients; training for 300 law enforcement officers, emergency management personnel, and rural volunteer firefighters throughout the MCN reservation on how to identify an opioid overdose and how to administer naloxone; and training for 500 MCNDH staff, law enforcement officers, emergency management personnel, and rural volunteer firefighters to identify patients for potential OUD. The project serves the Muscogee Creek Nation, which has a population of 91,053 across 11 counties in east-central Oklahoma. The project includes partnerships between MCNDH, LHP, the MCN’s Social Services Program, the Indian Child Welfare Program, and the Family Violence Prevention Program. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma


The Ponca Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, headquartered in White Eagle, Oklahoma, with tribal jurisdiction extending to parts of Kay and Noble Counties, has a membership of 3,522. The tribe operates a small, ambulatory health clinic, White Eagle Health Center with a user population approaching 5,000 consisting of infants, children, adolescents, adults, and elders. The White Eagle Health Center service area encompasses four additional counties which are resident to four other rural tribes each with limited access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment services. The purpose of the project is to provide evidence-based treatment (30% of budget), recovery support services (40% of budget), tribal and county court-based intervention programming (20% of budget), naloxone distribution for law enforcement and first responders (5% of budget), and identifiable and accessible take back programming for unused controlled substances (5% of budget). The goals of the program are to: 1) Increase the accessibility of EBPs for American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) clients diagnosed with a substance use disorder 2) Reduce recovery support barriers for clients diagnosed with a substance use disorder; 3) Equip tribal law enforcement, other first responders and community members with the necessary education and equipment for administering Naloxone for the purpose of reversing opioid overdose; and 4) Establish reoccurring opportunities to facilitate the proper disposal of controlled substances by AI/AN community members. The project includes partnerships between the White Eagle Health Center, White Eagle Health Center-Behavioral Health Department, Ponca Tribal Court, Ponca Tribal Transit, Ponca Tribe Domestic Violence Services, and Ponca Indian Child Welfare. Data collection protocols will be developed to effectively measure the success of the program's objectives. This information will assist the COSSUP Project in reporting required performance measures to the Bureau of Justice Assistance. An annual report will be created to disseminate to stakeholders, community members, and other interested parties to increase investment in this program and provide a model for treating those impacted by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other drugs of abuse.

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South Western Oklahoma Development Authority


South Western Oklahoma Development Authority is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $467,365. The Western Oklahoma Opioid Prevention Consortium will develop, implement, or expand comprehensive programs in response to illicit opioids, stimulants, or other substances of misuse. This project’s objectives and methods will include developing education and prevention programs to connect law enforcement agencies with students in 6th through 9th grades in the public school system by using the "keepin’ it REAL" curriculum, an effective, multicultural middle school drug prevention program derived from evidence-based research; providing naloxone to law enforcement and other first responders each year, which will help with the opioid overdose death rate; establishing drug take-back programs to safely dispose of unused controlled substances that are found in the home and used by hospitals and long-term care facilities; distributing in-home medication lockboxes to the public to help reduce accidental overdose and to help prevent someone stealing one’s prescriptions. This project serves five counties which are designated as rural challenges, persistent poverty counties, or qualified opportunity zones by the Office of Justice Programs and U.S. Census information: Caddo, Harmon, Jackson, Kiowa, and Tillman Counties. The total population size of the five counties is 73,314. The project includes partnerships between law enforcement agencies and the Western Oklahoma Opioid Prevention Consortium in each of the five counties. This project will engage a researcher selected by the Bureau of Justice Assistance who may conduct a site-specific or cross-site evaluation in future years as the research partner for this project. The project will also consult with research partners at Southwestern Oklahoma State University and other partner agencies. Priority considerations addressed in this application include lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities and to emergency medical services.

