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Grantee Projects


Alabama Department of Mental Health


The Alabama Department of Mental Health is applying for a Category 2 award in the amount of $6,000,000. Project Possibilities: A Collaborative Alabama Criminal Justice Project will develop, implement, and expand a combination of law enforcement diversion programs; comprehensive and real-time data collection, analysis, and dissemination; and medication-assisted treatment and peer support recovery support services into existing systems of service in the state of Alabama across Calhoun, Dekalb, Etowah, Jefferson, Madison, Mobile, Montgomery, and Walker counties, serving an approximate population of 2,015,797. The project will serve utilizers identified within and across the criminal justice system including those in need of diversion from and preventing the return to the criminal justice system. Goals are to expand and implement diversion programs/services that provide treatment and recovery support to divert and prevent the return of opioid, stimulant, and other substance abusing/addicted individuals from/to the criminal justice system; extend the state data collection (Central Data Repository or CDR) of substance use information to include non-opioid substances; expand current partnerships to enhance data-sharing and accessibility, analysis, and dissemination of real time data; expand resources to rural areas, thus bridging the gap of care from urban and suburban areas to rural areas, including developing and implementing innovative and evidence-based models of MAT services for individuals interacting with the criminal justice system; and monitor the impact/outcomes of interventions, spreading successful intervention statewide at the completion of the project period to reduce incarceration, recidivism, morbidity, and mortality for adults with a substance use disorder who are cycling through the criminal justice system. The project includes partnerships between the University of Alabama's VitAL program, the Alabama Bureau of Pardons and Paroles, the Recovery Organization of Support Specialist, and People Engaged in Recovery. Priority considerations addressed in this application include serving high poverty areas throughout the state, and the proposed activities will address Office of Justice Programs priority considerations including promoting civil rights, increasing access to justice, and building trust between law enforcement and the community.

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Jefferson County Commission


Jefferson County Commission applied for Category 1a urban area funding in the amount of $1,189,215. The Jefferson County Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Program (COSSAP) will extend peer recovery services to include expanded pretrial supervision, as well as provide evidence-based treatment, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT), to individuals at high risk for overdose. This project serves a population of more than 500,000 in Jefferson County, Alabama. The project includes partnerships between the University of Alabama Department of Psychiatry — Substance Abuse Division, Jefferson County Sheriff's Office, and a local evaluator. Priority considerations addressed in this application include providing services to Qualified Opportunity Zones, addressing persistent poverty, and serving a region that has been disproportionately impacted by substance abuse.

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Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration


The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration is applying for a Category 2 statewide area grant in the amount of $6,000,000. The Arkansas COSSAP Project will address the opioid epidemic strategically and continue providing support to areas that have been disproportionally impacted by the abuse of illicit opioids, stimulants, and other substances, as indicated by a high rate of treatment admissions for substances other than alcohol; high rates of overdose-related deaths; and lack of accessibility to treatment and recovery services. The primary focuses of the proposed projects are comprehensive, real-time, regional information collection, analysis, and dissemination; the development of peer recovery services and treatment alternatives to incarceration; and continued Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-based Program (COAP) overdose investigations involving peer recovery services and the implementation of strategies identified in the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Strategic Plan. This project serves specific counties where high rates of opioid deaths have been identified in COAP Category 2; however, the specific subrecipients for the proposed projects have not been selected. The project includes partnerships between the Department of Finance and Administration Office of Intergovernmental Services (DFA-IGS), Department Human Services, Office of State Drug Director, and the Single State Authority, in addition to a new partnership between DFA-IGS and the Arkansas Coroners’ Association. Priority considerations addressed in this application include providing services to rural communities and the fact that the individuals (populations) intended to benefit from the project reside in high-poverty and/or persistent-poverty counties.

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Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration


The Arkansas Department of Finance and Administration will: • Support an overdose crime scene team consisting of a criminal investigator and a peer recovery specialist to assist law enforcement task forces/agencies in a minimum of six geographically diverse sites (counties, regions, or localities) within the state. • Increase access and enrollment to treatment, increase education and awareness, and evaluate the grant strategies identified in 25 localities within the state to address offenders who may be opioid abusers. The sites to receive subawards will be selected through a competitive process. Subawardees will be required to use overdoes detection mapping application program. An independent evaluator will be selected after the grant is awarded.

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Johnson County


The Johnson County Opioid Response Effort (JCORE), through the Johnson County Sheriff’s Office, centers on teaming peer specialists with specialty investigators so that behavioral health resources can be implemented during the timeframe when individuals are most receptive to help. This “golden moment” falls immediately after overdose or investigation and possible arrest. By pairing services with investigation, diversion to drug courts, treatment, and other transitional services moves the individual into a more positive path to recovery instead of the traditional method of incarceration only. Utilizing two teams of peer and investigator allows for round the clock coverage without creating stress of continuous coverage on one team which results in burnout. Peer specialists respond to police calls for drug-related incidents and follow the individual through medical care and incarceration as necessary, placing the peer specialist in a position to engage family and friends to elicit support. Peer specialists can use their lived experience to help the individual see the benefits of life change. This approach has proven that individuals are more inclined to assist in investigations and the team approach has reduced stigma among law enforcement. Peer specialists also provide training and distribution of naloxone to the support systems of individuals. Classes and support groups conducted within the jail identifies individuals incarcerated for other charges who are also struggling with substance use disorders. After identification, those individuals can be moved toward treatment options and recovery, resulting in decreased jail population and lowered recidivism. JCORE will utilize participation in drug takeback programs, law enforcement diversion, naloxone for law enforcement, and treatment alternatives to incarceration. The primary use of the funds will center on embedding peer specialists at various points in the Sequential Intercept Model which makes it a labor-intensive program.

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Pulaski County


The Pulaski County Sheriff's Office (PCSO) seeks funding through the BJA COSSAP grant for the purposes of treating substance use disorder (SUD) sufferers, providing transitional housing to SUD sufferers, and embedding peers at multiple stages of the Sequential Intercept Model (SIM). PCSO serves Pulaski County, the most urban county in Arkansas with 400,000 inhabitants and 800 square miles of area. The PCSO Reentry Program will implement the proposal in Pulaski County. PCSO was awarded a 2019 COSSAP grant, but this application represents a substantively different proposal as it focuses on Peer Recovery Support Specialists (PRSS), medication-assisted treatment (MAT), and transitional housing. Salary for additional PCSO Reentry staff represents the largest portion of the requested funds, at 55 percent, which funds four additional staff: a grant administrator, a Substance Abuse Counselor (SAC), and two PRSS. The grant administrator will spend 100 percent of their time administering this program, expanding the partnership network, and developing new funding sources to continue the program after the award expires. The SAC and the two PRSS will be embedded at multiple intercepts in the SIM as detailed in the grant narrative. Expected outcomes include program self-sufficiency stemming from the grant administrator’s funding efforts and increased support at multiple stages of SIM for SUD sufferers. Much of this support will occur at the PCSO Regional Detention Facility (RDF) in the form of 30 additional sessions per week for each additional counselor. The next largest requested expenditure funds pre-release evidence-based SUD treatment at the PCSO RDF at 21 percent. MAT represents the bulk of these costs but grant monies will also fund evidence-based curriculum materials for courses such as Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The PCSO contracts with Turn Key Health for all medical services in the PCSO RDF and will continue to do so with MAT as detailed in the grant narrative. The requested monies will fund MAT for approximately 150 people. Lastly, the PCSO requests funds for transitional and recovery housing at 11 percent of the grant. These monies will fund approximately 225 months of housing for SUD sufferers post-release. The PCSO leverages existing partnerships with many facilities to extend the impact of these funds as detailed in the grant narrative. If successful, this proposal will significantly expand the reach and depth of services the PCSO offers to justice-involved Arkansan sufferers of SUD.

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Pulaski County Sheriff's Office


The Pulaski County Sheriff’s Office in Arkansas will combat the opioid epidemic by including a diversion program for pre-sentencing offenders through expansion on their current Crisis Intervention Team, providing transitional housing, and installing tamper proof drug collection receptacles at two precincts in the outermost parts of the county to allow for more localized collection of unused and expired medications for those citizens who reside in the outermost sections of the county.

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County of Amador


The Amador County Sheriff's Office, in Amador County, California, is located approximately 45 miles southeast of Sacramento in a part of California known as the foothills of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. In 2021, the population was estimated at approximately 41,259 residents, which includes a state prison. This project supports a jail-based project in Amador County. The Amador County Sheriff's Office will establish a comprehensive reentry program that involves three core components: (1) Discharge planning; (2) Job training; and (3) Peer recovery support.

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County of San Luis Obispo


The County of San Luis Obispo's Behavioral Health Department/Drug and Alcohol Services Division, is partnering with Superior Court, Probation and Sheriff Departments for the project. The County of San Luis Obispo is a medium-size jurisdiction in California (pop. 283,159) aims to provide 200 individuals suffering from opiate use and stimulant use disorders with evidence-based therapy and Recovery Residences. The target population is adults that have both opiate and stimulant use disorder, primarily methamphetamine, who are at high-risk for overdose. Project Strategy and Partnerships: San Luis Obispo County is the 11th least affordable housing market in the United States (2017). The enhancement is to provide Recovery Residence stays (Drug and Alcohol-free Living) to all COSSUP participants in San Luis Obispo County who need this level of care for up to 90 days. All Recovery Residences provided funding with this grant will be MAT compliant to serve those with opiate use disorders. In addition, this project will provide for two Behavioral Health Specialist I (Case Managers) to provide intensive case management services to COSSUP participants while in-custody and while in treatment after being released from custody. The Case Manager will provide transportation and an initial supply of hygiene items to provide a warm welcome from custody to outpatient treatment in conjunction with the Recovery Residence. Utilizing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as a brief treatment intervention, this grant proposes to address both mental health and substance use disorders in a coordinated integrated care to provide the bridge from County Jail to community-based treatment. Project Outcomes: When successful, participants in the program will have achieved and sustained a lifestyle of sobriety and recovery, including learning CBT skills to better manage their lives. There will be decreased criminal recidivism, decreased impact on the criminal justice and behavioral health care systems, and re-stabilized lives.

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Kings County


The project serves Kings County, California, which has a population of approximately 150,373. The purpose of the project is to build strong coordination between in-custody and community-based treatment, establish a job training program for individuals reentering the community from jail, and establish virtual peer recovery support services for individuals leaving jail. The project addresses the allowable use of establishing evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs, such as medication-assisted treatment (MAT), with a focus on building strong coordination between in-custody and community-based treatment and recovery support services (100 percent of the budget). The project includes a partnership with Kings County Jobs Training Office, Wellpath, and Heritage Health Solutions.

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Mendocino County


Mendocino County Behavioral Health and Recovery Services (MCBHRS) is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $600,000. The Bridge Program will identify individuals with opioid use disorder (OUD) and other substance use disorders (SUDs) and start them on medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in custody and case manage them to MAT and/or substance use treatment services at clinics and Mendocino County Behavioral Health Substance Use Disorders Treatment (SUDT) sites pre-release. The program will continue to follow these individuals post-release and support them however possible. The program will fund a behavioral health case manager to work full time within the jail and perform comprehensive case management and discharge planning. The project serves rural Mendocino County, which has a population of 86,749. The project includes partnerships between MCBHRS and the SUDT, Mendocino County Sheriff’s Office, Mendocino Community Health Clinics, and Mendocino Coast Clinics. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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San Luis Obispo County Behavioral Health Department


The County of San Luis Obispo Behavioral Health Department applied for a Category 1b suburban area grant in the amount of $900,000. The San Luis Obispo County Behavioral Health Program will provide recovery support services in the form of a recovery residence stay (drug- and alcohol-free living) to all COSSAP participants in San Luis Obispo County who need this level of care. All recovery residences provided funding with this grant will be MAT compliant in order to serve those with opiate use disorders. In addition, this grant will provide for a Behavioral Health Clinician III (Licensed Practitioner of Healing Arts) to conduct assessments of individuals leaving emergency rooms after an overdose and for the law enforcement Community Action Teams (CATs) who pick up individuals for early intervention in the community, as well as assessing those arrested, cited, and released from the county jail for drug offenses. A peer recovery coach will also be hired to provide important peer support, including modeling hope and recovery, mentoring, as well as engagement and community networking support, which has previously not been available from the agency. This project serves 200 individuals in the County of San Luis Obispo The project includes partnerships between Superior Court, Probation and Sheriff's Department, and local community hospital stakeholders.

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Ventura County


The proposed project will support three inter-related programmatic enhancements at the Ventura County Jail, to achieve the overarching goal of expanding substance use disorder (SUD) care and retention for this high-risk population. Ventura County has seen a sharp rise in opioid- and methamphetamine-related overdose deaths, with a 33 percent increase in deaths from 2021 to 2022. The jail population mirrors the SUD problems seen in the general population; however, there are limited treatment and support services currently available as a means of reducing problems related to SUD among persons involved with county corrections. This project aims to address the challenges being faced related to the rising prevalence of SUD in the county, with a particular emphasis on people with histories of opioid use disorder and stimulant use, through early SUD identification of persons in the county jail system and improved delivery of treatment and supportive services. The specific services that will be implemented/expanded include conducting uniform SUD screening at intake (including comparison testing of two screening tools; expanding access to in-custody medication for opioid use disorder; and improving community SUD aftercare attendance and housing stability for those referred for ongoing SUD treatment, including use of a newly established Patient Navigator to provide more efficient responses to client needs during the high-risk period when returning to the community. In addressing these goals, this project responds to several of the allowable uses/practices specified in the solicitation, including evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs, such as MAT, as well as harm reduction activities and recovery support services (25 percent); transitional or recovery housing and peer recovery support services (35 percent); embedding social workers, peers, and/or persons with lived experience at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model (25 percent); and field-initiated projects that bring together justice, behavioral health, and public health practitioners (15 percent). The project will include partnerships with county health care providers with expertise in addiction treatment. The inclusion of a research partner (New York University) will ensure that the project process and outcomes are appropriately documented and reported.

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Arapahoe County Colorado


The Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office services an area with a population of over 500,000. The project will allow the Arapahoe County Sheriff's Office to expand evidence-based substance use treatment and peer recovery support services to individuals in custody and provide critical reentry needs such as transitional housing and peer recovery support services. These services are essential to supporting treatment engagement. The project addresses COSSUP's allowable use of implementing evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other drugs and recovery support services for pre-trial and post-trial populations leaving jail. Deliverables include providing discharge planning for 750 detention center residents over the life of the grant, providing transitional housing for 262 indigent detention residents transitioning from the detention facility to the community over the life of the grant, and providing virtual peer recovery support services to up to 503 individuals as they transition from the detention facility to the community.

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Boulder County


Boulder County applied for a Category 1b suburban area grant in the amount of $884,014. Project RENTR (Readiness, Engagement, Navigation, Treatment, and Recovery) will implement a range of allowable grant activities, including evidenced-based treatment services, peer recovery support services, pre- and post-booking treatment alternative to incarceration approaches, and court-based interventions. Project RENTR will increase services and treatment options for those with substance use disorders in pretrial/pre-booking, including those benefitting from a new Colorado law that reclassifies a misdemeanor drug felony as a misdemeanor. Project RENTR will also provide access to comprehensive screenings, assessments, case management, and treatment in the jail environment. The project will continue case management services for 90 days during the reentry process and accelerate access to community-based treatment options. This project serves Boulder County, Colorado, which has a population of 326,196. The project includes partnerships with the Boulder County Community Services Department. Priority considerations addressed in this application include high-poverty and persistent-poverty counties and Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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Boulder County


The Boulder County Community Services Department is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $899,902. Project Recovery will implement evidenced-based treatment and recovery services, recovery housing, peer recovery support services, pre- and post-booking treatment alternatives to incarceration, and medication-assisted treatment (MAT). The project will provide services within a recovery home environment in a collaboration between the Boulder County Jail and Tribe Recovery Homes, a provider of home-based recovery and peer support services, and will feature collaborations with community service providers, including the county’s homeless system and housing authorities, workforce, and physical health service providers. Deliverables include establishment of three recovery homes; service provision to 207 clients over three years; development of referral procedures to identify justice system-involved participants with substance use disorders, with a special focus on individuals experiencing homelessness; and implementation of evidence-based therapeutic programs, peer recovery, and MAT services. The goals of the project are to end the cycle of incarceration, support the recovery and reentry process, reduce incidences of crime and recidivism, and create a safer community. The project serves Boulder County, with a population of 326,196. The project includes partnerships with the Boulder County Jail, Tribe Recovery Homes Inc., the Colorado Mental Wellness Network, Homeless Solutions for Boulder County, and the Boulder Community Health and Colorado Community Health Alliance. The project will engage the OMNI Institute as a research partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include supporting civil rights by limiting arrests due to substance use disorder and providing treatment and decreasing disproportionate minority confinement; protecting the public from crime and evolving threats by stopping the cycle of homelessness, substance use and incarceration, and the societal costs of substance misuse related to interdiction, law enforcement, prosecution, incarceration, and probation; and building trust between law enforcement and the community by providing alternatives to incarceration that demonstrate law enforcement’s commitment to appropriate care.

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City of Alamosa


The City of Alamosa applied for Category 1c tribal/rural area grant funding in the amount of $599,997. The Specialized Case Management program will provide a non-arrest, community partner pathway to connect addicted individuals to intensive case management and harm-reduction resources using the evidence- based TASC Specialized Case management and Let Everyone Advance with Dignity (LEAD) model. The City of Alamosa is creating a system of care that will allow individuals to receive appropriate levels of service and treatment to address root challenges rather than utilizing a criminal justice system clearly not equipped to address substance use disorder effectively. The Specialized Case Management program will provide a third pathway into intensive case management, service coordination, and connection to harm- reduction resources. This project serves approximately 50,000 residents in the 12th Judicial District. The project includes partnerships between the City of Alamosa, Center for Restorative Programs, and the 12th Judicial District Office of the District Attorney. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the disproportionate impact of opioids and other substances on the region, the specific challenges faced by rural communities, and the high poverty area served by the project.

