Lead Agency: East Bridgewater & Plymouth Police Departments
Program Name: Plymouth County Outreach
Location: Plymouth County, Massachusetts
Partner Agencies: Police Departments, County Sheriff’s Office, Fire/EMS Departments, Public Health agencies, Behavioral Health agencies, Peer organizations, Family and Advocacy organizations, Faith-based organizations, Hospitals, District Attorney's Office
Site population: 550,000
Pathway: Naloxone Plus, Self-Referral, Active Outreach, Officer Prevention, Officer Intervention
Year Started: 2016
Website: https://plymouthcountyoutreach.org/
Plymouth County Outreach (PCO), based in Massachusetts, is a collaboration of 27 communities that provide outreach to individuals who have experienced an overdose and their family members, and other high risk individuals with substance use disorders to connect them with treatment and recovery supports. Post-overdose outreach is conducted by specially trained officers who respond with a small team of plain clothes police officers and recovery coaches, clinicians, and/or social workers within 48 hours of an overdose event. PCO includes a real-time overdose Critical Incident Management System (CIMS) that allows for interagency communication and coordination of care. The program has also expanded its target population to provide support to individuals that self-identify to police, come into a station seeking help, or are identified by family. The “Fatal Family Follow Up” initiative component of the program provides grief support to friends and family 4-6 weeks post a fatal overdose. Plymouth County Outreach works with Kelley Research Associates to collect and analyze programmatic data for program evaluation.