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Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon


The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon (the Tribe) is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $598,977. The Grand Ronde Opioid and Stimulant Site-Based Project will improve community awareness of drug use and help develop collaborative expanded prevention and intervention programs in treatment and counseling, transitional housing, and community school prevention and education. The objectives include creating a men’s transition house program for a house that a state marijuana tax grant is buying, including creating policies and procedures, providing household supplies, and linking to health care, employment training, and education support services; hiring a school resource officer and creating a program at the local public school district that the Tribe’s members attend; helping with start-up and operations of a new medication-assisted treatment (MAT) clinic in Portland by buying methadone dispensers and providing a peer support specialist; and performing additional outreach and education in Grand Ronde based on expanding programs to address drug use and addiction and assisting with comprehensive program development. This project serves the Tribe’s six-county service area, which includes the Reservation community of Grand Ronde on the Polk-Yamhill county line, adjacent to the city (and the school district) of Willamina. It also includes Salem, where the Tribe just opened a MAT clinic, and Multnomah County, which includes the Tribe’s in-development Portland MAT clinic. The Tribe has 5,572 members, although the Portland MAT project will focus on serving the Tribe’s members in the Portland metropolitan area as well as descendants and other Native Americans. There are 22,598 just in the core tri-county area of Portland. The Tribe will also serve other local area residents, as capacity allows, who need care and want to use the Tribe’s recovery model. The project includes partnerships between Tribal departments with their own authority working with each other (Tribal Police Department, Health and Wellness, Social Services, and Education) and the Willamina Public School District. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the fact that Willamina and Grand Ronde are in a federal low-income opportunity zone. The project will advance the promotion of civil rights and benefit individuals residing in high-poverty areas or persistent-poverty counties.

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Crook County


The Crook County Health Department’s Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Prevention Program will identify and implement an evidence-based law enforcement and first responder diversion program; build capacity with the school district and law enforcement for education and prevention programs for K-12; enhance real-time data collection, analysis, and dissemination; increase access and accessibility to harm reduction strategies such as naloxone distribution and medication take-back programs; and assess needs and capacity for supporting medication-assisted treatment within the local jail, in addition to local recovery and support services. This project serves Crook County, a rural community in Oregon with a population of 25,562. The project includes partnerships between the Crook County Health Department, the Crook County Sheriff’s Office, the Prineville Police Department, BestCare Treatment Services, Rimrock Trails Treatment Services, the Crook County School District, Central Oregon Health Counsel, the Pain Standards Taskforce, St. Charles Health Systems, and Crook County Fire and Rescue. Those who will benefit from CCHD’s COSSAP project include individuals with opioid use and other substance use disorders, community partner organizations, and the community as prevention curriculum is implemented into Crook County School District K-12 and outreach and educational materials are provided to the entire population.

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Municipio de Bayamon


The Municipality of Bayamon in Puerto Rico applied under Category 1B for grant funding in the amount of $890,070 for the purpose of implementing a Bayamon Whole-of-Community Opioid Overdose and Crime Reduction Initiative. This project serves the Bayamon population of approximately 207,960. Its primary deliverables include planning documents for information sharing, naloxone deployment and training, public safety and K-12 schools education and early threat detection, Safe Community response initiatives, and treatment outreach improvements to support high-impact overdose victims such as homeless individuals, veterans, and youths. For priority considerations, the applicant meets the criteria for an above 20 percent high-poverty area, as U.S. Census data indicates Bayamon's poverty rate is 37.4 percent. In addition, Bayamon has documented in Qualified Opportunity Zone reports 60 Census track areas with 58 that are designated as low-income communities.

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City of Charleston


The City of Charleston is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $900,000. The Charleston County Addiction Crisis Task Force Police Assisted Peer Recovery Program, a law enforcement diversion program that will fund three positions: one project coordinator to provide data collection and analysis services to all law enforcement agencies in Charleston County and two peer support specialists to support law enforcement officers while conducting outreach. The project will also expand Charleston’s existing partnership with the Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) to include officer training, oversight of peer support specialists, and the design of multimedia products to inform officers and the community of this outreach initiative. The project will fund Critical Incident Management Software (CIMS) to facilitate communication between police-based outreach programs and treatment facilities to track follow-up success, with support from Kelley Research Associates (KRA) and ODMAP to facilitate real-time overdose follow-up communication across the county. The peer support specialists will deploy with trained QRT officers for the purpose of engaging individuals who recently suffered an overdose or presented signs of a substance use disorder during an interaction with law enforcement. They will be responsible for developing recovery plans to support overdose survivors as they transition to treatment. Harm reduction kits that include fentanyl test strips, clean injection equipment, naloxone, gloves, and information on local resources so that overdose deaths and other negative health outcomes associated with drug use can be reduced will be made available to survivors and at other locations. The goal of the project is to achieve a 15 percent reduction in the number of days from overdose to outreach. The project serves the City of Charleston, which is the nexus of the Charleston-North Charleston-Summerville Metropolitan Statistical Area and has a population estimated at 713,000, with an estimated 411,000 in Charleston County. The project includes partnerships with the Charleston Police Department, the Charleston County Sheriff’s Office, the North Charleston Police Department, and the Mt. Pleasant Police Department, all of which have officers serving on the Charleston County Addiction Crisis Task Force (ACT Force). The project will engage Kelley Research Associates to implement the CIMS and to evaluate the program. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities. The project will also benefit individuals residing in high-poverty areas.