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Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment


The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) applied for Category 2 statewide area grant funding in the amount of $6,000,000. The Colorado Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Project will support comprehensive, collaborative initiatives in selected areas through a competitive request for applications from local public health, law enforcement, and substance use treatment providers serving residents in seven rural counties to conduct one or more of the BJA allowable uses of the funding to meet the specific local needs. Deliverables of the project include the selection and provision of at least six subawards within six months of the grant award, at least six contracts and scopes of work, a BJA-required implementation manual, an annual summary of the site project, project accomplishments from each site (sub-award), coordinated cross-site training and peer-to-peer learning, quarterly process data, annual evaluation data, and a written evaluation report at the end of the grant period. This project serves seven rural counties: Bent, Costilla, Crowley, Huerfano, Otero, Prowers, and Saguache. The project includes partnerships between the Prevention Services Division of CDPHE and the Office of Behavioral Health of the Colorado Department of Human Services, as well as local public health, law enforcement, and substance use treatment partners in the seven counties. Priority considerations addressed in this application include rural and high-poverty areas containing economic opportunity zones. Partner agencies and activities will be specified after a competitive Request for Applications is released in February 2021, the applications are reviewed, and awards are made.

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City of Port St. Lucie


The City of Port St. Lucie (PSL) is located on the Southeast Coast of Florida with a population of 217,523 spread over an area of about 120 square miles. PSL has grown by 32.2 percent since 2010, at a rate of about 2.9 percent annually and has a population density of 1,843 people per square mile. This growth has brought with it considerable challenges, which includes the proliferation of drug overdoses. For this project, the Port St. Lucie Police Department (PSLPD) received grant funding for an Overdose Intervention Diversion Detective (OIDD) to expand its efforts to establish an enhanced response to opioid abuse within the city over grant period. The need to have a OIDD to focus on these cases is apparent and the traditional law enforcement response has proven inadequate to effectively address this growing concern in our community. This grant would help fund investigation of overdose cases and provide a critical service to the victims and families by connecting them to the community resources in place to address this issue. The number of overdose cases has had a negative impact on the community and made this detective position a vital necessity to response to overdoses. PSLPD recognizes that enforcement alone will not address this crisis, but by working together with various community partners, PSLPD believes it will increase access to and availability of substance treatment and recovery support along with education and outreach to the community. PSLPD will collect data on a continual basis to measure the effectiveness of the program by tracking the most at risk citizens for overdoses through daily review of overdose incidents reported in the records management system and the Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP). PSLPD also employs the lifesaving use naloxone to reverse the effect of an opioid overdose, which is assigned to every sworn officer.

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Orange County


Orange County, Florida, Government Health Services project’s Orange County Post-Overdose Response Team (PORT) will increase access to evidence-based treatment and recovery support for individuals living with an opioid use disorder (OUD). The service area is all of Orange County, with a particular focus on those census tracts with the highest overdose rates, and on individuals who have more than one unintentional overdose requiring emergency response. PORT addresses field-initiated projects that bring together justice, behavioral health, and public health practitioners to implement new or promising practices–which may not yet have a research base–in addressing the impact of opioids, stimulants, and other substances on communities as a whole and individuals at risk of or with justice system involvement. This includes the application of evidence-based strategies from other fields that have not yet been fully examined in the justice context. While there is promising research on the use of a PORT model in multiple settings around the U.S., there is still a need for extensive testing and research. In addition, the focus of this proposal on improved outcomes for people with OUD, while reducing stress on the healthcare and law enforcement infrastructure is not yet a well-examined strategy. The project will target communities that see a disproportionate number of accidental overdose cases, often in areas with higher poverty rates and underserved populations. These communities have traditionally not had equitable access to awareness, prevention, intervention, or treatment. These communities also have disproportionate engagement with the criminal justice system. Targeting individuals with OUD in these communities with the intensive case management approach that PORT provides is a key way to remove barriers to equitable access and better outcomes for individuals and communities.

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Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners


COSSAP funding supports a care coordinator/housing specialist assisting Clients in finding a recovery housing placement using Recovery Housing Vouchers. Recovery support services are provided by engagement with a peer recovery support specialist and using the enhancement funding through the Recovery Support Services Funds. This intervention program prioritizes and expedites recovery support services to individuals at high risk for overdose. The Office of Behavioral Health and Substance Use Disorders (OBHSUD) seeks to fund a comprehensive person-centered, recovery-oriented approach with the goal of ensuring housing stability to support persons involved with the criminal justice system who have a substance use disorder. This demonstration program focuses on achieving housing stability given its key predictive value in achieving long-term recovery outcomes. The program team participates and works closely with the County’s strategic government and community partners as well as its research partner, Florida Atlantic University, to define and measure housing stability standards, and other recovery support interventions in the recovery residence environment in order to determine their impact on long-term recovery outcomes.

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Seminole County


Seminole County has drafted an evidence-based four-part plan to combat opioid use, abuse, overdose, and arrest which conforms to the following activities: (1) naloxone for law enforcement and first responders (18 percent of budget); (2) court programming to prioritize and expedite treatment and recovery services for individuals at high risk for overdose, as well as services for children and youth impacted by their parents’ or other family members’ substance abuse (25 percent of budget); (3) embedding social workers, peers, and/or persons with lived-in experience at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model. This program component will hire a social worker to conduct screenings and plan and implement an Education and Community Outreach program, with special attention to targeted, high-need communities (31 percent of budget); (4) evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs, such as MAT, as well as harm reduction activities and recovery support services (16 percent of budget). The program service area is Seminole County, Florida and the program's expected outcome is to achieve a tangible drop in opioid overdose, use, and arrest, expand the workforce serving citizens with addiction, expand recovery support services, and remove barriers to access to support in historically underserved populations. The county works in accordance with the SAMSHA Sequential Intercept Model (SIM), Ohio Risk Assessment System (ORAS), Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT), and Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST) to consistently assess and facilitate communication and coordinate services across criminal justice, medical and service provider agencies. To implement successful programs, the county will partner with the 18th Judicial Circuit Court Administration, The Seminole County Sheriff’s Office, the Florida Department of Health, Brooke Research & Consulting, LLC, and the Public Safety Coordinating Council.

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Cobb County


Cobb County is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $1,200,000. The Cobb County COSSAP Initiative will feature an alternative-to-incarceration program that serves individuals at high risk for overdose or substance misuse whereby the county jail will offer case management services to opioid-involved offenders, including access to treatment/recovery programs, as well as life skills and other assistance programs. The Zone, a local community recovery organization, will employ a K-12 education consultant who will deliver a six-hour curriculum to elementary, middle, and high school students about substance use disorders that includes information about available resources for detoxification, rehabilitation, accountability courts, intensive outpatient programs, sober living, and aftercare. The project will also train peer support specialists and Crisis Response Team members to be available to law enforcement to respond to drug overdoses, including those where children might be present, through projects initiated by the Cobb County Fire Department and the Marietta Police Department and provide participants of Cobb County Accountability Courts and Pre-trial Diversion with weekly one-on-one recovery coaching, an individualized recovery plan, and job readiness training. Cobb County will also purchase naloxone for community-wide distribution and training. The project serves Cobb County, which has a population of approximately 760,000. The project includes partnerships with the District Attorney's Office (specifically its Major Narcotics Unit and Victim Witness Unit), the Cobb and Douglas Department of Public Health, the Cobb Office of the Medical Examiner, the Cobb County Police Department, Cobb Fire and Emergency Services, and the Zone. The project will engage Applied Research Services (ARS), Inc., as a research/evaluation partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Screven County Sheriff's Office


The Screven County Sheriff's Office applied for Category 1c tribal/rural grant funding in the amount of $587,825. The Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-based Program will (1) employ needs assessment tools to identify and prioritize services for jail offenders, (2) expand diversion programs for drug offenders to improve responses to offenders at high risk for overdose or substance abuse and provide alternative-to-incarceration services to those suffering from substance abuse disorders, (3) deliver an evidenced-based prevention program, and (4) offer rigorous program evaluation providing feedback and improvement opportunities. This project serves Screven County, Georgia, with a population of 14,300. The project includes partnerships between the Community Service Board of Middle Georgia, Ogeechee Division; Drug Court for the Ogeechee Judicial Circuit; and scientific partners. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a 100 percent rural county, high-poverty area, and Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center


The Guam Behavioral Health and Wellness Center (GBHWC) applied for Category 1b suburban area grant funding in the amount of $900,000. The Guam Family Recovery Program will provide swift American Society of Addiction Medicine assessments and placement when deemed appropriate. The program will also offer peer support services to identified clients and decrease the time from arrest to access possible treatment for clients suffering from the ills of substance use. A total of 450 assessments will be performed throughout the grant period. This project serves the community of Guam. The project includes partnerships between GBHWC, Department of Corrections, Superior Court of Guam, TOGHE, OASIS, and the Salvation Army Lighthouse Recovery Center.

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Boone County


Boone County applied for Category 1c rural/tribal area grant funding in the amount of $599,000. The Boone County Support Outreach Recovery Team will to fill the identified need for a community law enforcement officer to work with the individuals who have been arrested and fill the identified need for an addiction counselor to work with the county’s jailed population. The second purpose of this program is to fill the identified need for an addiction counselor who will work as a recovery coach with Boone County’s jailed population. This individual will deliver services such as moral reconation therapy and substance abuse counseling. This project serves Boone County, Illinois (population 53,606). The project includes partnerships between the Boone County Health Department, the multidisciplinary team, the Rosecrance, and the Belvidere Police Department.

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Boone County


The Boone County, Illinois, Health Department (BCHD) Community Outreach Advocacy and Recovery (COAR) is a community level program that coordinates interventions to provide behavioral health services in the jail and the community. The COAR program created medication-assisted treatment (MAT) in the local jail and implemented a Navigator model to provide case management services to individuals flowing through the criminal justice intercepts identified in Boone County’s Sequential Intercept Model. The COAR program is requesting funding to build upon current programming. This program proposes the following allowable activities: (1) Evidence Based Substance Use Disorder Treatment, such as medication-assisted treatment; (2) Embedding persons with lived experience at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model; and (3) Real-time and enhanced data collection. The COAR program will enhance its current MAT program by adding a second medication option, Buprenorphine, and implement re-entry coordination planning using a quality improvement, weekly Coordination Call with local and jail providers. The Navigator position, who has lived experience, will be enhanced by completing the process to become a Certified Peer Recovery Specialist (CPRS) and will lead the Coordination Calls in the jail and increase peer recovery mentors in the community. This position will also support the criminal justice system through a transition of bond reform. A COAR Strategist will be hired to follow the recommendations of the JusticeCounts project and provide upkeep to the data dashboard, as well as coordinate with partners to gather health equity data. The MAT Jail program (including staff, EHR, transportation and medications) is 22 percent of the budget, the Navigator position (including supervision and mileage) accounts for 41 percent of the budget, and the COAR Strategist salary accounts for 19 percent of the budget.

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DeKalb County (Inc)


DeKalb County Court Services is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $900,000. The DeKalb County Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Other Substance Use Disorder Project will serve clients involved with the DeKalb County Court system by providing immediate access to treatment services for persons with substance use disorders (SUDs) who come into the criminal justice system and recovery services after treatment. Clients can enter the program at any point in the criminal justice system, from a first appearance in court through a time when they may be sentenced and supervised by the court. Services will be provided to the individual whether the client resides in the community or is incarcerated awaiting trial. The program in DeKalb County will cover treatment costs for eligible clients in need of immediate help for SUDs, assist with transportation getting to and from treatment, and help fund medication-assisted treatment. The project will also create new opportunities to enhance post-treatment success by providing additional recovery support services, including hiring and training a dedicated peer recovery support specialist. The project coordinator will train personnel in DeKalb County Court Services on the administration of naloxone. Policies and procedures will be developed with input from all partners in the criminal justice system, including a diversion plan that can be used to keep clients from obtaining a conviction if they successfully complete the program. The project serves DeKalb County, which has a population of 104,897. The project includes partnerships between DeKalb County Court Services and the DeKalb County Drug Overdose Prevention Program, local city and county government officials, the local judiciary, the State’s Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, local law enforcement agencies, and local/regional service providers. The project will engage New York University’s Marron Institute as a research partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Dubois County


Dubois County is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $600,000. The Community Supervision Recovery Continuum will feature law enforcement/first responder diversion, post-booking treatment alternative-to-incarceration programs for individuals at high risk for overdose or substance misuse, and recovery support services, including transitional or recovery housing and peer recovery support services. Dubois County Community Corrections (DCCC) will develop a behavioral health team (BHT) that will be available to respond to behavioral health crises with law enforcement and provide guidance for diversion. DCCC will renovate its 102-bed work release facility to allow for separate housing pods; two pods (one for males and one for females) will be designated as “therapeutic communities,” where a group-based approach to rehabilitation is used to develop pro-social behaviors and work toward recovery. The BHT will augment this programming with individual and group counseling sessions and peer recovery support services. The Dubois County Sheriff’s Department and the Jasper Police Department will participate in Crisis Intervention Team training. The project serves Dubois County, with a population of 42,542. The project includes partnerships with the Dubois County Sheriff’s Office, the Jasper Police Department, and DCCC. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities. The project also provides an opportunity to build trust between law enforcement and the community and will benefit individuals residing in high-poverty areas.

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Indiana Family and Social Services Administration


The Indiana County Leaders Collaboration for Change (ICLCC) will establish and/or build upon existing collaborative relationships between first responders, the criminal justice system, child welfare and foster care, behavioral health, primary care and addiction service providers to identify, develop (or) enhance, and implement specific countywide programs designed to reduce the impact of opioids, stimulants, and other substances on individuals and communities. The counties will achieve this by developing (or) enhancing and implementing one or more of the following within their county: Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) model programs (new to Indiana), prebooking or postbooking treatment alternative-to-incarceration programs, education and prevention programs to connect law enforcement in schools, embed social services with law enforcement to rapidly respond to drug overdoses where children are impacted, and expand access to evidence-based treatment and recovery support services across the criminal justice system. This project serves individuals across Knox, Wayne, Fayette, Floyd, Clark, Allen, and Madison counties. The project includes partnerships between the Division of Mental Health and Addiction and seven county coalitions. Priority considerations addressed in this application include rural, high-poverty, and economically distressed regions.

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Marion County


The County of Marion is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $1,163,404. The Marion County Sheriff's Office’s (MCSO) Increasing MAT Capacity program will increase medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program capacity to fund a full scale, comprehensive MAT program that focuses on three parts: continuation, induction, and community connectivity. MAT in this program refers to the use of U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)-approved medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, to treat substance use disorders as a medical disorder. There are three FDA-approved medications used to treat opioid use disorder (OUD), and two will be used in this program: buprenorphine and naltrexone. This program will screen all arrestees at Marion County Jail Intake for OUD, continue MAT treatment for patients that self-report at Marion County Jail Intake to be currently enrolled in a MAT program, identify at-risk patients and induct on MAT, and ensure patients are connected to health insurance and MAT in the community prior to their release. This project serves Marion County, which includes the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, and has a population of approximately 101,020. The project includes partnerships between MCSO, MCSO’s Behavioral Management Team, Wellpath, and Midtown Community Mental Health. Priority considerations addressed in this application include that the individuals who will benefit from the project live in high-poverty areas.

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County of Reno


The Reno County Health Department will establish Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in the jail and implementation funding to support the work of an Overdose Fatality Review Board. Reno County's efforts in partnering to implement overdose mapping, and implementation of harm reduction activities have had positive interactions across our community. These activities have led to a spike alert protocol and messaging for citizens when dangerous substances were entering our community. Messaging, anti-stigma, and education efforts over the past two years have begun to change minds which is evident in the data collected in the 2022 Health Assessment which indicates that 66% of our population support harm reduction efforts and view substance misuse as a disease. Implementing MAT in the Reno County Correctional Facility will provide a harm reduction service to individuals who experience substance use disorder and enter incarceration. MAT is a resource to support jail administrators in providing effective treatment for individuals with opioid use disorder and helping to halt the opioid epidemic in the United States. Jails can be on the front lines of this epidemic, and they also are in a unique position to initiate treatment in a controlled, safe environment. MAT is a cornerstone for best practice for recovery from substance misuse, particularly when coupled with evidence based therapy offered from our partners. This will improve medical and mental health outcomes and reduce relapses and recidivism. Reno County is ready to implement harm reduction efforts that will provide equitable support for all citizens who are ready for recovery. Implementation of an Overdose Fatality Review Board will engage partners such as law enforcement, district attorneys, mental health providers, drug court, not-for-profits, medical partners, and families. The board will review data and activities from individuals who have passed due to an overdose, giving Reno County the opportunity to better understand if there was a missed opportunity to go further upstream and implement prevention methods. Allowing for the development of policies, and services to support individuals and families experiencing substance use disorder. These actions will support prevention efforts, recovery supports, reduce recidivism, and reduce secondary trauma based off the recommendations of this multidisciplinary team.

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Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government


Louisville Jefferson County Metro Government is applying for a Category 1a urban area grant in the amount of $1,200,000. The MAT Expansion Project, known as IMPACT—Innovative Medication Program for Addiction Care and Treatment, aims to increase access to medications for Opioid Use Disorder in the jail. The project will expand in-custody access to MAT to reduce overdose deaths, reduce criminal behavior, and improve treatment retention and treatment outcomes for the population with moderate to severe opioid use disorder (OUD). Goals of the project include: increase access to MAT to incarcerated individuals already enrolled in a community opioid treatment program or office-based opioid treatment program prior to arrest, increase access to MAT by initiating two FDA-approved medications (methadone and buprenorphine) for OUD, improve treatment retention by providing in-custody behavioral therapies for substance use disorder and referral and linkage to care in the community upon release, and developing protocols to control medication diversion and offer ongoing staff training to address safety and security and the stigma associated with MAT as a treatment modality. This project serves the Louisville Metro City/County with a combined population estimated of 771,517. The project includes partnerships between Wellpath, and the MORE Center.

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Purchase District Health Department


The Purchase District Health Department is partnering public health, public safety, and recovery communities to address SUD/OUD epidemic with the purpose of impacting racial and gender equity of recovery service delivery and reducing drug-related harms including overdose and incarceration. The project serves eight counties in far western Kentucky with a population totaling 200,000 people. Project activities fall into four categories: 1) Reducing overdose by (a) distributing naloxone to at-risk individuals and their families and (b) educating young people about fentanyl; 2) Implementing a deflection/pre-arrest diversion program that increases access to substance use and behavioral health treatment; 3) Implementing a warm-handoff to peer support for individuals released from jail; and 4) Providing housing vouchers for individuals in recovery. Expected outcomes include reduced drug-related recidivism, increased utilization of substance use disorder services, and improved coordination of services between public safety, public health, and behavioral health service providers. The intended beneficiaries of the project are individuals with active substance use disorder, individuals in recovery, justice-involved individuals, and families of individuals with substance use disorder. The project includes a rigorous evaluation component and research activities to inform future programming and best practices.

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Lafourche Parish Sheriff's Office


The Lafourche Parish, Louisiana, Sheriff’s Office (LPSO) will develop and implement a comprehensive opioid prevention effort that promotes civil rights and racial equity in the identification, response, treatment, and support of those impacted by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other drugs in Lafourche Parish, Louisiana. The goal of Project Comprehensive Opioid Prevention Effort (COPE) is to deploy needed service activities and protocols to reduce overdose deaths, promote public safety, and support access to prevention, harm-reduction, treatment, and recovery services, both in the community and the justice system. The Project will function under the direction of a Project COPE Steering Committee, which is a permanent multidisciplinary coordinating body that focus on addressing the issues that arise due to the impacts of illicit opioids, stimulants, and other drugs. It is composed of representatives from the LPSO, court system, Lafourche Parish Coroner’s Office, Parish Government, public and private school systems, Nicholls State University, and prevention, intervention, and treatment agencies. Program activities include law enforcement deflection and diversion, real time data collection, education, and prevention, pre and post booking treatment alternatives to incarceration, evidence-based substance use disorder treatment, and social workers and peer embedment at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model. A program-specific priority is in support of Executive Order 13985, Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities through the Federal Government.” In partnership with the Kingdom Impact Global Worship Centre, underserved populations that have been adversely affected by the opioid epidemic will be identified and strategically facilitated under the program.

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City of Holyoke Police Department


The City of Holyoke Police Department (HPD) applied for Category 1c rural/tribal area grant funding in the amount of $597,650. Project ERASE (Expansion of Recovery from Addiction to Substances Efforts) will implement a multicomponent intervention program designed to (1) support individuals with opioid, stimulant, and other illicit substance issues with interventions to reduce addictions and associated mental health needs, (2) reduce overdoses and overdose deaths through prevention and intervention strategies, and (3) reduce substance-related crime in Holyoke. This project serves Behavioral Health Network and Gandara, the Holyoke Police Department, Hampden County Sheriff, Holyoke Probation, and research partners. The project includes partnerships between the House of Corrections to provide detox treatment options and develop a law enforcement liaison between HPD, the courts, and probation personnel. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high-poverty area and enhanced public safety in Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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City of Newburyport


Newburyport Police Department (NPD) in Massachusetts, one of the founding departments of the Essex County Outreach Program, proposes to expand the outreach program to encompass all of Essex County. The Essex County Outreach Program is a series of stigma-free entry points to treatment on demand. The program supports nonarrest or early diversion program models that reach people before they enter the criminal justice system. The program supports multiple law enforcement entry points to treatment, including self-referrals to the stations. Cross-sector collaboration and partnerships are key to the program’s success which is supported by clinicians, social workers, recovery coaches, and trained volunteers.

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City of Newburyport


The City of Newburyport, Massachusetts, leads the Essex County Outreach (ECO) program. The primary focus of the project is law enforcement and first responder deflection and diversion programming (98 percent of the budget), followed by real-time data collection (two percent of the budget). This project serves the area of Essex County, which has a population of 785,205. ECO is a police-directed post-overdose outreach model and serves to make treatment more accessible for those struggling with substance use disorder (SUD) and their families. The key components of this program are informed by a recent Sequential Intercept Mapping Model (SIM) process that ECO completed, as well as lessons learned from the first four ECO program years. The ECO COSSAP grant prioritizes the following strategies that have emerged as gaps in resources: (1) program coordination/administrative support; (2) funding for police overtime for post-overdose follow-up visits; (3) clinical/child advocacy services; (4) housing and transportation resources to support clients in early stages of recovery; (5) addiction and recovery training for police officers; and (6) expansion of access to harm reduction supplies/kits. This project includes partnerships between the 34 police departments in Essex County, the Essex County Sheriff’s Department, and all local treatment providers and community service providers. ECO is administered by the Newburyport Police Department along with the Essex County Chief’s Association. The research partner for this project will maintain the Critical Incident Management System (CIMS) software which records real-time data on all overdoses that occur in Essex County. CIMS also manages and documents incident follow-up outreach visits to determine the success at connecting individuals with treatment services, shares information across communities using a county-wide incident notification system and provides real-time reporting tools.

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Commonwealth of Massachusetts dba Middlesex Sheriff's Office


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts, dba Middlesex Sheriff’s Office, applied for a Category 1a urban area grant in the amount of $1,152,729. The Involving Families in Treatment of Inmates with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) Project will reduce opioid overdose deaths and improve treatment outcomes for inmates with opioid use disorder by providing naloxone to family members and involving them in treatment. Through an enhancement of the Medication-Assisted Treatment and Directed Opioid Recovery (MATADOR) Program — which provides naltrexone, buprenorphine, methadone, and case management services — the proposed project activities include: (1) development and implementation of naloxone trainings and naloxone distribution for family members of inmates with OUD; (2) provision of a comprehensive family services program for inmates with substance use disorders, including outreach to engage families in the project, educational programs for families on substance use disorder, family counseling, and support groups, and (3) an evaluation of the project’s impact in improving treatment outcomes and reducing the risk of overdose deaths. This project serves Middlesex County, located in northeastern Massachusetts. Middlesex County, the most populous county in New England, has 1.6 million residents. The project includes partnership with Brandeis University. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin or other opioids and high rates of overdose deaths.

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Commonwealth of Massachusetts, Sheriff's Department Hampden


The Commonwealth of Massachusetts Sheriff’s Department Hampden applied for a Category 1b suburban area grant in the amount of $900,000. Hampden County Sheriff’s Department’s All Inclusive Support Service Program will reduce opioid-related overdoses and related fatalities. The program will take a multipronged approach to (1) enhance a database in Hampden County that will allow for the collection, analysis, and dissemination of comprehensive, real-time overdose information, and (2) implement a law enforcement, first responder-driven multidisciplinary overdose prevention, response, and diversion referral model known as the Rapid Response and Connection Program. This project serves Hampden County, Massachusetts, which has a population of 470,406. The project includes partnerships between the Hampden County Sheriff’s Department, Office of the District Attorney, Baystate Medical Center, Trinity Health Mercy Medical Center, local law enforcement entities, and other established community partners. Priority considerations addressed in project include the disproportionate impact from substance use on a rural, high-poverty census tract and public safety impact in Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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Essex County Sheriff's Department


The Essex Medicated Assisted Treatment Recovery Project (EMATRP) will be expanding and enhancing its current MAT program and support services pre- and post- release through these initiatives: (1) enhancing the current MAT program with care continuum coordinators, (2) providing pre-release harm-reduction education for all MAT participants to include naloxone upon release for 3,000 inmates, and (3) partnering with Spectrum for clinical stabilization services beds to provide participants with transitional housing and peer recovery for up 825 inmates. This project serves Essex County in Massachusetts with a population of 800,017. The project includes partnerships between Wellpath. Priority considerations addressed in this application include high-poverty area and Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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Town of East Bridgewater


The Town of East Bridgewater project supports the existing Plymouth County Outreach (PCO) program. Ninety-seven percent of this budget will support the allowable use category of law enforcement and first responder deflection and diversion programming and 3% will support real-time data collection. This project serves the area of Plymouth County, which has a population of 541,589.1. PCO is a police directed post-overdose outreach model and serves to make treatment more accessible for those struggling with Substance Use Disorder and their families. The key program components of this project will enhance the current PCO model in three ways. First, the expansion of the reentry strategy to provide recovery support to pre-trial court-based populations including referrals to local resources, sober living scholarships, and transportation vouchers. Second, the expansion of recovery supports to youth including weekly youth recovery support groups and the development of a policy and curriculum for educational SUD classes that schools can add to the existing school drug policy violation disciplinary options. Finally, the creation of an Overdose Fatality Review process to identify gaps in services and resources that contribute to fatal overdose events including six OFR meetings reviewing 12-18 fatal events per year. This project includes partnerships between the 27 police departments in Plymouth County, as well as the Bridgewater State University Police Department, the Plymouth County District Attorney and Sheriff, as well as all local hospitals and treatment facilities. PCO is administered by an Advisory Board that is comprised of Police Chiefs, Physicians, and Public Health experts. Kelley Research Associates (KRA) will serve as the research partner for this project and also maintain the Critical Incident Management System (CIMS) software which records real-time data on all overdoses that occur in Plymouth County. CIMS also manages and documents incident followup outreach visits to determine the success at connecting individuals with treatment services, shares information across communities using a county-wide incident notification system and provides real-time reporting tools. Previous COSSAP funding from 2018 and 2020 allowed PCO to establish long-term viability.

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St. Mary's County


The St. Mary’s County Health Department (SMCHD) is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $899,963. The St. Mary’s County Day Reporting Center project will provide community-based services and treatment to offenders under parole/probation in St. Mary’s County, Maryland. The offenders will live at home and report to the center on a daily basis. While at the center, the offenders receive various services including substance misuse counseling, anger management, moral reconation therapy, parenting skills, relapse prevention, mental health coordination, job skills, case management, educational classes, life skills, after-care planning, and touch-ups. This project serves a population of roughly 113,510 individuals in St. Mary's County. The project includes partnerships between SMCHD and St. Mary's County Detention and Rehabilitation Center (SMCDRC).

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Cumberland County


The County of Cumberland applied for Category 1b suburban area grant funding in the amount of $899,824. The Bridges for ME: Person-Centered Recovery and Reentry Project will focus on the development of an advisory council with at least five community partners and memorandums of understanding with five diverse treatment providers and annual screenings of 1,200 people for SUD/OUD conditions, while offering of 600 people resource referrals and naloxone. The project will also provide an annual provision of group support and reintegration planning to 200 people in jail, as well as intensive reentry services for 150 individuals receiving community service, including MAT and peer navigator services for 60 days. This project serves Cumberland County, population 281,674. The project includes partnerships between Cumberland County Jail, Maine Pretrial Services, Co-occurring Collaborative Serving Maine, Amistad, SMART, Maine Department of Corrections Probation, Portland Police Department, MAT providers Catholic Charities Maine, Spurwink Adult Behavioral Health Services, Maine Behavioral Healthcare IMAT, Northern Light Portland Internal Medicine, and Discovery House. Priority considerations addressed in this application include Cumberland County as a region disproportionately impacted by substance abuse.

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Cumberland, County of


The purpose of the Pathways for ME: Person-Centered Recovery and Reentry project is to reduce fatal overdose deaths and recidivism and enhance public safety in Cumberland County, Maine. The Cumberland County Public Health Department project will implement activities under the following allowable uses: embed peers in the jail and community to assist people with SUD and justice involvement; implement pre-booking and post-booking treatment alternatives to incarceration program; housing navigation and support for transitional or recovery housing; and coordinated efforts among police departments to expand the use of diversion. To meet the goal of the project, the primary activities are to: facilitate and sustain a coordinated network of organizations that provide reentry support and case management; expand the network to include Police Community Liaisons; screen people for Substance Use Disorder (SUD) and co-occurring disorders in the jail; provide reentry supports as people with SUD leave the jail; and increase peer recovery support in the jail and upon release. The activities will be focused on people who have an SUD and are in the county jail at least seven days. Given the complexity of needs among the target population and a host of barriers for people as they leave jail, the project relies on several strategic partnerships (and subawards) across a range of organizations and services that, together, create a tailored and coordinated system of care. Those organizations include: Cumberland County Jail, Maine Pretrial Services, Co-occurring Collaborative Serving Maine, Amistad, and Portland Recovery Community Center. Other partners include SUD treatment providers and Police Departments across the county. The expected outcomes of the project are: 1) A coordinated network of organizations that meets at least 2 times per month to coordinate care, eliminate barriers, and provide reentry services to people with SUD as they leave the county jail. 2) Annual screening of 1000 people for SUD and co-occurring disorders and offering materials on treatment and recovery support for all who screen positive. 3) All people who leave the jail receive naloxone. 4) Annually, 100 people in the jail receive reentry support, including navigation for the continuity of Medications for Opioid Use Disorder and safe housing as well as linkages to peer recovery support. 5)Annually, 100 people in the community receive reentry support, peer recovery support and community service navigation immediately after release from jail. John Snow, Inc will collect data and conduct the evaluation for the project.

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Cass County, Inc.


Cass County, Inc. applied for Category 1c rural/tribal area grant funding in the amount of $600,000. The Cass County COSSAP Project will employ a collaborative and comprehensive “gap-filling” approach to develop, implement, and/or expand/enhance existing trauma-informed evidence-based programming in order to identify, respond to, treat, and support those affected by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other substances. Objectives include the expansion of access to supervision, treatment, and recovery support services across the criminal justice system. The program will also create co-responder crisis intervention teams of trained law enforcement officers and behavioral health practitioners to connect individuals to trauma-informed and evidence-based co-occurring SUD treatment and recovery support services, as well as provide overdose education and prevention activities, and address the needs of children impacted by substance abuse. The project includes partnerships between 43rd Circuit Court judges, Woodlands Behavioral Healthcare Network, Office of the Sheriff, Office of the Prosecutor, Community Corrections, defense attorney, program coordinator, and the program evaluator. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the challenges that rural communities face and Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians


The Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians (GTB) applied for Category 1c tribal/rural area grant funding in the amount of $600,000. The GTB COSSAP Project will address the current substance use issues identified by Grand Traverse Band’s Behavioral Health intakes, with statistics confirming the continued need for substance use services and recovery support for adolescents and adult federally recognized Native Americans who are experiencing depression, trauma, suicide ideation, and co-occurring disorders. This project serves 5,100 Native Americans in the GTB six-county service area located in lower northwest Michigan (Antrim, Benzie, Charlevoix, Grand Traverse, Leelanau, and Manistee counties). The project includes partnerships between GTB Public Safety and the GTB Tribal Court departments. Priority considerations addressed in this application include addressing specific challenges that rural communities face.

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Macomb County


Macomb County is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $595,168. The Macomb County Prosecutor’s Office/Families Against Narcotics (FAN) REDIRECT Diversion Program will reduce the number of overdoses, assist people in getting treatment for addiction, reduce drug-related crimes, and improve the relationship between law enforcement and the community. The overall goal of REDIRECT is to reduce both drug-related crime and overdose mortalities among high-need/high-risk people in Macomb County who may have committed a minor, non-violent, drug-related offense by offering them a referral to treatment and continuum of care, in lieu of arrest and prosecution of criminal charges. The objectives are to launch REDIRECT in all 18 police departments within the county, provide a continuum of care to participants for 12 months to support their sobriety, and to reduce the stigma of addiction within law enforcement and the community. This project serves Macomb County, which has a population of approximately 873,000. The project includes a partnership with FAN, a grassroots organization known and respected by law enforcement throughout the county. Priority considerations addressed in this application include that the project will benefit individuals residing in a high-poverty area or persistent-poverty county.

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Michigan Department of State Police


The Michigan State Police (MSP) is applying for Category 2 funding in the amount of $5,675,564. The MSP COSSAP project will provide subawards to multiple community agencies in seven counties (Genesee, Grand Traverse, Kent, Lake, Muskegon, Newaygo, and Shiawassee) across Michigan that have not previously received Bureau of Justice Assistance funding to develop and expand their overdose prevention programs. The selected counties are a mix of rural and urban jurisdictions that have experienced a high overdose burden, have limited access and resources to substance use treatment services compared to other counties in the state, and are ready to implement their programs within the required time frame of the grant. Strategies include development and expansion of quick response teams, law enforcement embedded social workers, jail-based medicated-assisted treatment with recovery coaches, law enforcement assisted diversion, naloxone for first responders, and drug checking sites; the latter will be the first program in Michigan to pilot this service for people who use drugs. The project will also support drug take back events. The MSP will partner with local agencies to ensure that there is no duplication of funding. The goal of the project is to reduce the rate of overdoses and the racial/ethnic disparities in overdose mortality rates in order to help families and communities heal and recover. The project serves Genesee, Grand Traverse, Kent, Lake, Muskegon, Newaygo, and Shiawassee counties, with a total population of 1,458,377. The project includes partnerships between MSP and local public health departments, community organizations, and law enforcement agencies in each of the participating counties. The project will engage the University of Michigan School of Nursing as an evaluation/research partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Ottawa County Community Mental Health


Ottawa County Community Mental Health applied for Category 1b suburban area grant funding in the amount of $900,000. The Coordinated Substance Use Disorder treatment for Jail and Reentry Populations Project will (1) implement post-booking substance use clinical assessments for all eligible inmates in Ottawa County Jail, (2) implement individual and group-based substance use treatment programming for inmates identified as having a substance use disorder, and (3) implement a coordinated community reentry strategy for post-sentence release from jail that promotes access to social services and strengthens probation supervision. This project serves Ottawa County, Michigan. Priority considerations addressed in this application include Qualified Opportunity Zones, as well as rural and high-poverty areas.

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Ottawa County Community Mental Health


Ottawa County's Community Mental Health project will reduce the impact of opioids, stimulants and other substances for justice involved individuals in Ottawa County, Michigan, by increasing access to comprehensive treatment, case management and recovery support services. Community Mental Health of Ottawa County received a FY 2020 COSSAP grant. Accomplishments in implementation include 97 individuals receiving assessments for substance use or co-occurring disorders in six months, which led to 77 referrals for substance use or co-occurring treatment services. Program implementation has identified a strong need for an additional case manager for timely treatment and referral coordination. Expansion of services through this grant application include (1) coordinated case management comprising 57% of the overall budget; (2) pre-booking or post-booking treatment alternative-to-incarceration; (3) individual, group and doubling MAT treatment; (4) peer recovery support services; and (5) transitional housing comprising of 6% of the overall budget. Expected outcomes include a reduction in substance use dependency, an increase in stabilization as individuals re-enter the community and improved multi-agency collaboration.