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County of Lancaster Administration Building


The Lancaster County Opioid Action Network project represents the work of over 40 public, private, civic, and faith-based partners working together over the past three years to address a range of community problems, especially opioid related crime, misuse, and overdose. The project attempts to reduce misuse by 20% in year one and by 30% in year two. With support from a Research Team, an extensive assessment of the problem will take place, including examination of underlying contributors. A series of strategies are along with a tracking system to provide real time feedback to practitioners. Based on cursory data analysis, several strategies are and include replication of Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD), increased access to treatment resources, support for first responders impacted by the traumatic explosion of opioid deaths, and an overdose awareness and education component. The project will provide resources for training of every law enforcement officer in the county on LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion), promote visible prescription drug take back strategies, and assist with training, handling, and distribution of Naloxone. Priority considerations include Opportunity Zone, Poverty, and Rural.

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Greenville County


The Greenville County Sheriff’s Office (GCSO), located in Northwest South Carolina, project involves implementing and delivering a law enforcement led diversion to treatment initiative in Greenville County, which has a population of 516,126. The project will develop a comprehensive local response to the county’s substance abuse problem through synthesizing grant resources with existing practices and personnel to support planned activities per allowable use of funds to: (1) enhance existing police assisted addiction and recovery initiative (PAARI) program with law enforcement and first responder deflection and diversion (30 percent of budget); (2) collaborate with the coroner's office and research partner on a data dashboard and real-time overdose tracking program (5 percent); (3) provide naloxone for law enforcement and first responders (11 percent); (4) support school-based prevention and parental education programs to connect law enforcement with K-12 students (8 percent); (5) deliver evidence-based substance use disorder treatment including medication-assisted treatment (MAT), counseling, and connections with certified peer support specialists (15 percent); and (6) embed a case manager into GCSO to divert individuals with substance use disorders as early as possible in the Sequential Intercept Model (16 percent). To aid in implementing this plan, recovery community stakeholders from the county, including law enforcement agencies, community behavioral and mental health services, addiction services, state representatives, and hospital and emergency services will be included on the multidisciplinary Substance Abuse and Recovery Coordinating Council (SARCC) to participate in ongoing meetings with the project team and serve as a permanent standing body with the mission of increasing cooperation and collaboration to sustain substance abuse and recovery efforts. The project addresses issues related to racial equity and the removal of barriers to access and opportunity for communities that have been historically underserved, marginalized, and adversely affected by inequality through providing enhanced implicit bias training for law enforcement and treatment services targeted to underserved minority communities. Additionally, the includes a strong research-practitioner partnership with the Center for Justice and Social Research at Clemson University to provide a scientific mixed methods program evaluation to provide empirical feedback for program improvement and dissemination of process and outcome findings to the law enforcement, and research communities.

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Lancaster County


The entire county of Lancaster is 98,012 residents. The proposed project will provide resources for training of every law enforcement officer in the county on LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion); promote visible prescription drug takeback strategies; and assist with training, handling, and distribution of naloxone. Priority considerations include the presence of a Qualified Opportunity Zone, poverty, and rural challenges. This application is for Category 1c grant funding.

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Oconee County


The purpose of this program is to design and implement a collaborative intervention strategy that provides (pre-booking or post-booking) treatment alternative-to-incarceration programs serving individuals at high risk for overdose or substance abuse utilizing evidence-based recovery support services (transitional/recovery housing and peer support) and medication-assisted treatment (MAT). To meet these objectives, the proposed initiative will provide: 1) assessment-based individualized treatment plans, 2) MAT (Medication Assisted Treatment), 3) transitional housing at the OARS Center, 4) cognitive behavioral therapy, and 5) peer support services. Services will be delivered in the Oconee Addiction Recovery & Solutions Center located adjacent to the Oconee Law Enforcement Center that, as a communitywide enterprise, was recently renovated for this purpose. OARS will coordinate with the Oconee County Sheriff’s Office, the Oconee County Detention Center, the Oconee County Drug Court, the 10th Judicial Circuit Solicitor’s Office, and the Center for Family Medicine to deliver the proposed initiative through: 1) the development of a comprehensive, locally driven evidence-based response to opioids, stimulants, and other substances with expanded access to supervision, treatment, and recovery support services; 2) supporting law enforcement and other first responder diversion programs for nonviolent drug offenders to improve responses to offenders at high risk for overdose or substance abuse and provide alternative-to-incarceration services to those suffering from substance abuse disorders; 3) needs assessment tools to identify and prioritize services for jail offenders; 4) the use of evidenced-based treatment practices; and 5) rigorous program evaluation by Clemson University providing feedback and improvement opportunities.