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St. Joseph County


The County of St. Joseph applied for Category 1c rural/tribal area grant funding in the amount of $600,000. The County of St. Joseph COSSAP Project will employ a collaborative and comprehensive “gap-filling” approach to develop, implement, and/or expand/enhance existing trauma-informed evidence-based programming in order to identify, respond to, treat, and support those affected by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other substances. Objectives include the expansion of access to supervision, treatment, and recovery support services across the criminal justice system. The project will also create Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) to enhance co-responder crisis intervention teams to connect individuals to trauma-informed and evidence-based co-occurring SUD treatment and recovery support services; provide overdose education and prevention activities; and address the needs of children impacted by substance abuse. This project serves St. Joseph County, Michigan, with a population of 60,964. The project includes partnerships between the 45th Circuit Court of Michigan, sheriff, Community Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services, defense attorney, Office of the Prosecutor, Community Corrections, program evaluator, and program coordinator. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the specific challenges that rural communities face and a Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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Rice County


The Comprehensive Longitudinal Efforts Addressing Narcotic Use Proliferation (CLEANUP) will address illicit substance use in Rice County, Minnesota, with a population of 67,000 people. It will reduce overdose deaths, promote public safety, and support access to treatment, recovery, and harm reduction in the community and justice system. A multidisciplinary coordinating body, the Rice County Opioid Council, will support law enforcement and justice systems to intervene earlier using deflection and diversion to shift efforts from punishment to restorative practices. Through the Recovery Support Team, the project will support access to treatment, housing, basic needs, peer recovery support and culturally/linguistically appropriate services to improve outcomes for those struggling with substance use disorder, prioritizing Latin and East African communities. Activities under the grant include police-assisted recovery and deflection (14 percent of budget), pre-charge adult diversion (36 percent of budget), recovery support team (36 percent of budget), pre-/post-treatment housing (14 percent of budget). Council partners have implemented most of the remaining allowable activities, and with the resources made possible by this grant and the support of a research partner, Rice County will have a comprehensive model that could serve as a national model for other rural communities. The project benefits individuals from underserved rural Rice County struggling with substance use disorder, with a focus on underserved communities, especially Latine and Somali.

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Saint Louis County


The County of St. Louis applied for Category 1b suburban area grant funding in the amount of $897,607. The St. Louis County FY 2020 COSSAP Initiative will expand access to evidence- based treatment (including medication-assisted treatment and recovery services in jail), expand peer recovery support services and access to treatment for rural residents, and provide coordination to support comprehensive responses to substance abuse. This project serves St. Louis County with a population of approximately 200,431. The project includes partnerships between the St. Louis County Jail, Recovery Alliance Duluth, Human Development Center, and Duluth Family Medicine Clinic. Priority considerations addressed in this application include providing services to Qualified Opportunity Zones, addressing communities that are primarily rural and/or localities facing persistent poverty, and serving a region that has been disproportionately impacted by substance abuse.

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St. Louis County


The purpose of this proposed project is to provide wrap around care for people with substance use disorders transitioning through the criminal justice system in St. Louis County (SLC), Minnesota, as well as recovery and behavioral health counseling at Northeast Regional Corrections Center (NERCC). SLC is working on the following allowable uses: (1) providing a ready source of Naloxone for SLC rural law enforcement, provide Naloxone and training to probation officers, and send Naloxone with people with substance use disorders (SUDs) when released from jail; (2) post-booking treatment alternative-to-incarceration programs; (3) evidence-based SUD treatment; (4) harm reduction activities and recovery support services; (5) medication-assisted treatment (both induction and continuation of previous prescriptions) is provided in SLC Jail and NERCC. This project will create an internal multi-disciplinary coordinating body within the jail, based on the forensic assertive community team model. This Jail Team will work with flagged inmates to create in-jail and transitional treatment plan, ensuring access to and continuation of services for people with SUDs, co-occurring mental health disorders and SUDs, and polysubstance use disorder. This grant will support embedding social workers, peers, and/or persons with lived experience at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model and behavioral health specialists (providing drug counseling and cognitive behavioral therapy) and a peer recovery specialist providing recovery services. The expected outcomes for this project include enhanced access to coordination of care for justice-involved individuals across all intercepts in SLC, increased post booking diversions, increased access to behavioral health and recovery services in the jail, and creation of a jail system that consistently begins a release and transition plan creation process for people with SUDs at booking. The project serves SLC, the largest county geographically in MN, with a population of 199,070. This project will benefit justice involved individuals suffering from SUDs in SLC and the broader Arrowhead Region. Subrecipients of the grant include Arrowhead Regional Corrections probation program; Center for Alcohol and Drug Treatment, the regional in-patient treatment center; Dr. Buffington to perform Rule 20 prescreens; and Recovery Alliance Duluth, a recovery community organization.

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29th Judicial Circuit Court


The 29th Judicial Circuit Court applied for Category 1b suburban area grant funding in the amount of $887,194. The Jasper County Treatment Program (JCTP) will provide a postbooking connection to clinical treatment indicated by evidence-based needs for all offenders per screening for substance abuse, mental illness, criminogenic risk, and connection to enhanced treatment for family-based offenders. The program will also provide court-ordered referrals into the JCTP and referral into other offender programming as indicated for nonfamily substance abuse offenders, as well as develop individualized treatment plans for family-based substance abuse offenders. Also, the program will provide case management of JCTP participants targeting substance abuse and co-occurring disorders and communicate community treatment program participation requirements (i.e., probation conditions, such as mandatory counseling session participation, MAT plan compliance, drug testing, and court reporting). This project serves Jasper County (population 120,217). Priority considerations addressed in this application include eight high-poverty areas and a Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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Lamar County Board of Supervisors


The Lamar County Board of Supervisors applied for Category 1c rural/tribal area grant funding in the amount of $599,981. The Lamar County LEAD Program will develop a trauma-informed, comprehensive, community-based response to divert individuals experiencing opioid or stimulant misuse/abuse from the criminal justice system to treatment. The objectives are to (1) divert 100 individuals with SUD from the criminal justice system to treatment and case management service providers, and (2) provide harm-reduction case management services to 150 individuals with SUD. A total of 250 individuals will be served over the project period. This project serves Lamar County, Mississippi, which has a population of 63,300. The project includes partnerships between Pine Belt Mental Healthcare Resources’ Grant and Research Department. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities and emergency medical services, and rural challenges.

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Lewis and Clark County


The County of Lewis and Clark applied to Category 1c grant funding and will be recommended to receive $513,850. It proposes to implement the Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Bridges Project, which will support the delivery of treatment in the detention center for individuals with opioid use disorder. MAT medications, in combination with counseling and behavioral therapies, provide an evidence-based, holistic patient approach to the treatment of opioid dependency. The county is requesting funding for MAT medications and medically necessary lab work, as well as to support staff to implement the MAT Bridges program in the detention center. The MAT Bridges program is projected to increase retention in treatment for individuals upon release into the community and decrease recidivism rates for MAT Bridges participants. This project serves an estimated population of 69,432, including both rural and urban communities in the county. The project includes partnerships between the county’s Criminal Justice Services Department, the County of Lewis and Clark Sheriff's Office and detention center, and two local federally qualified health centers. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a rural area.

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Montana Department of Corrections, Crime Control Bureau


The Montana Board of Crime Control will develop a comprehensive plan that identifies policies and practices to assist local communities and providers in engaging and retaining offenders with opioid use disorder in treatment and recovery services and to increase the use of diversion in Montana. After the plan is completed, grant funds will be used to support the development of local, sustainable diversion programs and projects that link offenders to treatment and recovery services in priority communities. The primary partner for this project is the Addictive and Mental Disorders Division of the Montana Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS).

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Burke County


Burke County will support the continuation of its law enforcement-assisted diversion (LEAD) program and implement and pilot the Helping Achieve Recovery through Burke Opioid Use Reduction (HARBOUR) program which is patterned after the Recovery Community Center (RCC) model. The goals of the project include: (1) reduce overdose incidents and deaths; (2) give low-level offenders the opportunity to access treatment with long-term recovery support instead of criminal justice system involvement, thereby reducing recidivism rates and long-term costs to the taxpayers; (3) provide treatment and long-term recovery support along with maximizing the ability of those in recovery to reintegrate into the community. Partners include Burke County Sheriff’s Office, Morganton Department of Public Safety, Valdese Police Department, Drexel Police Department, Glen Alpine Police Department, Burke United Christian Ministries, Burke Council on Alcoholism and Chemical Dependency, Inc. (dba Burke Recovery), Catawba Valley Behavioral Health, and Burke County Health Department.

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Catawba County


The County of Catawba applied for Category 1b grant funding in the amount of $900,000. The purpose of the project is to expand the current Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program by offering additional financial support for Officer training and engagement in order to grow the referral pool. Second, funds will be used to further develop an existing jail services program to include a more robust pretrial diversion program. Finally, funds will be used to implement a new transitional, reentry housing program to be utilized by both LEAD and jail services. This project serves Catawba County, North Carolina, with a population of 150,000 people. The project includes partnerships between the Cognitive Connection and Rebound Treatment Center. Catawba Valley Behavioral Health has existing relationships with the local sheriff’s department, five local police departments and the Districts Attorney’s Office through the LEAD program. Priority considerations addressed in this application include high rates of overdose and overdose death.

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Craven County Government


The Craven County Sheriff’s Office is a unit of local government in New Bern, North Carolina, a rural area in Eastern North Carolina. Working with community partners, The Craven County Sherriff’s Office proposes to provide jail-based and re-entry programs to: (1) expand or enhance pre-booking or post-booking treatment or intervention programs that serve individuals at high risk for overdose or substance abuse; (2) expand or enhance embedding social workers, peers, and/or persons with lived experience at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model to assist persons in the criminal justice system and their families navigate the justice system and increase their connection to treatment and recovery support services (66 percent of the budget), and (3) expand and enhance evidence-based treatment and recovery support services including transitional or recovery housing (15 percent of the budget), transportation (7 percent of the budget), and peer recovery support services (12 percent of the budget). Funding from this grant will increase access to behavioral health treatment and services, improve linkage to peer specialists and recovery support, and provide transitional recovery housing to the most vulnerable individuals leaving the Craven County Jail.

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Lenoir County


The County of Lenoir applied for Category 1b grant funding for the amount of $288,713. The purpose of the project is to improve capacity of the district’s Family Accountability and Recovery Court (FARC) to serve families involved in the family court system due to substance dependence. Project objectives include providing more seamless and comprehensive treatment, as well as recovery services to parents with substance use disorders through increased staff capacity, enhanced training and professional development, and expanding treatment and complementary services. The project also aims at addressing systemic barriers faced by parents with substance use disorders through family transitional housing and expanded transportation assistance, as well as improving FARC performance through evaluation and performance management. This project serves North Carolina’s 8th Judicial District (Lenoir, Wayne, and Green counties). The total population of the district is 201,483. The project includes partnerships between Lenoir County, the 8th Judicial District FARC program, Hope Restorations Inc., Kinston Community Health Center, and the National Center for State Courts. Priority considerations addressed in this application include rural challenges, high and persistent poverty, and improved safety in Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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Mecklenburg County


The Mecklenburg County Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $1,199,985. The project will enable the expansion of the Behavioral Health Day Treatment program in the MCSO Detention Center administered by the Mecklenburg County Community Support Services Substance Use Department, increasing the program’s capacity and thereby reducing its waiting list. The program serves detention residents with co-occurring mental health/substance use disorders by providing treatment and peer recovery support services and addressing critical reentry needs. The project will enable MCSO to implement virtual peer recovery support services and expand access to transitional or recovery housing during the transition from in-custody to the community. Project deliverables include providing treatment to 360 detention residents, rental assistance for 45 detention residents, and virtual peer recovery support services to up to 435 individuals as they transition from the detention facility to the community. The project serves Mecklenburg County, which has a population of 1,074,475. The project includes partnerships with Heritage Health Solutions, which will pilot virtual peer recovery support services. Priority considerations addressed in this application include disproportionately impacted by the misuse of illicit opioids, stimulants, or other substances as evidenced high rates of overdose deaths and building trust between law enforcement and the community.

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North Carolina State Department of Health and Human Services


The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Substance Abuse Services (NC DHHS) will implement evidence-based strategies to reduce the rate of opioid overdose associated with individuals involved in the local justice system. NC DHHS will competitively subaward nine sites to implement pre-arrest diversion programs, jail-based overdose prevention education and naloxone upon release, jail-based medication assisted treatment, and connections to care upon release. Six sites will be new projects and three sites will involve expanding or enhancing existing projects. The state will collaborate with Dr. Lauren Brinkley-Rubinstein from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Department of Social Medicine as the research partner for the project.

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Onslow County


Onslow County is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $899,943. The Onslow County COSSAP 2021 project will provide medication-assisted treatment (MAT), therapeutic counseling, and recovery case management in the Onslow County Detention Center (OCDC). The three target populations are opioid-addicted pregnant women, those currently receiving MAT from a community provider when booked into OCDC, and inmates initially assessed with an opioid dependency and a misdemeanor conviction. In addition, each individual will be connected to appropriate MAT, evidence-based therapeutic counseling, and recovery support services in the community upon release. These services will include recovery housing, health, education/training, and employment support coordinated by the recovery support case manager and a certified peer support specialist. This project serves Onslow County, which has a population of 211,881. The project includes partnerships between Southern Health Partners, Oxford House, Women/Children Housing, Hope is Alive, Coastal Carolina Community College and its Adult High School, NCWorks Career Center, the Onslow County Public Health Department, Goshen Medical Center, the Onslow County Department of Social Services, ACT Associates, and Integrated Family Services.

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Onslow, County of


The Onslow County, North Carolina, project will expand evidence-based substance use treatment in the Onslow County Detention Center (OCDC), Court programming to identify need for services for children and youth impacted by their parent/family substance use, recovery housing support and comprehensive, real-time, information collection, analysis and trends. Onslow County is in the southeastern coastal plain of North Carolina and has an estimated population of 209,491. There are also approximately 45,079 active-duty marines and sailors stationed at Camp Lejeune and New River Air Station. Onslow County has experienced the ravages of the opioid epidemic at a higher level than many communities in the state, and has worked since 2016 to strategically develop services and resources to support their citizens. The overarching goal of this application is to provide linkages for those affected by an opioid use disorder or other substance disuse to treatment services and resources. This includes both those incarcerated, and the children and families affected by substance use. Project activities include establishing a therapeutic community within the OCDC for individuals with substance use disorders. Inmates will be provided evidence-based treatment such as individual and group counseling, family support when appropriate, strategies for relapse prevention to include harm reduction, community and social support systems, and crisis contingency planning. Case plans will be developed with inmate and community resource connections made upon release. Referrals will be made to Oxford House for safe, sober housing while partnering to increase recovery housing inventory within the County. In addition, a Licensed Clinical Addictions Specialist will coordinate with the Courts, (including the new Veterans Treatment Court), the Department of Social Services (DSS), Child Protective Services (CPS) and the OCDC to provide immediate linkages to appropriate services for children, youth, and families in cases where substance misuse is identified. Comprehensive, real-time data will be collected and analyzed by the Project Manager and a multi-disciplinary workgroup of service provider agencies and community stakeholders to monitor progress to goals and guide the program. Onslow County currently has a FY 2021 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-based Program providing medication assisted treatment (MAT) and case management in the Onslow County Detention Center.

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Pitt County


The Pitt County, North Carolina, Sheriff's Office proposes to expand the evidence-based substance use disorder (SUD) treatment programs that operate within the Pitt County Detention Center. The Sheriff's Heroin Addiction Recovery Program (SHARP) and the Women's Empowerment and Recovery (WEAR) program are designed to combat substance use disorder and overdose deaths in Pitt County. These programs include general education development/high school equivalency services, cognitive behavioral therapy, moral recognition therapy, peer support services, access to a social worker, licensed substance abuse counselors, peer support services, and Medicated Assisted Treatment. The proposed expansion would fund three more years of programmatic staff, offer ride-sharing services to newly released low-income detainee’s for SUD’s related treatment and recovery needs, provide a residential treatment housing option to low-income individuals with substance use disorder, contract with a local university for programmatic development and evaluation, and connect law enforcement with more local K-12 students. The plan is use 7 percent of the budget to provide 2,100 total rides, 700 per project year, to treatment and recovery support services by partnering with the specialized non-profit organization, Danny’s Ride. Funds will also be used to hire a case manager who will track participants, create discharge plans, and aid participants with discharge needs. Thirty-five percent of the budget will go towards the salaries and benefits of the SHARP/WEAR Programs Coordinator and the Social Worker. The Pitt County Sheriff’s Office will partner with East Carolina University (ECU) for programmatic evaluation/analysis, data collection, SHARP/WEAR curriculum development, and family life education classes for detainees (20 percent of the budget). The Principal Investigator for the project will be Dr. Mallette, CFLE, and her team of human service graduate students. This COSSAP project will also dedicate 4 percent of the funds to expand the reach of evidence-based D.A.R.E. programming in Pitt County. D.A.R.E is an education and prevention program that connects law enforcement agencies to K-12 students. The curriculum has been reinvented to include components such as opioid and OTC/Rx drug abuse, vaping prevention, depression awareness, coping mechanisms, bullying, and communication skills.

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Public Health Authority of Cabarrus County


The Public Health Authority of Cabarrus County is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $900,000. Through the Providing Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) and Recovery Support Services to Individuals with Opioid Use Disorder (OUD) project, Cabarrus Health Alliance (CHA), the local health department for Cabarrus and Rowan counties, will provide MAT to 50 uninsured individuals with OUD residing in the counties. The program will combine pharmacotherapy (via buprenorphine-naloxone), behavioral health treatment, voluntary access, recovery support services, and low-barrier access for participation. CHA will receive referrals for detainees post-release from the Cabarrus County Detention Center (CCDC) and recruit other MAT patients through its internal syringe access program and MAT program for pregnant women with OUD. The program will expand local capacity for care beyond pregnant women with OUD to adults with OUD; increase the number of individuals with OUD receiving MAT in combination with behavioral health services; and decrease opioid overdoses among participants of the MAT program. The project serves Cabarrus and Rowan counties, with a total population of 358,541. Parts of both counties are U.S. Human Resources and Services Administration-designated Medically Underserved Areas and Health Professional Shortage Areas in primary, dental, and mental health care and are also designated as High-Poverty Areas. The project includes partnerships with CCDC, the Stepping Up Initiative, and Atrium Health Addiction Services. Priority considerations addressed in this application include disproportionate impact by the misuse of opioids, protecting the public from crime and evolving threats, and benefiting individuals residing in high-poverty areas or persistent-poverty counties.

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Surry County


The Government of Surry County, North Carolina, project will establish services targeting underserved groups experiencing addiction. The underserved comprise three groups: incarcerated persons, persons with substance use disorder disabilities, and juveniles impacted by family substance use. Each is at high-risk for justice involvement, discrimination, and poor outcomes. This project will provide supports to minimize inequity among these populations through the provision of substance use treatment in the county detention center, quality recovery housing, and substance use prevention and treatment for youth. Each of these components will include navigation to community resources with a collaborative, trauma-informed approach by organizations focused on meeting the unique needs of individuals and families. The goals are to prevent future addictions, steer the addicted to recovery, and establish trust between the afflicted and the professionals poised to help them succeed. In conjunction with this project, a professional advisory committee will promote equity throughout the planning and implementation of services. Surry County Government will manage the delivery of treatment services within the county detention center. Additionally, two subrecipients will deliver services to the recovery and juvenile communities. New Hope New Beginnings (a nonprofit dedicated to helping people achieve substance-free success) will head the recovery housing portion. Surry Friends of Youth (a local youth-serving nonprofit) will provide support, prevention education, and treatment to juveniles impacted by addiction. Preexisting collaborative relationships between grant recipients will allow any Surry County residents affected by addiction to access services. This project will benefit persons suffering from addiction will benefit from treatment and of social connection and resources and the families and neighbors of individuals entering recovery will benefit from decreased trauma and the knowledge that recovery can be achieved. Expected outcomes of this project include decreases in overdose, crime, recidivism, incarceration, homelessness, child victimization and other risk factors correlated with relapse and substance use. Research partners will perform evaluations using the results-based accountability framework. All programming will rely on evidence-based best practices with a focus on building the relationships necessary to foster successful recovery.

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Transylvania County


Transylvania County, through its Community Awareness Recovery Effort (C.A.R.E.) Coalition, is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $599,767. The Creating Access to Therapeutic, Reentry, and Recovery Support Services in Transylvania County Detention Center program will create access to trauma-informed behavioral health services and peer support specialist-informed recovery and reentry services for detainees residing in the detention center. This goal will be achieved by hiring and training a behavioral health therapist and a care coordinator to support the needs of detainees across the continuum of their detention, from booking/intake to release. The project will also support expansion of Transylvania County’s substance use disorder response efforts to include trauma-informed care (TIC) approaches and evidence-based interventions specifically targeted at persons involved with the criminal justice system; distribution of naloxone to detainees upon release; completion of a strategic plan for advocacy for medication-assisted treatment (MAT) bridge prescription; and TIC training for detention, law enforcement, and probation officers. The project serves Transylvania County, which has a largely rural population of 34,385. The project includes partnerships with the Transylvania Opioid Response Team, the Transylvania County Sheriff’s Office, and Transylvania Public Health. The project will engage the University of Western Carolina as a research partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Wake County


The Wake County Sheriff’s Office (WCSO) will develop an Opioid Abuse Management Program, which aims to reduce the high rate of opioid overdoses and opioid fatalities in Wake County. The Opioid Abuse Management program will be overseen by a Program Coordinator who will implement and oversee the progress of the program. Funding through the program will ensure that all deputies are equipped with naloxone to administer and reverse the effects of an overdose. The program will also provide handheld narcotics analyzers and necessary accessories, which will enable deputies to quickly identify suspected controlled substances in emergency situations. Tablets will also be funded through the program and will be provided to deputies responding to substance abuse calls. These tablets will provide a direct connection to Alliance Health Access and Information Line, where deputies will receive immediate virtual assistance from a social services professional. Tablets will also be used in the Detox Unit by project staff for reporting and data management, as well as by residents housed in the Detox Unit to assist with job applications, substance abuse treatment programs, and telehealth visits. WCSO recognizes that our duty of care must not stop upon a resident’s release and therefore will implement collaborative partnerships with behavioral health clinics and treatment providers to expand our comprehensive efforts to respond to, treat, and support those impacted by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other drugs of abuse once released from our care. WCSO will procure a software company to develop and implement a Substance Abuse Disorder Management Platform that will track treatment during incarceration and upon release. This software will connect the WCSO with outside healthcare professionals to better understand patterns and to share crucial information.

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Wayne County Sheriff's Office


The Wayne County Detention Center, through the Wayne County Sheriff’s Office, applied for Category 1b grant funding in the amount of $900,000. The purpose of the project is to provide best practices in developing, implementing, and sustaining a jail-based medication-assisted treatment (MAT) program during incarceration and upon release. The benefits include stemming the cycle of arrest, incarceration, and release typically linked to substance use disorders; helping to maintain a safe and secure jail for inmates and staff; and reducing costs, since data indicate that MAT for opioid use disorders is cost-effective. This project serves Wayne County, North Carolina, which is the sixth largest agricultural county in the state with over 116,000 residents. The project includes partnerships between Southern Health Partners, Wayne County’s Day Reporting Center, and Dixon Social Interactive Services, Inc. Priority considerations addressed in this application include Qualified Opportunity Zones and persistent poverty.

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Burlington County


Burlington County is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $900,000. The Burlington County COSSAP Program will expand law enforcement and other first responder deflection and diversion programs; embed social services within law enforcement in order to rapidly respond to drug overdoses where children are impacted; incorporate comprehensive, real-time, regional information collection, analysis, and dissemination; include naloxone training and distribution; and utilize evidence-based treatment, including medication-assisted treatment (MAT), as well as recovery support services including transitional or recovery housing and peer recovery support services. The project will support the 24/7 Operations program, a naloxone plus/Quick Response Team model that delivers services to people who use drugs through a “warm hand-off” from police to trained peer recovery specialists, expanding this service to reach the Burlington County Jail population; expansion of the Straight to Treatment program, a self-referral pathway in which people facing addiction can walk into police stations at designated times and get assessed, referred, and transported to treatment; and expansion of Hope One, a mobile access unit that offers critical support for persons and their families struggling with addiction, with the goals of preventing drug overdoses and deaths and providing linkages to treatment and recovery support services, in collaboration with the county sheriff’s office, the Department of Human Services, Volunteers of America, the New Jersey Transit Police, and community organizations. It will also support law enforcement-initiated training for motel/hotel owners on the distribution of Narcan, as well as the distribution of Narcan doses to replenish county and local law enforcement supplies, as needed. The county will also develop improved systems for collecting and analyzing data to improve internal operations and decision making while contributing to the state and national body of best practices on responding to the opioid crisis. The project serves Burlington County, which has a population of 446,596. The project includes partnerships with the county’s Department of Corrections, the Sheriff’s Department, the Department of Human Services, the County Prosecutor, and several treatment providers. The project will engage the Senator Walter Rand Institute for Public Affairs at Rutgers University as an evaluation partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Camden County


The Camden County Department of Corrections (CCDOC) applied for Category 1a grant funding in the amount of $1,200,000. The Comprehensive Substance Use and Recovery Support Program for Incarcerated Individuals in the Camden County Correctional Facility (CCCF) will expand the department’s capacity to identify, respond to, treat, and support individuals incarcerated in the CCCF with a history of substance use, specifically individuals with a non- opioid use disorder. Through the use of substance use and recovery support services for individuals both pre- and post-release, this project serves Camden County, New Jersey, which has a population of approximately 513,000 across 37 municipalities. The project includes partnerships between Camden County Department of Health and Human Services Office of Mental Health and Addictions, CFG Health Network, and CCDOC’s contracted medical and mental health provider, as well as partnerships with Project HOPE, the Center for Family Services, Volunteers of America, Genesis Counseling Centers, and the New Jersey Division of Mental Health and Addiction Services. These agencies will support CCDOC reentry efforts, providing vital support to individuals such as housing, MOUD, SU, and mental health counseling, employment, and job-readiness training. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high-poverty area and Qualified Opportunity Zone. There are six objectives of the proposed program. Objective 1 includes the implementation of a substance use screening tool and assessment during the booking and classification phase to effectively identify individuals incarcerated with a substance use disorder. Objective 2 provides substance use counseling and support services for individuals (both in person and via telehealth) while incarcerated in CCCF. Objective 3 provides integrated care coordination for individuals during a period of incarceration to promote and foster health equity of the justice-involved population. Objective 4 provides peer recovery support services to individuals transitioning home following release from the CCCF through the development of Peer Support Teams. Objective 5 provides recovery support housing to individuals that have engaged in substance use and/or receiving MOUD and are housing insecure at the time of release from CCCF. Lastly, Objective 6 is focused on establishing a Reentry Release Center to include a team of CDACs to continue the coordination of services upon release from CCCF.

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New Jersey State Parole Board


The New Jersey State Parole Board (NJSPB) is applying for a Category 2 award in the amount of $3,278,813. The FY 2021 COSSAP-New Jersey State Parole Board project will provide peer recovery-based services to individuals with substance use disorder who are under parole supervision, as well as expand Rutgers University’s current Intensive Recovery Treatment Support (IRTS) program and create a team of providers specifically dedicated to the needs of individuals under NJSPB supervision. The target population to be served under this grant will be a minimum of 110 adult offenders released from New Jersey state correctional facilities to parole supervision residing in any one of New Jersey’s 21 counties. Medium-to-high-risk offenders will be identified prior to their release from prison and will be referred, when released on parole, to receive IRTS services with the aid of a Peer Health Navigator. The project includes a partnership with Rutgers University Behavioral Health Care. Priority considerations addressed in this application include protecting the public from crime and evolving threats, building trust between law enforcement and the community, and serving individuals residing in high-poverty areas.

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Bernalillo County


Bernalillo County in New Mexico will use grant funds to expand access to treatment and recovery support services across behavioral health, primary care, criminal justice, and emergency management services. Grant funds will be used to hire a full-time coordinator and two case managers. The county and partners will engage in comprehensive planning; create a mobile harm reduction center staffed by a nurse and the two case managers; increase medication-assisted treatment (MAT) for off reservation urban Indians; provide transitional housing for underserved youth and their families; and provide MAT to incarcerated youth. The University of New Mexico Institute for Social Research will serve as the research partner for the proposed project.

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Rio Arriba County


Rio Arriba County, through Rio Arriba Health & Human Services (RAHHS), is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $582,810. The project will enable RAHHS to expand its Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) Program, resulting in enhanced coverage during peak off-business hours and an expanded intake network in order to maximize the number of beneficiaries of the program. While referrals from law enforcement will be prioritized, referrals will also be accepted pre-arrest from community providers, as will self-referrals. RAHHS will also work with the New Mexico Behavioral Health Services Division (BHSD) to develop a reimbursement model for care that is consistent with LEAD, provides the actual services needed by LEAD clientele, and can be scaled to the 32 other counties in New Mexico. The project will assign one certified peer support worker case manager to district court to serve and redirect LEAD clients back to LEAD who disappear into the corrections system in other counties and will expand prevention efforts by assigning a half-time clinician to provide dialectical behavioral therapy to at-risk youth in the Española and Chama School Districts. Deliverables include the referral of 80 individuals by law enforcement for pre-arrest diversion to treatment. The project serves Rio Arriba County, which has an estimated population of 38,921. The project includes partnerships with BHSD, the Rio Arriba County Sheriff’s Office, the Española Police Department, the New Mexico State Police, Adult Probation, the District Attorney’s Office, the Public Defender’s Office, the First Judicial District Court, the Rio Arriba Community Health Council, the Northern New Mexico Rural Health Network, and the Opiate Use Reduction (OUR) Network. The project will engage Dr. Anne Hayes Egan of New Ventures Consulting as an evaluation partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Sierra County


Sierra County in New Mexico will develop a crisis intervention team to assist law enforcement officers in developing a law enforcement diversion program, provide jail-based opioid and behavioral health services, provide skill-building and treatment, assist incarcerated individuals transitioning to community-based services once released from custody, add community behavior health treatment planning and services, and conduct opioid education programs in schools. This project will engage Ann Hays Egan of New Ventures Consulting as the research partner for this project.

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Nevada Office of the Attorney General


The Nevada Office of the Attorney General (NOAG) is applying for Category 2 funding in the amount of $5,751,772. The project involves enhancing existing or implementing new drug deflection/diversion programs undertaken by Mobile Outreach Safety Teams (MOST) or Forensic Assessment Services Triage Teams (FASTT), increasing provision of naloxone, and conducting drug take-back days to address drug/mental health crisis situations. MOST is a jail and hospital diversion program whereby public safety personnel and behavioral health clinicians collaborate to address the behavioral health needs of people involved in or at risk of involvement in the criminal justice system. FASTT provides assessment and case management for individuals who are screened as moderate to high risk using the Ohio Risk Assessment System and those with mental health and co-occurring disorders. The project serves seven sites from Nevada’s 16 counties and one independent city: Carson City, Churchill, Douglas, Lincoln, Lyon, Nye, and Storey. The subaward sites consist of three designated rural areas, three designated frontier areas, and the smallest urban area in Nevada. The project includes partnerships between the NOAG and the Nevada Department of Health and Human Services and community coalitions. The project will engage the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR’s) program evaluation team as an evaluation partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include high rates of overdose deaths and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Cayuga County


The Comprehensive Substance Use Diversion Program strives to reduce overdose fatalities in Cayuga County, New York, by embedding recovery peer support and other targeted services at specific points of contact for individuals with substance use disorder and diverting them from justice-involvement toward treatment and recovery. Local surveillance data shows that fatal overdoses overwhelmingly involve opioids and psychostimulants and increasingly impact women. This program puts a priority on providing services for women and people of color who have been historically underserved and will address specific challenges for people in crisis, people entering the legal and/or child welfare system, and people who have been released from treatment and/or incarceration. The diversion program will use the Sequential Intercept Model to expand or complement existing services in each of the intercepts and other points of contact. The program intends to fill six identified gaps: (1) naloxone education and distribution to rural law enforcement/first responders to enhance public safety and response during overdose emergencies; (2) embedded peer support and advocacy in child welfare departments (before justice involvement) to increase positive relationships, treatment retention, family unifications; (3) 911 diversion of people in crisis to mental health professionals to provide immediate care and stabilization and diversion from law enforcement and emergency room; (4) rapid linkage to MOUD and enhanced programming for Intervention Court participants and outreach to increase referrals to Intervention Court, prioritize treatment over incarceration, improve health and social outcomes; (5) enhanced post-incarceration/post-treatment peer support to ensure continued recovery support, promote treatment retention, provide support for securing job training and housing options; (6) embedded peer support and advocacy in child welfare departments (after justice involvement) to promote positive relationships, treatment retention, family unifications. The program will implement the following activities/allowable uses: (1) naloxone for law enforcement and first responders (12 percent); (2) embedding peer support in different settings (39 percent); (3) law enforcement/first responder diversion programs (2 percent); (4) court programming to prioritize and expedite treatment and recovery services for individuals at high risk of overdose (13 percent); (5) evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs (0 percent); (6) recovery housing with peer support (5 percent); and (7) pursue comprehensive, real-time, regional information collection, analysis, and dissemination via the development of a publicly-accessible overdose data dashboard (8 percent).

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Chautauqua County


The Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Department is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $899,910. The Chautauqua Comprehensive Addiction Response and Evaluation System (Chautauqua CARES) is a county-wide, multi-sector network of law enforcement, behavioral health, and other community agencies collaborating to increase the accessibility, timeliness, and effectiveness of support for individuals with substance use disorders and their families. Chautauqua CARES will work to more fully incorporate law enforcement and behavioral health care roles in helping individuals and families struggling with addiction. The project will include development of a law enforcement diversion program for nonviolent drug offenders and support an expanded treatment program within the county jail. Chautauqua CARES will serve to coordinate and oversee standardized training, ordering of supplies, and evaluation of naloxone administration by first responders throughout the county and will further expand and raise the profile of drug take-back activities in the county. Chautauqua CARES will support law enforcement’s involvement in prevention efforts through coordinated school-based and other outreach activities. Goals for the program include increasing the number of county residents receiving services for substance use disorder and reducing the numbers of fatal overdoses in the county. The program will be overseen by the Chautauqua County Sheriff’s Department. The project serves Chautauqua County, which has a population of 126,903. The project includes partnerships with the Unified Court System Eighth Judicial District, the Chautauqua County District Attorney’s Office, the Chautauqua County Public Defender’s Office, the Chautauqua County Office of Probation, the Jamestown Police Department, the Chautauqua County Department of Mental Hygiene, the Chautauqua Substance Abuse Response Partnership, the Chautauqua County Department of Health and Human Services, Prevention Works, and HOPE Chautauqua. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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St. Lawrence County


St. Lawrence County, New York, will expand medication-assisted treatment (MAT), peer support, and harm reduction activities for underserved and high risk populations, including incarcerated individuals and victims of recent overdose. This project will serve the 108,505 residents of St. Lawrence County, located in northern New York State, immediately south of the U.S. border with Canada. The project’s service area may extend beyond County borders, to neighboring Franklin, Jefferson, and Lewis Counties. St. Lawrence County is large, rural, and subject to harsh winter weather. Typical barriers to treatment are made worse by transportation challenges including limited bus routes, shortage of drivers for public transit and volunteer transportation, rising fuel prices, and an unreliable medical transportation program. The Washington/Baltimore HIDTA Overdose Detection Mapping Application Program (ODMAP), an overdose mapping tool used by the County, indicates a 265 percent increase in the number of overdoses reported from 2019 to 2021. In addition, data from the St. Lawrence County Drug Task Force indicates significant increases in drug-related felonies (64 percent) and misdemeanors (90 percent) from 2018 to 2021. The County’s Opioid Treatment Program (OTP) will expand to provide MAT services at the County Correctional Facility; continue to support the Peer Support Services established through FY2020 COSSAP (which has helped reduce “no-shows” from 50 percent to 15 percent); provide client, staff, and community education on overdose prevention and access to harm reduction resources through a new Harm Reduction/Transportation Specialist; establish new harm reduction services including needle exchange and syringe disposal; and coordinate community awareness and stigma reduction media campaigns and community events. Direct oversight of the project will be provided by the St. Lawrence County Opioid Rural Response (SLCORR) Committee, whose purpose is to reduce the morbidity and mortality of substance use disorder (SUD), including opioid use disorder (OUD). SLCORR is led by the St. Lawrence County Community Services Board (SLCCSB) and includes the following stakeholders: St. Lawrence County Community Services, St. Lawrence County Overdose Prevention Program, Seaway Valley Prevention Council, Maximizing Independent Living Center (MILC), and New Hope Transformation Ministries (dba Grace House), a transitional living residence.