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Oglala Sioux Tribe of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation


The Oglala Sioux Tribe (OST), Circles of Care Program/Division of Behavioral Health (Circles of Care), will collaborate with OST Justice Programs to plan, implement, and evaluate a tribal-wide strategic plan promoting wellness, addiction recovery, and the reduction of criminal recidivism using the sequential intercept model. During the past seven years the OST has successfully: 1. Integrated medical professionals into the addiction treatment process through medication assisted treatment: 2. Implemented a recovery support/client navigator approach; and 3. Initiated the utilization of best and promising practices for direct service and population level interventions. The cycling and recycling of individuals through the tribal justice system has been identified as a major social problem resulting in significant strain on tribal systems. The OST will utilize funding to continue capacity development within the tribal justice system and behavioral health infrastructure to address several of the well-known barriers to recovery and persistent drivers of criminal recidivism. The Pine Ridge Reservation is the homeland of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and is among the largest land-based reservations in the nation. Pine Ridge consists of over 3.5 thousand square miles with a population of over 30,000. Circles of Care and OST Justice Programs are committed to developing a streamlined process to increase access to behavioral health services at all points of the OST criminal justice system. Circles of Care will coordinate Tribal resources to link more than 300 participants annually with targeted case management, substance use education and treatment, and recovery support services. Through the delivery of well-integrated and high quality services, Circles of Care aims to achieve four measurable objectives: 1. Increase the proportion of individuals entering the OST Justice System that are provided behavioral health screening and assessment by 15% annually; 2. Increase the number of eligible participants that successfully complete their targeted case management goals by 25% annually; 3. Increase participant score within key quality of life metrics by 10% from baseline to service completion annually; and 4. Reduce the proportion of individuals within the OST justice system that reoffend within 2-years post reentry by 5% annually.

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Cocke County, Tennessee, Government


Cocke County Government, located in the rural Appalachian Mountain region of eastern Tennessee, applied for grant funding under Subcategory 1b in the amount of $899,488. This project serves Tennessee's 4th Judicial District, which includes Cocke, Sevier, Jefferson, and Grainger counties and has a total combined population of 212,069. The purpose of the proposed Tennessee Recovery Oriented Compliance Strategy (TN-ROCS) Enhancement and Evaluation project is (1) to increase the capacity of this innovative court-based intervention program to link individuals across the district at high risk of overdose to appropriate, evidence-based behavioral health treatment and recovery support services; and (2) to independently validate the TN-ROCS model, such that key findings related to program quality and implementation fidelity can inform current and future data-driven expansion efforts. This project includes partnerships between Cocke County, 4th Judicial District Circuit Court Judge Duane Slone, Dr. Stephen Loyd, Dr. Jennifer Anderson, American Institutes for Research, and Rulo Strategies. All four priority considerations are addressed in this application. Cocke County is a geographically isolated rural area that is plagued by persistently high rates of poverty, substance use, and overdose fatality. Additionally, one census tract within Cocke County (9207.00) has been designated as a Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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County of Page


The Page County Sheriff’s Office proposes to develop the Page County Cognitive Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Project that will provide cognitive behavioral treatment for individuals who are involved with the justice system as a result of their opioid use. The project includes a coordinator to manage the operations of a day reporting center where individuals can receive individual or group sessions in person or via teleconferencing. The project will fund equipment for the telehealth component and will serve the county of Page and the towns of Rileyville, Luray, Stanley, and Shenandoah. Project partners include Page County Sheriff’s Office, Page County Jail, Luray Police Department, Stanley Police Department, and the Shenandoah Police Department.