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Ulster County


The Ulster County Sheriff’s Office will; (1) expand a law enforcement diversion co-response team previously funded by the Bureau of Justice Assistance modeled after LEAD, PAARI, QRT, and traditional care management to provide peer services within the rural areas of the county; (2) provided peer care management services in the Ulster County Jail to provide MAT programing support, as well as pre/post re-entry services to assist the coordination of re-entry for individuals with SUD, linking individuals with community-based treatment and recovery supports which increase access to behavioral health care, and following up with individuals for up to post release; and (3) provide naloxone vending machines in public spaces at the jail and in the community as a harm reduction measure for close networks of individuals experiencing opioid use disorder to gain easy and equitable access. The project includes collaboration between Ulster County Department of Mental Health, the Ulster County Sheriff’s Office, and Opioid Response as County Law Enforcement's High Risk Mitigation Team. This expansion project aims to increase collaboration between law enforcement and the community with the following goals: (1) reduce opioid fatalities in the rural region of the county by 40 percent in three years; (2) decrease opioid fatalities among incarcerated individuals upon re-entry by 40 percent over the course of three years; (3) increase naloxone distribution to the families and networks of individuals experiencing opioid use disorder by 100 percent within three years. The goal of all proposed programs is to enhance relationships between law enforcement and black, indigenous, and people of color communities struggling with substance use disorder by ensuring that all outreach and practices are trauma informed and sensitive to the historical and systemic racism.

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City of Springfield


The City of Springfield, Ohio, is the applicant and fiscal agent for the project and the Community Development Department will serve as the administrative lead for the City of Springfield, in partnership with Mental Health Recovery Board and McKinley Hall. Nearly half the county population is concentrated in Springfield’s four federally designated Qualified Opportunity Zones. The Recovery Resource and Community Advocacy Project advances racial equity, supporting underserved and marginalized communities. African Americans comprise 9 percent of the county, but at least 18 percent of Springfield residents–nearly a quarter of whom live in poverty and 15 percent are disabled. The black community is disproportionately impacted by incarceration, high rates of homelessness, and overdose fatality. Clark County’s overdose fatality rate has consistently been one of the highest in Ohio at 61 (per 100,000) and is currently climbing, even as rates decrease in other parts of the state. The project expands medication-friendly recovery housing, culturally responsive peer support, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment inside the jail, and increases re-entry access to medically-assisted treatment (MAT) and naloxone. The project includes gender-responsive treatment for women in jail, the first recovery housing for women, access to MAT. The project will also educate and advocate among community and justice agencies for the legal right to continue MOUDs in custody and to bring methadone into the jail for pregnant women. Advocacy and empowerment training is also one of the service deliverables for project participants, with Legal Action Center’s Know Your Rights-MAT presentations, harm reduction, ending race and gender-based health disparities, women’s empowerment training, and MAT anti-stigma outreach and education. Almost 30 percent of funds will support recovery housing, while more than 60 percent will allow local project partner McKinley Hall to increase the evidenced-based treatment services they currently deliver inside the jail, embedding peers, clinicians, and harm reduction services, and to provide care coordination and MAT upon re-entry.

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Franklin County


Franklin County, Ohio, applied for grant funding under Category 1A in the amount of $1,200,000. This project will serve individuals incarcerated at the Franklin County Jail and screened as at-risk for substance use dependency and drug-related overdose. The purpose of the project is to (a) reduce drug-related overdoses and deaths, (b) increase peer support and treatment referral and linkage, (c) increase access to medication-assisted treatment pre- and post-release, and (d) decrease recidivism. The Fast Track to Treatment initiative includes partnerships with the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, Franklin County Municipal Court, Southeast Inc., Alvis180, and PrimaryOne Health. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a program model that focuses services in a county with a demonstrated disproportionate number of drug overdose deaths (43.3 overdoses per 100,000 as compared to the U.S. rate of 20.7 overdose deaths per 100,000) and program implementation intended to improve public safety by targeting services in federally designated Qualified Opportunity Zones. Dr. Gretchen Clark-Hammond, CEO of Mighty Crow, shall serve as program evaluator for the proposed project.

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Franklin County Board of Commissioners


Franklin County, Ohio, in collaboration with Franklin County Public Health, Columbus Public Health, and the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, along with a number of community-based providers, propose to implement Integrated Substance Use Proactive Engagement and Response (iSUPER), a multi-layered, multi-agency initiative intended to contribute to our local collective understanding of best practices through (1) increased access to treatment and recovery supports for justice-involved individuals and underserved populations at greatest risk for overdose; (2) expanded distribution of naloxone to law enforcement and other first responders; (3) strengthened harm reduction efforts through the deployment of five vending machines dispensing an array of harm reduction and medical supplies in our hardest-hit neighborhoods; (4) expanded emergency recovery housing options; and (5) increased linkage to peer support services. Services through iSUPER will be dedicated to six Franklin County zip codes with the highest rates of overdose, along with justice-involved individuals released from the Franklin County Correctional Center and assessed as at risk for an opioid use disorder. During the 3-year grant program, it is anticipated that 6,141 individuals will be directly served through iSUPER.

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Franklin County Municipal Court


Franklin County Municipal Court applied under Category 1A for grant funding in the amount of $903,289 to support and enhance its MAT, Assessment, Referral, Care and Hope (MARCH) project. This project serves Franklin County and the areas surrounding Columbus, Ohio, with an estimated population of 922,223. The purpose of the project is to continue to fund, expand, and enhance the court’s MAT program — an innovative and effective collaborative effort among Franklin County and City of Columbus justice and government stakeholders. Grant funds would continue to support the positions of MAT project manager and one community case manager through 2023. Enhancements would add an additional community case manager and a contracted peer support specialist to significantly increase the capacity of the program, opening more days to in-custody referrals and facilitating the offering of a full-time behavioral health walk-in clinic. The project includes partnerships between Franklin County Municipal Court, Columbus City Attorney, Office of Justice Policy and Programs, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office, Franklin County ADAMH Board, and a variety of community behavioral health providers. The MARCH program will enhance public safety in Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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Seneca County Sheriff's Office


Seneca County is located in north-central Ohio (population 55,178 and population density of 103 persons per square mile) and, like most rural communities in the region, suffers from underemployment, decreasing revenues, and high rates of substance abuse and mental illness. Consistent with OJP priority areas, Seneca County has a high rate of primary treatment admissions for opioids, high rates of overdose deaths, and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers. The purpose of the project is to better address the many needs of the population in Seneca County by providing (1) increased in-house (jail) access to therapy, (2) recovery support during reentry, and (3) transportation, in particular, to outpatient therapy following release from jail. The project includes building upon and expanding an existing partnership between SCSO and Firelands Counseling and Recovery Services, a recognized community mental health center in Ohio accredited by the Joint Commission. Priority considerations addressed in this application include postbooking treatment alternative to incarceration for individuals at high risk of overdose or substance abuse; evidence-based treatment provision, including MAT (naltrexone); and recovery support services. Drs. Holly Ventura Miller and J. Mitchell Miller from the University of North Florida will serve as the evaluators for the proposed initiative. This proposal includes a comprehensive mixed-methods process and outcome evaluation incorporating both qualitative and quantitative research techniques. The proposed project will infuse sincerely needed resources into one of the communities most devastated by the still-rising opioids crisis and provide examples of data collection and evaluation steps that could be replicated in other criminal justice and public health settings.

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Warren County


The Warren County Common Pleas Court (WCCP) Services Department is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $900,000. The Recovery Engagement Alternative Community Treatment (REACT) Program is a court-based intervention program designed to serve individuals not accepted by Warren County’s Recovery Court but in need of treatment services. A collaboration of court and probation services, REACT will expand access to supervision, treatment, and recovery support services across the criminal justice system. It will shift the focus of participating probation officers to rehabilitative efforts and support services to increase the number of clients who complete probation and treatment successfully, as well as find housing and employment. The REACT program is for adults on community supervision through WCCP with a substance use disorder, a history of unsuccessful previous community supervision, repeated prior treatment episodes, and with other areas of high criminogenic risk and need. REACT clients will be supervised by a probation officer trained in evidence-based practices. The probation officer and the client will work toward mutual goals of facilitating sobriety and cognitive-behavioral change, securing safe and stable housing, and securing stable employment. Deliverables include provision of services for 70 participants annually and housing for 32 participants per year. The project serves Warren County, which has a population of 234,602. The project includes partnerships between WCCP and Talbert House, Solutions Community Counseling and Recovery Centers, and New Foundations Recovery Housing. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Ponca Tribe of Oklahoma


The Ponca Tribe of Indians of Oklahoma, headquartered in White Eagle, Oklahoma, with tribal jurisdiction extending to parts of Kay and Noble Counties, has a membership of 3,522. The tribe operates a small, ambulatory health clinic, White Eagle Health Center with a user population approaching 5,000 consisting of infants, children, adolescents, adults, and elders. The White Eagle Health Center service area encompasses four additional counties which are resident to four other rural tribes each with limited access to mental health and substance use disorder treatment services. The purpose of the project is to provide evidence-based treatment (30% of budget), recovery support services (40% of budget), tribal and county court-based intervention programming (20% of budget), naloxone distribution for law enforcement and first responders (5% of budget), and identifiable and accessible take back programming for unused controlled substances (5% of budget). The goals of the program are to: 1) Increase the accessibility of EBPs for American Indian/Alaskan Native (AI/AN) clients diagnosed with a substance use disorder 2) Reduce recovery support barriers for clients diagnosed with a substance use disorder; 3) Equip tribal law enforcement, other first responders and community members with the necessary education and equipment for administering Naloxone for the purpose of reversing opioid overdose; and 4) Establish reoccurring opportunities to facilitate the proper disposal of controlled substances by AI/AN community members. The project includes partnerships between the White Eagle Health Center, White Eagle Health Center-Behavioral Health Department, Ponca Tribal Court, Ponca Tribal Transit, Ponca Tribe Domestic Violence Services, and Ponca Indian Child Welfare. Data collection protocols will be developed to effectively measure the success of the program's objectives. This information will assist the COSSUP Project in reporting required performance measures to the Bureau of Justice Assistance. An annual report will be created to disseminate to stakeholders, community members, and other interested parties to increase investment in this program and provide a model for treating those impacted by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other drugs of abuse.

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Tulsa County District Attorney


The Tulsa County, Oklahoma, District Attorney’s Tulsa County Collaborative Jail Reentry (TCJR) Initiative is a collaborative effort between the Tulsa County District Attorney and Family and Children’s Services, a nonprofit behavioral and mental health provider and proposed subrecipient. Grant funding will provide for a prosecutor to attend daily bond docket and otherwise serve as an early identifier of possible diversion candidates in the Tulsa County Jail. This prosecutor will work jointly with a data specialist to improve tracking and identification protocols, and case managers to locate the best alternatives to prosecution for eligible candidates who have a substance use disorder and/or mental illness. The case managers, together with a licensed clinical social worker and a peer recovery support specialist, will provide the candidates with treatment inside the jail and connect them with treatment and support services after release, thereby establishing a continuum of care between incarceration and community living. The TCJR Initiative aims to reduce Tulsa County’s high substance use and overdose rates by deploying essential personnel to make treatment accessible within the jail and after release, and by bolstering the ability of agency personnel to track and share data to inform prosecutorial decision-making about diversion eligibility. The target population is Tulsa County Jail inmates with substance use disorders and/or mental illnesses. Objectives include: 1) identify inmates in need of treatment services (2) connect inmates with treatment services inside the jail, (3) help inmates stay connected to treatment and supportive services after release; and (4) improve data tracking and sharing capabilities to inform prosecutorial decision-making Program measurements and performance targets include: (1) 2,000 inmates identified as needing treatment services; (2) 600 inmates connected to treatment services inside the jail; (3) 400 inmates assisted with treatment and support services after release; and (4) report on data upgrades and utilization. The budget includes (1) real-time data collection (10 percent); (2) pre-booking or post-booking treatment alternative-to-incarceration programs (55 percent); (3) evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids (25 percent); (4) transitional or recovery housing and peer recovery support services (10 percent).

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Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon


The Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon (the Tribe) is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $598,977. The Grand Ronde Opioid and Stimulant Site-Based Project will improve community awareness of drug use and help develop collaborative expanded prevention and intervention programs in treatment and counseling, transitional housing, and community school prevention and education. The objectives include creating a men’s transition house program for a house that a state marijuana tax grant is buying, including creating policies and procedures, providing household supplies, and linking to health care, employment training, and education support services; hiring a school resource officer and creating a program at the local public school district that the Tribe’s members attend; helping with start-up and operations of a new medication-assisted treatment (MAT) clinic in Portland by buying methadone dispensers and providing a peer support specialist; and performing additional outreach and education in Grand Ronde based on expanding programs to address drug use and addiction and assisting with comprehensive program development. This project serves the Tribe’s six-county service area, which includes the Reservation community of Grand Ronde on the Polk-Yamhill county line, adjacent to the city (and the school district) of Willamina. It also includes Salem, where the Tribe just opened a MAT clinic, and Multnomah County, which includes the Tribe’s in-development Portland MAT clinic. The Tribe has 5,572 members, although the Portland MAT project will focus on serving the Tribe’s members in the Portland metropolitan area as well as descendants and other Native Americans. There are 22,598 just in the core tri-county area of Portland. The Tribe will also serve other local area residents, as capacity allows, who need care and want to use the Tribe’s recovery model. The project includes partnerships between Tribal departments with their own authority working with each other (Tribal Police Department, Health and Wellness, Social Services, and Education) and the Willamina Public School District. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the fact that Willamina and Grand Ronde are in a federal low-income opportunity zone. The project will advance the promotion of civil rights and benefit individuals residing in high-poverty areas or persistent-poverty counties.

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Crook County


The Crook County Health Department’s Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Prevention Program will identify and implement an evidence-based law enforcement and first responder diversion program; build capacity with the school district and law enforcement for education and prevention programs for K-12; enhance real-time data collection, analysis, and dissemination; increase access and accessibility to harm reduction strategies such as naloxone distribution and medication take-back programs; and assess needs and capacity for supporting medication-assisted treatment within the local jail, in addition to local recovery and support services. This project serves Crook County, a rural community in Oregon with a population of 25,562. The project includes partnerships between the Crook County Health Department, the Crook County Sheriff’s Office, the Prineville Police Department, BestCare Treatment Services, Rimrock Trails Treatment Services, the Crook County School District, Central Oregon Health Counsel, the Pain Standards Taskforce, St. Charles Health Systems, and Crook County Fire and Rescue. Those who will benefit from CCHD’s COSSAP project include individuals with opioid use and other substance use disorders, community partner organizations, and the community as prevention curriculum is implemented into Crook County School District K-12 and outreach and educational materials are provided to the entire population.

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Lane County


Lane County Sheriff’s Office applied for grant funding in the amount of $900,000 under Category 1B. The project serves Lane County, Oregon, which has a population of 382,067. The purpose of the Lane County Jail Substance Use Intervention and Transition Program is to stand up a comprehensive in-jail medication assisted treatment (MAT) program with community transition through peer support and transitional housing. The in-jail program will be paired with peer support, which will facilitate a transfer to the program’s primary partner, Lane County Health and Human Services, MLK Community Health Clinic. The clinic houses the county’s MAT program and behavioral support unit. The program will also offer transitional housing support to encourage MAT engagement with community providers. The program will use multiple housing providers in order to best meet the needs of participants (for example, veterans and those with co-occurring disorders and higher or lower service needs,). Priority considerations addressed in this application include high rates of overdose deaths and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities. Additionally, the proposal will provide enhancements to public safety in economically distressed communities (Qualified Opportunity Zones).

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Lincoln County


The Lincoln County Sheriff’s Office (LCSO) is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $599,999. The LCSO-SBIRT project will implement a screening, brief intervention, treatment, and referral to treatment (SBIRT) program aligned to the COSSAP funding purpose of expanding comprehensive efforts to identify, respond to, treat, and support people impacted by illicit opioids, stimulants, and other drugs. This project serves Lincoln County, with the service population being adults 18 years of age and older who are booked into the Lincoln County Jail and who prescreen positive for risky substance use behaviors. The LCSO SBIRT program will serve 200 people over the life of the project. The project includes partnerships between ReConnections; Amy Yates, LCSW, Justice Counselor; and Data Specialist Brooke O’Byrne. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the fact that Lincoln County has five high-poverty census tracts in an area disproportionately impacted by substance use (e.g., lack of community treatment and high rates of overdose deaths), and the project will advance justice and build trust between law enforcement and the community.

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Multnomah County


The Multnomah County, Oregon, Sheriff’s Office (MCSO) will expand and enhance Multnomah County’s Supported Recovery Program, implementing modifications needed to effectively respond to changes in the county’s criminal justice system resulting from the pandemic and Oregon’s recent decision to decriminalized the possession of certain drugs or quantities. Once implemented, the project, which serves individuals throughout the county jail system, will ensure overall effectiveness, improve access for marginalized populations, and ensure smooth transitions to community supports for individuals with substance use disorder being discharged from jail. Primary activities and associated outcomes include: (1) design and offer education and harm reduction programs within the jail to improve transition planning and long-term recovery upon reentry; (2) expand treatment options, including MAT, to include services for opioids, stimulants and other illicit drugs found in the community and begin services within the jail to improve transition planning and long-term recovery upon reentry; (3) ensure effective use of peer support specialists to improve seamless transition to community-based treatment settings; and (4) address known disparities by redesigning treatment and group processes and actively outreach underserved communities. The project will serve individuals with substance use disorders within the Multnomah County jails, with most services offered within the jail and transitional services offered by peer support specialists in the community. Subrecipients include the Multnomah County Health Department’s Corrections Health. Grant funds will also support an external evaluator from program design and evaluation services. Allowable uses to be addressed by this project include: (1) evidence-based substance use disorder treatment, including MAT, for addictions to opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs as well as harm reduction activities and recovery support services (approximately 30 percent of the budget); (2) transitional or recovery housing and peer recovery support services (approximately 30 percent of the budget); (3) embedding social workers, peers, and/or persons with lived experience at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model (approximately 5 percent of the budget).