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Lummi Indian Business Council


The purpose of the Lummi Indian Business Council project is to increase the availability of care and reduce barriers to those suffering from addiction and mental health issues and to create protective factors for Lummi and Tribal Youth in Washington. The primary activities of this program will be to use the Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) to help those dealing with their substance use disorder and mental health issues to help them address their illnesses. Lummi will also enhance its relationship with the Lummi Nation Police Department (LNPD) and Lummi Court System in this process. Currently, the Lummi Nation provides Narcan and Kloxxado to various community and business programs and departments, including LNPD, for overdose reverses. Lummi Nation has Drug Court and Family Court programs that prioritize and expedite treatment and recovery services and uses a variety of medication-assisted treatment evidence-based practices at their Opiate Treatment Program providing mono-buprenorphine, buprenorphine/naloxone, naltrexone, and Sublocade. It also features various harm reduction activities including transitional housing, recovery support services, needle-exchange and motivational interviewing. Lummi Nation will enhance these services and use the SIM and embed a Mental Health Counselor and Peer Counselor/Recovery Coach in Intercept 1 (law enforcement) to help those dealing with addiction or mental health issues. It will also create an education and prevention program that focuses on connecting law enforcement with K-12 students. It will not only use evidence-based practices, but also culturally based practices to ensure that protective factors are created to help children and youth be able to withstand the pressures to use drugs. Expected outcomes are to increase referrals and enrollment to mental and substance use health services through our law enforcement agency and decrease need for incarceration and increase educational and prevention services in schools to decrease alcohol and drug use in youth and school age children.

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Makah Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Reservation


In the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-Based Program application, the Makah Tribe is proposing to utilize funding under Category 1: Local or Tribal Applicants, Subcategory 1c. The applicant intends to utilize funds from this application to continue funding the two FTE positions from the previous application: the COSSAP case manager and one coordinator, who will implement the LEAD program, develop MAT protocols, and help further expand the Sisuk Houses. There are no priority considerations for this application.

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Quinault Indian Nation


The Adult and Family Healing to Wellness Courts (AFHWC) of the Quinault Indian Nation (QIN) project will address the lack of integrated assistance, particularly for people who may be eligible for diversion from County Superior Court. Persons in AFHWC are currently not prioritized for services or treatment in Behavioral Health or Substance Dependency Treatment, causing further hardship for families whose loved ones may have initially committed to but subsequently abandoned treatment prior to the issuance of a court order. With the possibility of securing a joint jurisdiction agreement with the Grays Harbor Superior Court before the end of 2023, as well as the opportunity to redirect qualifying cases to the Tribal Court's supervision, the Tribal Court requires more assistance to centralize its services and assist families in their recovery. This is an important step because of the prevalence of addiction in the community and the scarcity of preventative assistance services. In order to accomplish this, the QIN AFHWC will collaborate with the Quinault Wellness Center to deliver evidence-based, culturally inclusive recovery support tools to our community's most vulnerable residents. This three-year initiative will provide stabilizing services in a community heavily struck by drug use disorders with the help of trained Peer Recovery Supports who are also AFHWC Alum. The project design incorporates the Sequential Intercept Model from SAMHSA as well as the ten Key Components of Tribal Healing to Wellness Court best practices. It also includes systems of care to address the unique needs of those with cooccurring disorders. This initiative will assist address system gaps upstream of encountering the judicial system while also giving support to individuals who are already in it.

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Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians


The Bad River Band of Lake Superior Tribe of Chippewa Indians will expand drug and alcohol treatment through the development and implementation of halfway house services and hiring counseling staff to provide services to clients seeking substance abuse counseling.