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Multnomah, County of


The Multnomah County project will expand and enhance the continuum of support for justice-involved individuals with opioid and other substance use disorders (SUD). The project bolsters the care continuum between the jail and post-release settings, aimed at increasing the likelihood of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) (also known as Medication Supported Recovery or MSR) initiation and maintenance between jail and community settings. If implemented, this project will increase overall effectiveness of support service provision and sustainability for justice-involved individuals experiencing SUD, improve access for marginalized populations to SUD supports, and ensure smooth transitions to community supports for individuals with SUD being discharged from jail. Primary activities and associated outcomes include: (1) Work with Multnomah County Sheriff's Office to increase ability to administer MSR more efficiently to clients in custody. (2) Provide access to low-barrier MSR at MCHD's Harm Reduction Clinic (HRC), co-located with syringe services in the community. (3) Provide additional social worker/case manager support at SSP sites and the HRC. (4) Promote education and prevention activities at SSP sites and the HRC. (5) Strengthen multidisciplinary oversight and coordination. (6) Work with the BJA evaluation team to create an evaluation plan (including process, impact, output measures, as appropriate).

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Delaware County, Pennsylvania


The Delaware County Department of Human Services, Division of Drug and Alcohol, applied under Category 1A for Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-based Program grant funding in the amount of $1,200,000. This project will serve the county of Delaware, Pennsylvania, the fifth most populous county in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania with 562,960 residents. The purpose of the project is to expand evidence-based treatment, specifically medication-assisted treatment, and recovery support services, focusing on peer recovery support, within Delaware County’s criminal justice system. The objective of the project is to expand access to buprenorphine treatment in the Delaware County prison, George W. Hill Correctional Facility, to ensure that individuals are supported in their recovery while incarcerated and engaged in recovery support services upon release, linking returning citizens to transportation, recovery meetings, employment opportunities, or higher levels of care. The project includes partnerships between Delaware County’s Single County Authority, George W. Hill Correctional Facility, and WellPath LLC.

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Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency


The Pennsylvania Commission on Crime and Delinquency (PCCD) project focuses on reducing overdose death among two highly vulnerable populations: people under probation supervision and individuals recently released from incarceration. With the assistance of committed project partners, local sites will implement evidence-based models to support people who use drugs and/or in recovery who are justice-involved. County sites will develop tailored local action plans utilizing a menu of program areas. PCCD’s proposed project builds on a successful pilot program launched in 2021 with Vital Strategies and supports six counties with identifying, planning, implementing, and assessing the impact of evidence-based reforms, services, and supports that can reduce overdose among people on probation and those returning to the community post-incarceration. Each county site will receive intensive, tailored supports from the project’s training and technical assistance (TTA) partner, Justice System Partners (JSP). This work will be informed by a baseline needs assessment and other collaborative research and evaluation strategies executed by the CUNY Institute for State and Local Governance (ISLG). PCCD and other statewide partners will ensure these activities are supported, and that project outcomes are translated for policymakers and practitioners across Pennsylvania and beyond. Project activities include: (1) pre-booking or post-booking treatment alternative-to-incarceration programs (approximately 17.5 percent of the budget); (2) evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs, such as MAT, as well as harm reduction activities and recovery support services (approximately 17.5 percent of the budget); (3) transitional or recovery housing and peer recovery support services (up to 30 percent of the budget); (4) embedding social workers, peers, and/or persons with lived experience at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model (approximately 17.5 percent of the budget); (5) field-initiated projects that bring together justice, behavioral health, and public health practitioners (approximately 17.5 percent of the budget).

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York County


The York/Adams Drug and Alcohol Commission proposes to establish a new program to connect persons leaving prison with the appropriate evidence-based treatment and support services, which may include medication-assisted treatment; connect individuals who are on work-release with treatment and nontreatment services; and establish an integrated data system containing all law enforcement naloxone utilizations, emergency medical services naloxone utilizations, and hospital emergency department admissions and encourage prescription drug monitoring program usage.

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Chester County


The Chester County Sheriff’s Office is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $599,193. The Chester County COSSAP Program will implement a Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD) program for the county, for which each of the county’s 35 law enforcement officers will receive training from the LEAD National Support Bureau and for which a case manager will be hired by a treatment service provider. It will also expand evidence-based treatment services into two venues, for which a treatment specialist will be housed in the county detention facility to provide counseling along with medication-assisted treatment (MAT); provide training for all law enforcement officers on the administration of Narcan, an inventory of which will be secured for use by officers in the field; and install three new drug disposal boxes in areas in the county with the highest density of populations at greatest risk of prescription painkiller overdose. The goal of the project is to ensure victim protection and public safety while promoting civil rights and social justice. It is anticipated that the project will serve 50 low-level, non-violent offenders. The project serves Chester County, which has an estimated population of 32,184. The project includes partnerships between the sheriff’s office and the county solicitor’s office, the Hazel Pittman Center (a local public substance misuse treatment agency), the Empowering Communities for Health Outcomes (ECHO) Coalition, the Chester County Detention Center, and local emergency medical services and fire departments. The project will engage two researchers with the Pacific Institute for Research & Evaluation and Southeast Center for Strategic Community Development as evaluation partners. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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County of Lancaster Administration Building


The Lancaster County Opioid Action Network project represents the work of over 40 public, private, civic, and faith-based partners working together over the past three years to address a range of community problems, especially opioid related crime, misuse, and overdose. The project attempts to reduce misuse by 20% in year one and by 30% in year two. With support from a Research Team, an extensive assessment of the problem will take place, including examination of underlying contributors. A series of strategies are along with a tracking system to provide real time feedback to practitioners. Based on cursory data analysis, several strategies are and include replication of Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD), increased access to treatment resources, support for first responders impacted by the traumatic explosion of opioid deaths, and an overdose awareness and education component. The project will provide resources for training of every law enforcement officer in the county on LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion), promote visible prescription drug take back strategies, and assist with training, handling, and distribution of Naloxone. Priority considerations include Opportunity Zone, Poverty, and Rural.

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Lancaster County


The entire county of Lancaster is 98,012 residents. The proposed project will provide resources for training of every law enforcement officer in the county on LEAD (Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion); promote visible prescription drug takeback strategies; and assist with training, handling, and distribution of naloxone. Priority considerations include the presence of a Qualified Opportunity Zone, poverty, and rural challenges. This application is for Category 1c grant funding.

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Oglala Sioux Tribe of Pine Ridge Indian Reservation


The Oglala Sioux Tribe (OST), Circles of Care Program/Division of Behavioral Health (Circles of Care), will collaborate with OST Justice Programs to plan, implement, and evaluate a tribal-wide strategic plan promoting wellness, addiction recovery, and the reduction of criminal recidivism using the sequential intercept model. During the past seven years the OST has successfully: 1. Integrated medical professionals into the addiction treatment process through medication assisted treatment: 2. Implemented a recovery support/client navigator approach; and 3. Initiated the utilization of best and promising practices for direct service and population level interventions. The cycling and recycling of individuals through the tribal justice system has been identified as a major social problem resulting in significant strain on tribal systems. The OST will utilize funding to continue capacity development within the tribal justice system and behavioral health infrastructure to address several of the well-known barriers to recovery and persistent drivers of criminal recidivism. The Pine Ridge Reservation is the homeland of the Oglala Sioux Tribe and is among the largest land-based reservations in the nation. Pine Ridge consists of over 3.5 thousand square miles with a population of over 30,000. Circles of Care and OST Justice Programs are committed to developing a streamlined process to increase access to behavioral health services at all points of the OST criminal justice system. Circles of Care will coordinate Tribal resources to link more than 300 participants annually with targeted case management, substance use education and treatment, and recovery support services. Through the delivery of well-integrated and high quality services, Circles of Care aims to achieve four measurable objectives: 1. Increase the proportion of individuals entering the OST Justice System that are provided behavioral health screening and assessment by 15% annually; 2. Increase the number of eligible participants that successfully complete their targeted case management goals by 25% annually; 3. Increase participant score within key quality of life metrics by 10% from baseline to service completion annually; and 4. Reduce the proportion of individuals within the OST justice system that reoffend within 2-years post reentry by 5% annually.

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City of Gallatin


The Gallatin Police Department (Sumner County, Tennessee, population 191,283) — in partnership with the Sumner County Sheriff’s Office, local treatment provider Volunteer Behavioral Health, local courts, and scientific consultants — requests $892,085 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance FY 2020 Comprehensive Opioid, Stimulant, and Substance Abuse Site-based Program (Category 1b: Competition ID BJA-2020-17024) to implement a law enforcement-led substance abuse response to address the county’s increasing substance abuse problem. The proposed community-based strategy to address substance abuse and overdose risk will be implemented through enhancing connections to treatment; delivering evidence-based recovery services including needs assessment, individualized treatment plans, case management, medicated assisted treatment (MAT); providing a police-led awareness and prevention program to the county’s K-12 population, as well as a provision of Narcan to officer first responders. OJP priorities addressed include serving a designated Qualified Opportunity Zone, high-poverty areas, evidence-based services delivery, and program evaluation.

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Cocke County, Tennessee, Government


Cocke County Government, located in the rural Appalachian Mountain region of eastern Tennessee, applied for grant funding under Subcategory 1b in the amount of $899,488. This project serves Tennessee's 4th Judicial District, which includes Cocke, Sevier, Jefferson, and Grainger counties and has a total combined population of 212,069. The purpose of the proposed Tennessee Recovery Oriented Compliance Strategy (TN-ROCS) Enhancement and Evaluation project is (1) to increase the capacity of this innovative court-based intervention program to link individuals across the district at high risk of overdose to appropriate, evidence-based behavioral health treatment and recovery support services; and (2) to independently validate the TN-ROCS model, such that key findings related to program quality and implementation fidelity can inform current and future data-driven expansion efforts. This project includes partnerships between Cocke County, 4th Judicial District Circuit Court Judge Duane Slone, Dr. Stephen Loyd, Dr. Jennifer Anderson, American Institutes for Research, and Rulo Strategies. All four priority considerations are addressed in this application. Cocke County is a geographically isolated rural area that is plagued by persistently high rates of poverty, substance use, and overdose fatality. Additionally, one census tract within Cocke County (9207.00) has been designated as a Qualified Opportunity Zone.

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Rutherford, County of


Substance use disorder (SUD) and related issues are a burden on the citizens of Rutherford County, Tennessee. In 2021, there were 3,841 fatal overdoses in Tennessee, of which 141 were in Rutherford County. According to the latest CDC data, Tennessee is reported to have the 11th highest rate of overdose deaths per 100,000 population. Rutherford County's 2021 overdose fatality rate was 34 per 100,000 persons. Funding will be utilized to develop the Sheriff's Harm Reduction Program (SHARP). SHARP will reduce SUD and overdose in persons encountering law enforcement while reducing recidivism and incarceration for drug related offenses within the jurisdiction of Rutherford County, Tennessee. This project is in collaboration with Prevention Coalition for Success, Rutherford County Adult Detention Center, Rutherford County Correctional Work Center, Rutherford County Medical Examiner, Rutherford Opioid Board, 16th Judicial District Recovery Court, and Rutherford County Re-Entry Program. All participants listed above are stakeholders in regard to rehabilitation, recidivism and re-entry of incarcerated persons into the community. SHARP will accomplish this by embedding two Certified Peer Support Specialists (CPSS) into Rutherford County Adult Detention Center and Rutherford County Correctional Work Center. These CPSS will assist individuals with navigation of the behavioral healthcare system and recovery resources for incarcerated persons. The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services describes CPSS as having the ability to support others in achieving their personal recovery goals by promoting self-determination, personal responsibility, and empowerment in self-directed recovery. SHARP will also utilize funding for transportation of SUD individuals to behavioral healthcare facilities. SHARP will fill a substantial gap in service provision in Rutherford County, by providing treatment services for incarcerated persons. SHARP's aim is to detect incarcerated individuals struggling with SUD and give them the opportunity to access the services they need by identifying effective behavioral interventions andbolstering community and supervision services to curtail use. We will connect individuals to establish evidence-based treatment services for those struggling with SUD. Through SHARP, this vulnerable population will receive greater access to treatment and recovery services, which will reduce the impact and misuse of opioids, stimulants, and other substances, and reduce overdose fatalities in Rutherford County. The project will leverage the strides Rutherford County has made in recognizing and addressing SUD in every population and address our shortcomings in intercepting and addressing SUD problems within our correction facilities.

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Sevier County Government


Sevier County will enhance the Sevier County Offender Recovery Program (SCORP), a comprehensive, collaborative effort to identify and refer individuals to treatment and recovery following incarceration. Interventions begin during incarceration; however, the majority of services are provided immediately at release during the probationary period. Funds will be used to hire a peer mentor coordinator, a women’s service liaison, and a probation/life skills coach for incarcerated women enrolled in the program and expand the substance abuse prevention education program to include the families of SCORP participants.

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Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services


The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services is applying for category 2 in the amount of $6,000,000. This project will increase local community’s capacity to respond to the presence of Substance Use Disorders (SUDs) among justice involved individuals and reduce the impact of SUDs among justice involved individuals. This project will include partnerships with the Tennessee Department of Health to support the expansion of Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) in COSSAP jail sites and the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation to support Drug Endangered Children Task Forces, Field Based Drug Testing, and overdose data mapping. This project serves to support ten new implementation project sites; 1) Blount, 2) Roane, 3) Anderson, 4) Bradley, 5) Dickson, 6) Cheatham, 7) Roane, 8) Tipton, 9) Grundy and 10) Montgomery counties. Priority Considerations: Qualified Opportunity Zones: All 10 sites targeted for this COSSAP project have Qualified Opportunity Zones in their county: See Attachment 6. High-Poverty Areas or Persistent-Poverty Counties: Two of the targeted counties: Grundy and Cocke are rated by the TN Dept of Economic and Community Development as “Distressed”, while the other eight (8) counties are rated as “Transitional”. Poverty rates for all targeted counties are above the national average (12.3%) with Grundy (28.5%), Cocke (25.0%) and Bradley (18.0%) all exceeding the Statewide poverty rate of 16.7%. Address Specific Challenges That Rural Communities Face: Six of the ten sites selected have more than (50%) of their population residing in rural areas, which Grundy County having (100%) of its population residing in a rural area.

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Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services


The Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse will: • Support six new implementation project sites (Davidson, Montgomery, Sumner, Putnam, Wilson, and Washington counties) as well as five enhancement project sites for counties that are currently COAP funded (Sullivan, Hamilton, Knox, Jefferson, and Coffee Counties). Sullivan and Hamilton Counties will (1) embed behavioral health clinicians with law enforcement; (2) provide employment readiness and connection to employment services both pre- and post-incarceration; and/or (3) deliver evidence-based cognitive behavioral therapy courses. • Enhance six regional drug-endangered children response teams in Dickson, Cheatham, Lawrence, Franklin, Jefferson, and Scott Counties. Response teams will use a collaborative approach in meeting the needs of children affected by drug overdose events as well as their parents. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation will also implement a statewide prevention strategy by creating a virtual reality game with education content for students to engage with at school events. • Integrate three certified peer recovery support specialist (CPRS) positions in probation and parole offices across the state, one in each of the three Grand Divisions of Tennessee. • Provide recovery support services, including recovery housing, as part of a comprehensive response. Dr. Carolyn Marie Audet and Lauren Allard will serve as the research partners for this project.

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Dallas County Hospital District


Dallas County Health District dba Parkland Health is devoted to serving the health care needs of its surrounding communities. Parkland Health has more than 165 outpatient specialty and sub-specialty clinics on its main campus, operates an extensive mobile health van program to care for the underserved and homeless in Dallas County, and serves as the medical provider for the Dallas County Jail through its Correctional Health Department. The Correctional Health Department has provided health care services at the Dallas County Jail and Juvenile Justice Centers since 2006. The Correctional Health Department endeavors to offer evidence-based medication-assisted treatment to adults and juveniles who present upon intake with substance use disorder. The program’s goals are to provide MAT service with counseling and rehabilitative groups, advance racial equity, support evidence-based prevention for youth substance use and assist all patients with social determinants of care during their transition back to the community. The project will provide evidence-based substance use disorder treatment, following the Medication Assistance Treatment program. The project will also collaborate with the courts and probation services to facilitate the release and provide resources in the community to support the individual after release. Using the Sequential Intercept Model, MAT-trained Social workers and peer-lived mentors will partner with service providers for assistance with supportive services such as transitional housing, health insurance, healthcare home placement, pharmacy assistance, career planning and placement, and the identification of a peer with lived experienced for discharge. Peer mentors will receive training via webinars from the National Reentry Resource Group and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) Resource Center. Expected outcomes will demonstrate a need for the program, show racial inequities as it relates to the background of patients participating, and show a decrease in recidivism. This data should drive processes and contribute to supportive funding. Activities under the grant include: evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other illicit drugs, such as MAT, as well as harm reduction activities and recovery support services (34 percent) and embedding social workers, peers, and/or persons with lived experience at any intercept of the Sequential Intercept Model (33 percent).