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City of West Allis


The City of West Allis Fire Department (WAFD) is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $900,000. The Mobile Integrated Health MAT Access Advocate Program (MAAP) will expand the range and capability of the West Allis Fire Department’s Mobile Integrated Health (MIH) team to facilitate MIH and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) services to every Milwaukee County municipality, as well as support the development of training materials to allow for application of sustainable MIH practices across the entire county. WAFD’s MIH team pairs a community paramedic and a certified peer recovery support specialist who provide targeted outreach and facilitate new enrollments or reengagements to MAT services, reaching the opioid use disorder (OUD) population via either real-time, 24/7 response to overdose emergencies or visitation to patients referred to the program from local and regional partners. MAAP will connect with each participating municipality’s local framework to establish a referral process and connect the local effort to broader regional efforts. A local hospital will provide MAT (including buprenorphine induction), mental health screening with counseling, and warm handoffs to primary care and community MAT clinics. MAPP will educate police, fire, and health departments in all Milwaukee County suburbs on how they can adopt the West Allis OUD outreach practices. MAAP will also work with county stakeholders to ensure children impacted by substance misuse receive required services. The project serves Milwaukee County, which comprises 19 municipalities and has a population of 945,726. The project includes partnerships with the Medical College of Wisconsin, the Milwaukee County Assistant District Attorney, the Milwaukee County House of Corrections, the Milwaukee County Opioid Fatality Review team, the Milwaukee County Medical Examiner’s Office, the Milwaukee Fire Department Opioid Response Initiative, the Wisconsin Department of Health Service, and the Milwaukee County Office of Emergency Management. The project will engage Dr. Jennifer Hernandez-Meier of the Departments of Emergency Medicine and Psychiatry at the Medical College of Wisconsin as the primary research and evaluation partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants, high rates of overdose deaths, and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin


The Menominee Indian Tribe of Wisconsin will develop a Police Assisted Addiction and Recovery Initiative (PAARI) model of law enforcement diversion to reduce opioid abuse and the number of overdose fatalities. Grant funds will be used to support a program coordinator, who will assist in implementing the program; a clinical therapist; and three peer support specialists. The applicant agreed to make data available through the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP).

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Justice and Community Services


The Justice and Community Services (JCS) Section of the West Virginia Division of Administrative Services (DAS), which is the State Administrative Agency for criminal justice-related activities in the state, is applying under Category 2 for grant funding in the amount of $6,000,000 under the FY 2020 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-based Program (COSSAP) grant program. The purpose of the project is two-fold. First, the project will establish a cutting-edge approach to pre-arrest diversion by integrating quick response teams, LEAD, and the West Virginia Angel Initiative (Angel) to establish the WV QLA Early Intervention Program. This program will be implemented into the following nine counties: Berkeley, Cabell, Kanawha, McDowell, Mercer, Monongalia, Raleigh, Wood, and Wyoming. The total population of these counties is 763,728 and accounts for 61 percent of the overdose fatalities within West Virginia. Second, the project will assist county commissions and non-profit organizations to assist with the recruitment, retention, and training of peer recovery coaches throughout the state. Coaches will be required to possess the following credentials to be funded under this initiative: 1) a high school diploma or recognized equivalent; 2) experience with substance use challenges; 3) involved with a personal support and/or recovery system; 4) reside in stable, recovery-oriented housing the last six (6) months; 5) have no involvement with the legal system within the last six (6) months and/or pending legal issues; and 7) no intensive behavioral health involvement within the last six (6) months, including intensive services, detoxification services, and/or residential treatment services. JCS has partnered with the West Virginia Office of Drug Control Policy and West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Bureau for Behavioral Health in the implementation, monitoring, oversight, and sustainment of the proposed project. Priority considerations addressed in this application include rural and high-poverty areas.

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West Virginia Division of Administrative Services, Justice and Community Services


The Justice and Community Services (JCS) section of the West Virginia Division of Administrative Services seeks to: • Expand and improve the state’s Handle with Care (HWC) initiative. The HWC initiative supports children exposed to trauma and violence through improved communication and collaboration between law enforcement and schools/child care agencies and mental health providers, and connects families, schools, and communities to mental health services; • Expand and enhance the West Virginia law enforcement assisted diversion program, which diverts those suspected of low-level drug and prostitution offenses away from jail and prosecution into case management, legal coordination, and other supportive services. This aspect of the proposed project will focus heavily on the counties of Braxton, Calhoun, Clay, Gilmer, Webster, and Wirt, which currently lack diversion programs; and • Enhance and expand telehealth services for those in underserved and geographically isolated communities. Similar to the diversion aspect, the telehealth aspect of the proposed project would expand services to Braxton, Calhoun, Clay, Gilmer, Webster, and Wirt Counties. These services will include psychiatric evaluations with treatment plan development, individual and group counseling, cognitive-behavioral therapy, medication-assisted treatment (including buprenorphine and naltrexone), and peer recovery support services. JCS has partnered with the West Virginia Office of Research and Strategic Planning, West Virginia Department of Health and Human Resources Bureau for Behavioral Health, and the West Virginia Office of Drug Control Policy in the implementation, monitoring, oversight, and sustainment of the proposed project.

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