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North Texas Behavioral Health Authority


The North Texas Behavioral Health Authority (NTBHA) is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $1,195,589. The NTBHA Behavioral Health Critical Time Intervention (CTI) Program will serve adult individuals experiencing critical transitions who have suspected or diagnosed substance use disorders (SUDs) or co-occurring disorders (CODs), encouraging recovery for those exiting the jail system or entering the jail deflection center. The CTI model consists of a nine-month period of intensive individual community-based services that require frequent contact to establish a relationship with the individual, resulting in a re-engagement in services and assessment of needs. The project will expand utilization of existing behavioral health treatment options, such as MAT, upon exiting jail or while being deflected from jail—with the goals of decreasing overdose deaths and increasing utilization of behavioral health treatment services. It will focus on domains that have been identified as most important for the target population: housing, benefits/finances, family/social networks, living skills, and SUD/mental health treatment. The project will benefit individuals experiencing critical transitions, law enforcement, and the justice system by reducing the impact of opioids and other drugs on those who participate in services. The project serves six counties in North Texas with a total population of more than 3.2 million—Dallas, Ellis, Hunt, Kaufman, Navarro, and Rockwall—with a focus on Dallas County. The project includes partnerships between NTBHA and the Dallas County District Attorney’s Office, local law enforcement agencies, Dallas County Hospital, local SUD treatment and mental health service providers, and Dallas Deflects, a collaborative project involving the North Texas Behavioral Health Authority and Homeward Bound, Inc. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Weber County


Weber County, Utah, is enhancing the reentry support services for justice-involved individuals in the community, with special attention to those who have experienced or are at risk of experiencing homelessness, as part of its collaborative response to reentry. The Weber County Community Reentry Coalition will oversee the project and will build upon existing partnerships between the Weber County Sheriff’s Office, Weber Human Services, Utah Support Advocates for Recovery Awareness, Ogden Police Department, Lantern House Homeless Shelter, Weber Housing Authority, Weber Public Defender Group, and more. The project will integrate peer recovery support services within the local criminal justice system, increase reentry coordination systems navigation capacity to bridge gaps along the sequential intercept model, provide funds for housing assistance, and mitigate costs associated with obtaining housing assistance and/or employment. Approximately 73 percent of grant funds will be used to support: (1) two full-time peer recovery support specialist positions to provide critical addiction recovery support services that are tailored to meet the specific needs of individuals returning from incarceration with substance use disorders and experiencing homelessness for the first time or chronically; and (2) three full-time reentry coordinator positions to conduct assessment, reentry planning, resource connection, and systems navigation with the ability to work in the jail, shelter, and community policing as necessary to serve as a bridge between these agencies that see many people cycle between them. Approximately 27 percent of grant funds will be used to help pay for: (1) supplemental housing assistance, along with vouchers, for initial costs such as first month’s rent or deposit for those exiting incarceration with no income or means to pay; and (2) costs associated with reentry and recovery support services.

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Chesterfield County


Chesterfield County Sheriff’s Office is applying for grant funding in the amount of $1,192,430. This project serves the metro Richmond area with a population of over 500,000 and is submitted under Subcategory 1a. The purpose of the project is to provide specialized pretrial supervision to individuals at high risk for overdose and expand reentry planning and medication-assisted treatment to inmates. The project includes partnerships between the Chesterfield County Sheriff’s Office, Chesterfield Community Corrections Services, Chesterfield Mental Health Supportive Services, other local agencies and a local evaluator. Priority considerations addressed in this application include providing services to Qualified Opportunity Zones, addressing persistent poverty, and serving a region that has been disproportionately impacted by substance abuse.

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City of Harrisonburg


The City of Harrisonburg is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $600,000. The Harrisonburg Fire Department-Community Paramedic Program will implement a community paramedicine program in the City of Harrisonburg. In the past decade, emergency medical services (EMS) and fire departments have been called upon to create programs that offer care options for high-risk patient populations—such as those with substance use disorder—to reduce the burden these individuals have on community systems. Community paramedicine is a concept of prehospital care designed to use paramedics to help bridge the gap between access to primary care services and the needs of the community. The extension of acute and primary care providers and mental health (including substance use dependence) resources are made available by specially trained paramedics. The goals of this COSSAP-funded program are to increase connectivity to substance use disorder and co-occurring substance and mental health disorder treatment in the community; reduce the strain people with substance use disorders and co-occurring substance and mental health disorders have on the health care system; decrease recidivism rates linked to substance use and mental health disorders; create a roadmap to inform stakeholders and city/county leadership on the appropriate formation of the Marcus Alert System in their community; and begin determining the long-term financial sustainability of such outreach programs. This project serves the County of Rockingham, Virginia (population 81,244). The project includes partnerships between the Harrisonburg Fire Department, the Harrisonburg Police Department, the Middle River Regional Jail, the Rockingham County Sheriff’s Office, Sentara Healthcare, the Harrisonburg Rockingham Community Services Board, the Healthy Community Health Center, the Harrisonburg-Rockingham Crisis Intervention Team, Strength In Peers, the James Madison University School of Nursing, and Cordata Healthcare Innovations. Priority considerations addressed in this application include serving individuals residing in high-poverty areas.

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County of Chesterfield


The Chesterfield County Sheriff's Office project serves a population of over 500,000. The initiative will allow the Chesterfield County Sheriff's Office to expand evidence-based substance use treatment, peer recovery support services, and recovery housing for justice-involved individuals at multiple intercepts. These services are essential to supporting treatment engagement. The project addresses COSSUP's allowable use of implementing evidence-based substance use disorder treatment related to opioids, stimulants, and other drugs and recovery support services for pre-trial and post-trial populations leaving jail. Deliverables include providing case management, treatment, and discharge planning for 300 individuals, providing recovery housing for 130 justice-involved individuals, providing peer recovery support services to up to 240 justice-involved individuals, and providing evidence-based supervision and treatment to up to 240 individuals on pretrial supervision over the life of the grant.

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County of Page


The Page County Sheriff’s Office proposes to develop the Page County Cognitive Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment Project that will provide cognitive behavioral treatment for individuals who are involved with the justice system as a result of their opioid use. The project includes a coordinator to manage the operations of a day reporting center where individuals can receive individual or group sessions in person or via teleconferencing. The project will fund equipment for the telehealth component and will serve the county of Page and the towns of Rileyville, Luray, Stanley, and Shenandoah. Project partners include Page County Sheriff’s Office, Page County Jail, Luray Police Department, Stanley Police Department, and the Shenandoah Police Department.

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Page County Government


The County of Page is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $600,000. The Page County Jail Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) Enhancement Re-Entry (JMATER) Program will address the growing opioid problem and the negative consequences of substance misuse and related crimes through evidence-based treatment and recovery services, peer support, and abstinence monitoring. The JMATER program will expand and enhance the current Jail MAT Re-Entry (JMATR) Program by adding in-house treatment and recovery services by hiring two dedicated substance use treatment staff members—a re-entry case manager and a substance use disorder therapist. These positions will allow for more timely responses to the treatment needs of program participants. Given the increasing pattern of drug misuse in Page County, referrals to JMATER are expected to exceed 50 eligible high-risk/high-need participants in the first year. Current trends indicate most referrals will be for probation violations on possession of Schedule I or II substances or prescription drugs as well as initial drug possession charges. The JMATER Program will provide 24-hour emergency/crisis intervention, case management, individual/group therapy, peer support, access to inpatient detoxification and residential treatment centers, transitional housing, an intensive outpatient program, trauma-informed services, and access to medication-assisted treatment induction and follow-up care through a telehealth system. The enhanced JMATER Program will help to reduce the substantial jail overcrowding and high arrest rates in Page County. This project serves Page County, a rural Virginia community with a total population of approximately 24,000. The project includes partnerships between local organizations and community-based partners, the Commonwealth of Virginia Department of Corrections, Strength in Peers, Gemeinshaft Home, the Page County Sheriff's Office Foundation, and the Town of Luray Police Department. This project will engage Dr. Debra Stanley as the evaluation partner for this project. Priority considerations addressed in this application include the fact that the targeted county is a high-poverty qualified opportunity zone rural area serving an economically distressed community.

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City of Kirkland


The Kirkland City Jail project will implement a holistic, evidence-based, comprehensive opioid, stimulant, and substance use site-based program that would provide lifesaving screening for substance use disorder, on-site medication-assisted treatment (MAT) options, drug-harm diversion support services, and transitional reentry planning for incarcerated individuals struggling with substance use disorder. By partnering with peer and community resources, the Kirkland City Jail's comprehensive opioid, stimulant, and substance use site-based program will (1) establish an in custody care infrastructure designed to provide quality treatment for individuals, (2) reduce the devastating impacts of substance use disorder, such as withdrawal, recidivism, overdose, and death, on individuals, families, and the surrounding community, (3) mitigate the consequences associated with substance use disorder, such as in-custody violence, self-harm, and withdrawal symptoms, (4) improve the quality of life for individuals suffering from a substance use disorder, (5) provide training and education for staff, individuals, families, and the community on substance use disorder and the stigma associated with MAT as a treatment modality. The Kirkland City Jail will partner with a substance use disorder treatment provider for on-site MAT medication management for patients with existing prescriptions, MAT medication, such as methadone, buprenorphine (brand names Suboxone, Subutex, and others), and extended release naltrexone (ER-naltrexone, brand name Vivitrol) induction for qualified individuals without a prescription, in-person or virtual behavioral therapy, drug-harm diversion resources, and comprehensive transitional reentry planning. A Kirkland City Jail comprehensive opioid, stimulant, and substance use site-based program will help bridge the gap between public safety and public health by providing life-saving treatment options for incarcerated individuals with substance use disorders before and after transitioning back into the community. The program will serve surrounding communities with an estimated population of 164,355.

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Grays Harbor County


The County of Grays Harbor is applying for a Category 1 award in the amount of $600,000. The Grays Harbor County Jail System of Care Expansion project will expand services by increasing capacity in the Grays Harbor County Jail to serve individuals who have a psychostimulant disorder as well. This expansion would include additional staff time for medical monitoring, managing recovery groups, and bolstering re-entry supports. The project will develop and implement a comprehensive plan to reduce the risk of overdose death and enhance treatment and recovery service engagement among the pretrial and post-trial populations leaving the county jail. This includes implementing medication-assisted treatment, cognitive behavioral treatment, wellness recovery planning, and re-entry care navigation within the county jail and supporting the transition to community-based services once released from custody. The goal of this expanded system of care is to increase the number of affected individuals returning to the community with established sobriety and behavioral health supports, decrease morbidity and mortality for those individuals, and decrease recidivisms among this population. This project serves Grays Harbor County, which has a population of just over 75,000 people. The project includes partnerships between the Grays Harbor Sheriff’s Office, the Coastal Community Action Program, Medtriq Suboxone Clinic, Lifeline Connections, Columbia Wellness, Grays Harbor Therapeutic Court (Superior Court), and the Grays Harbor County Commissioners.

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Kittitas County


The Kittitas County COSSAP Project will develop and implement an evidence-based medication-assisted treatment in jail to address individuals who are incarcerated and suffer from an opioid use disorder.

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Kittitas, County of


The Kittitas County Sheriff's Office project will serve those incarcerated at the Kittitas County Jail located in Ellensburg, Washington, including both Kittitas County residents as well as other clients from other areas of the state as well. As of 2020, Kittitas County has an estimated population of 44,337 and the jail's daily population is steadily rising since the pandemic, but currently an average of 98 people incarcerated daily. The request for this funding is to develop a project that will expand and enhance evidence-based medication for opioid use disorder (MOUD), as well as recovery support services within the Kittitas County Jail. The Kittitas County Jail currently has a FY 2020 COSSUP grant this project will continue the services, while enhancing the program to continue to lower recidivism and having a positive effect on the entire community they serve. According to the Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer, Kittitas County is eligible for Rural Health Grants. According to the most available stats in 2018, The ration of Kittitas County residents to primary care physicians is 1710:1. The University of Washington released stats in January of 2023 that states crime lab data for police evidence testing indicate a 186% increase in the number of cases positive for opioids statewide between 2002- and 2018-2020, with increases in most counties. The Kittitas County Jail houses all persons who are booked within the 2,297.3 square miles and serve all local Law Enforcement agencies as well as the United State Marshalls and Washington State Department of Corrections. The program is designed to enhance and increase staff training, screening, delivery of onsite services including intake, induction, dosing, care coordination and post-release coordination. The Kittitas County Sheriff's Office will seek a MOUD partner that is committed to enhancing the already established programming and consist of medical providers carrying certifications in Addiction and Emergency Medicine, Internal, OB/GYN, and Family Medicine, as well as other specialties. The program will include a researcher to develop and provide the necessary data as required and to further find ways to increase its capabilities by utilizing a mixed method approach consisting of participant interviews, MAT retention rates, and recidivism statistics.

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Lummi Indian Business Council


The purpose of the Lummi Indian Business Council project is to increase the availability of care and reduce barriers to those suffering from addiction and mental health issues and to create protective factors for Lummi and Tribal Youth in Washington. The primary activities of this program will be to use the Sequential Intercept Model (SIM) to help those dealing with their substance use disorder and mental health issues to help them address their illnesses. Lummi will also enhance its relationship with the Lummi Nation Police Department (LNPD) and Lummi Court System in this process. Currently, the Lummi Nation provides Narcan and Kloxxado to various community and business programs and departments, including LNPD, for overdose reverses. Lummi Nation has Drug Court and Family Court programs that prioritize and expedite treatment and recovery services and uses a variety of medication-assisted treatment evidence-based practices at their Opiate Treatment Program providing mono-buprenorphine, buprenorphine/naloxone, naltrexone, and Sublocade. It also features various harm reduction activities including transitional housing, recovery support services, needle-exchange and motivational interviewing. Lummi Nation will enhance these services and use the SIM and embed a Mental Health Counselor and Peer Counselor/Recovery Coach in Intercept 1 (law enforcement) to help those dealing with addiction or mental health issues. It will also create an education and prevention program that focuses on connecting law enforcement with K-12 students. It will not only use evidence-based practices, but also culturally based practices to ensure that protective factors are created to help children and youth be able to withstand the pressures to use drugs. Expected outcomes are to increase referrals and enrollment to mental and substance use health services through our law enforcement agency and decrease need for incarceration and increase educational and prevention services in schools to decrease alcohol and drug use in youth and school age children.

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Makah Indian Tribe of the Makah Indian Reservation


In the Comprehensive Opioid Abuse Site-Based Program application, the Makah Tribe is proposing to utilize funding under Category 1: Local or Tribal Applicants, Subcategory 1c. The applicant intends to utilize funds from this application to continue funding the two FTE positions from the previous application: the COSSAP case manager and one coordinator, who will implement the LEAD program, develop MAT protocols, and help further expand the Sisuk Houses. There are no priority considerations for this application.

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Seattle King County Department of Public Health


Seattle and King County (PH) requested funding in the amount of $1,200,000 over a 36-month period for the King County Jail Buprenorphine Inductions (KCJBI) project. This project serves King County, with a population of approximately 2.25 million. With the requested funding, KCJBI will initiate incarcerated individuals with opioid use disorder onto medication-assisted treatment with buprenorphine. To expand the MAT program, the KCJBI project will initiate individuals onto MAT during incarceration. This will be accomplished by utilizing requested funds to increase nursing and corrections officer staffing needed to execute the project. At release, individuals will be connected to a MAT provider in the community for ongoing treatment; of note, King County received DOJ COAP funding in 2019 to hire two substance use disorder specialists and one program assistant to assist in the delivery of this service. This project includes partnerships between PH, King County Department of Adult and Juvenile Detention, and community MAT providers. Priority considerations for this award include serving an area that has been disproportionately impacted by the use of illicit substances, a high-poverty area, and Qualified Opportunity Zones.

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Wisconsin Department of Justice


The Wisconsin Department of Justice (DOJ) will support the implementation of local law enforcement assisted diversion (LEAD) and medication-assisted treatment (MAT) programs in jails. Five pre-booking diversion sites using the LEAD model will be selected to provide diversion to treatment at the pre-arrest or post-arrest stages. Nine jail-based sites will be selected to provide non-narcotic, non-addictive injectable MAT to an inmate in the days immediately preceding re-entry to the community. The MAT program will include community-based care coordination for inmates exiting the county or tribal jail and rely on evidence-based, trauma-informed practices for substance use disorder treatment. This project will engage the Wisconsin DOJ's Bureau of Justice Information and Analysis as the research partner for this project.

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Cabell County


Cabell County is applying for Category 1 funding in the amount of $1,130,000. The project will enable the expansion of the Huntington Quick Response Team (QRT) by building on existing cross-system planning and collaboration among law enforcement agencies, emergency medical services, fire departments, health care providers, public health agencies, the faith community, and agencies that provide substance misuse treatment and recovery support services. The QRT team connects overdosed individuals to a treatment facility within 72 hours of an overdose event and provides training on naloxone administration; it also focuses on community engagement and building readiness. The team will create operational protocols to guide its activities. The project will also create a follow-up response team that will provide active outreach to individuals who have previously interacted with the QRT to evaluate their current treatment and/or recovery progress and will offer access to services by which they can acquire skills required to join the workforce. The goals of the project are to reduce the number of overdoses in Cabell County and to reduce the number of frequent visitors with substance use disorders to Cabell County’s health care system. The project serves Cabell County, with a population of approximately 100,000. The project will include partnerships with the Huntington Police Department, the Cabell Huntington Health Department, Cabell County Emergency Medical Services, treatment providers from Prestera Center, and the faith community. The project will engage Dr. Nandini Manne from the Department of Public Health at Marshall University as a research partner. Priority considerations addressed in this application include a high rate of primary treatment admissions for heroin, opioids, and stimulants; high rates of overdose deaths; and a lack of accessibility to treatment providers and facilities.

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Laramie County


Laramie County, Wyoming, project focuses on Law Enforcement Assisted Diversion (LEAD), a community-based, harm-reduction intervention for individuals with law violations driven by unmet behavioral health needs. The program will expand case management capacity and hours of availability, address increasing use, and overdose within the community, and provide expanded hours and resources for client support. LEAD provides a non-punitive, health-centered approach to ensure that individuals struggling with substance use or mental illness are diverted from the criminal justice system while decreasing recidivism and improving public safety. Consistent with LEAD’s Guiding Principles, this model, based on harm reduction principles, seeks to connect high-need drug offenders to culturally competent, community-based service providers at the earliest law enforcement contact and keep individuals out of the criminal justice system. Laramie County is the most populous county in Wyoming with an estimated population of 100,863 residents, and home to the state capitol, Cheyenne. LEAD is a multi-agency collaborative between the Laramie County government, Laramie County Sheriff’s Office, Cheyenne Regional Medical Center, the Cheyenne Police Department, Healthworks, Volunteers of America, and Crossroads Health Clinic. LEAD will build on existing efforts to address the needs of repeat drug offenders through an initiative based on shared planning, decision-making, data sharing, and evaluation that will: (1) expand outreach and hours of service to eligible individuals within the county; (2) enhance coordination of service delivery through the existing social service network; (3) increase referrals to substance use and mental health treatment centers; and (4) improve collaboration and communication among law enforcement agencies and social services providers. From the perspective of the Sequential Intercept Model, LEAD intercepts the individual and diverts the behavioral problem at the point of law enforcement response (Intercept 1) to channel drug-involved individuals into a community-based intervention whenever possible and appropriate. Expected outcomes of this project include reduced recidivism for low-level drug offenders in Laramie County, strengthened collaboration across county and city departments and community-based organizations to better meet the needs of individuals with a history of substance use, mental health disorders, or low-level drug offenses, and increased community public health and safety.

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